They Fear You Because Of Your Strength


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They Fear You Because Of Your Strength

You might not have realized this, but if you are a mentally strong person, people tend to fear you. Your immense strength intimidates them.

Maybe theyโ€™re afraid of you because you are too honest at times when people are attracted by sweet-talkers and manipulators who make lies sound better than the truth. Maybe your truth is too bitter for those who donโ€™t want to feel and taste your genuine self – the people who only want the cherry on the top of the cake. – Conscious Reminder

they fear you

There are always so many reasons which make other people fear you. Most of the time, they fear your excellence or your independence.

While other times, the fear is induced by your overall personality. Now, it is important to understand the concept of fear.

People fear you because you have what they do not possess.

This means that they are afraid of the idea that you are so much bigger and better than what they cannot even think about being. This makes them afraid of you, as the โ€˜lackโ€™ which they know is in their own selves makes them insecure.

Thus, in this process, you become the place that they want to achieve but cannot achieve because you are your own kind. You become a larger than life personality in their heads, and thus the fear can be induced out of sheer respect as well.

Related: 10 Things A Confident Strong Woman Will Do Differently

It is a possibility that they are scared of your unflinching honesty.

This means that you are absolutely honest with others and even with yourselves and maybe this makes them afraid. They cannot even try to be as honest as you are and this irks them so much and so bad.

Your hatred for sweet talk and sycophancy is exactly what they cannot do. They appease others because to survive in this world, they use sugar-coating reality as a way to understand reality. Of course, this bothers you because you have the desire to keep up the often ignored ideal of honesty.

How will the world not fear you?

Another possibility is that they are scared of you because you are clear about what you want in your life. This means that no matter what happens, you know how to deal with life and you know exactly what your goal is, you know where you have to reach.

Maybe sometimes, life puts you down and makes you feel bad about yourself but you know how to gather the pieces of your life and move forward. Obviously, most people donโ€™t know what they want. They keep copying one another and have no special ambitions of their own.

But you, oh! You know what you need when you need it and how you need it.

It is just one of your superpowers that others are scared of. This complete surety about your own life also creates a very powerful aura of confidence that scares the aimless people.

People can also be scared of you because you donโ€™t participate in life as if it is a game.

You donโ€™t believe in the competition that the world is involved in. More importantly, you believe that you are so much ahead of most of these people who are involved in playing these petty games.

They are afraid of you because you compete with yourself. What makes them absolutely scared is the idea that you donโ€™t believe in the rewards that the world offers. You believe in excellence and you strive for that.

they fear you

Maybe, they are afraid of you because you say what they do not even have the courage or the ability to hear. You say what you think is true and you strongly believe in it.

Sometimes while saying the truth, you may hurt a person or ten but that doesnโ€™t stop you from speaking your mind. You are habitual and even comfortable in being hated but you are not comfortable in not saying what you believe.

Related: 15 Traits of A Mentally Strong Woman

You scare them because you remember. You remember exactly what they said and how they behaved and how they made you feel.

You remember everything. You donโ€™t forget; not out of remorse but because of the fact that this memory makes you the person that you are.

It makes you better and you are able to achieve what you want. Also, you remember everything because you need it for yourself.

Maybe theyโ€™re scared of you because you know what scares them.

You know why they are scared and you have seen that feeling of fear in their eyes and thatโ€™s exactly what makes you more of our own self and less of what others want you to be.

It can be the case that theyโ€™re afraid of you because you can live all by yourself. They are scared of your independence and of your ability to make decisions for yourself.

You do not seek anyoneโ€™s approval and continue to do what you want to do. Also, you are your own boss and you feel no shame in being this way.

You know your worth.

You know you have a โ€˜worthโ€™ and not a โ€˜valueโ€™. You know exactly what you are and you do not allow others to treat you in any way they want.

You do not let yourself be sold for someone elseโ€™s pleasure and you know you are much, much bigger than what people assume you to be.

Maybe, there are more reasons than these that make them scared of you. But these reasons should not make you believe in yourself any less. These reasons should rather motivate you and make you feel that the people around you are able to see what kind of person you are going to become.

They are afraid that you will actually become what you have thought for yourself.

Related: 10 Qualities A Mentally Strong Woman Wants In Her Man

Whatever may be the reason for their fear, do not change your path. Continue to work on yourself and hone your skills. Continue to make yourself better. Continue to be just the way you are. Do not change yourself to be accepted by others.

Let yourself be denied by them because when people deny you, life chooses you. And when life chooses you, it treats you like a diamond that needs polishing. This is exactly what will make you the person you want to become.

Practice in what you believe and one day the universe will rise up to meet you.

Let there be love, hope and light!

The Minds Journal Articles Volume -1  is Copyright Protected vide Regd.# L-103222/2021 

They Fear You Because Of Your Strength
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They Fear You Because Of Your Strength

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  1. Aleena Jet Gonzalez Avatar
    Aleena Jet Gonzalez

    The article – really a good one… like mirroring myself ๐Ÿ™‚
    Keep it up, your helping us all to keep going, be safe always…. Godbless

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