10 Indulgent Ideas For Mother’s Day


Ideas For Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is supposed to be about you, and doing what makes you happy. Even though one single day is not enough to honor and appreciate your beautiful soul and what you do for your family, it does feel special, doesn’t it? So take advantage of this day, and indulge in all those things that make you feel happy, special, and pampered.

However, considering the current scenario, going outside might not be the wisest decision, but don’t let that stop you from making the most out of Mother’s Day. There are so many things you can do for yourself, in the comfort of your home, and with your family. So are you ready to make this Mother’s Day special for yourself?

Here Are 10 Indulgent Ideas For Mother’s Day

1. Sleep in for as long as you want.

When was the last time you slept in for a long time without having to stress out about all the chores you have to do? Well, this is your day and sleep in till 10-11 am if you want, because you deserve it. Life is not going to slow down anytime soon, so if you are taking some time out to sleep more, that’s perfectly fine. You never know, your kids and husband might even bring you breakfast in bed!

So wear that eye mask, close the curtains, catch up on all that pending sleep, and don’t feel guilty, for even a minute.

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2. Have an at-home brunch plan with your family.

Cook together with the family, including the kids, and just see how fun the whole thing can be. Cooking together and then sitting down to eat what all of you have prepared is a different sort of happiness altogether. So what if you can’t dress up and go to your favorite restaurant for brunch? Just do it at home! Wear your favorite dress, set the table, ask your family to dress up too if you want, and sit together and have a nice and relaxed meal. Sounds idyllic, isn’t it?

3. Curl up and do some reading.

There have been so many times that you have just wanted to sit down and read a book, but haven’t been able to do so due to the endless work meetings and family chores. But forget about all that for one day, and read the book you have always wanted to, but never got the time for. Curl up on your bed or on the couch, and do some reading. Reading is therapeutic and can help you feel relaxed, all the while taking your mind off things.

Mother's Day
Catch Up On Some Reading This Mother’S Day

4. Play board games with your family.

Playing board games is one of the best ways to bring the family together and spend some quality time with them. Bring out those board games that have been gathering dust on the shelves for the longest time, rope in your kids, and have the time of your life. Indulging in this past time together not just brings the family closer, it’s also an amazing way of making sure that every generation of the family is taking part in an activity, and loving it. This can go a long way in building stronger bonds between all the family members.

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5. Sign up for an online cooking class.

Always wanted to learn how to make butternut squash ravioli? Or make the best and smoothest buttercream frosting? The best way to fulfill these wishes is by signing up for an online cooking class. Step out of your comfort zone, and learn to make things that you have always wanted to, but never found the time and confidence to do so. You don’t have to be a master chef in order to try this out; do this for yourself, so that you can whip up some delicious food for your family and friends, and most importantly, yourself.

6. Have an ice cream party at home.

Is there really anything better than gorging on ice cream, and that too during summer? Organize a ‘Sundae and Ice Cream’ party at home by setting up an ice cream bar with different flavors of ice creams, and a lot of different toppings. Turn your kitchen or drawing room into an ice cream parlor, and build your own sundaes, the way you used to do when you were a kid. So go ahead and make your favorite Mint Chocolate Chip with Hot Fudge Sundae, and have the best Mother’s Day ever!

7. Indulge in some much-needed alone time.

Go back to those days before you became a parent, and think about how much more simpler and relaxed your life was. What do you miss the most? The answer is probably having some alone time and doing what you want to do to unwind. Be it getting a pedicure, or watching a movie by yourself, you had a lot of spare time in your hands, but now, not really; you are always busy with something or the other.

So, this is the perfect day for some much-awaited me-time, and make sure that you indulge in it to the fullest. Spending some time alone occasionally can make you feel more better and peaceful, mentally.

Related: Why Women Who Choose Not To Be Mothers Should Be Celebrated

8. Plan a romantic, candlelight dinner with your husband.

Breakfast in bed might sound blissful with your kids, but you also deserve to have some romantic time with your husband…without the kids. Once you tuck them in for the night, spend some quality time with your husband, by having a nice, romantic candlelight dinner with him. Talk about yourselves, have some good food and drinks, indulge in some romance, and have a nice time with each other. Who knows when you will be able to do this next?

9. Monopolize the remote controller.

Most of the time, you let your kids watch what they want to watch on TV and listen to what they want to listen to on the stereo. But this day is for you, and it is all about you! So, don’t hesitate to take over the remote controller and watch movies YOU want to watch, and listen to the music YOU want. Take this time for yourself, and get some much-needed self-pampering done to your senses. Again, Mother’s Day is about what you want to do, because you deserve every bit of it.

10. Spoil yourself with some wine while having a bubble bath.

Is there anything more heavenly and blissful than having a glass of wine while you are relaxing in a bubble bath? Hardly any! This is one of the forms of self-care, where you take a break from all your responsibilities and duties and focus on having a peaceful time. Self-care is important for having a clear and happy mind, and also helps with your mental health. When you take time out for yourself and pamper yourself, it helps your self-esteem too. If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of others?

So, these are some cozy and fun ideas for you to try out on Mother’s Day and have a day of pure self-indulgence. Which ones are you going to do? Let us know in the comments down below!

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10 Indulgent Ideas For Mother’s Day

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