17 Things An Introvert Wants You To Know


Things Introvert Wants You To Know

Iโ€™ve always been an introvert. Thereโ€™s nothing quite like relaxing by myself with a good book.

Even if I donโ€™t have anything to occupy myself with, Iโ€™ll just sit and dream. Iโ€™m the most forgettable person in almost all situations and I love that.

This is what itโ€™s like to be an introvert.

1. I crave solitude

Donโ€™t get me wrong, I care deeply for those close to me but I also love having time to myself. Without people around, I can really concentrate on the things Iโ€™m passionate about.

Related: 11 Daily Struggles Only An Introvert Will Understand

I can do it all the way I want to and not think about how others would react. I can keep myself busy and I donโ€™t really want to do the things others do when they hang out.

Introverts Like Drinking Coffee Alone

2. I get easily bored by conversations

I hate having to talk for the sake of it. Meaningless chatter just doesnโ€™t sound right to me even though I force myself to do it now and then so I donโ€™t seem rude.

Related: People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits

An introvert wants and prefers to have a meaningful discussion with one person he/she truly connect with rather than be part of a crowd.

introvert wants

3. I canโ€™t handle spontaneous invitations

Iโ€™m a planner. Itโ€™s what I do. I have most of my days planned out well. I even plan my leisure hours when I can just lounge around and chill without having to be productive.

Related: 13 Extraordinary Things Introverts Love To Do In Their Leisure Time

Iโ€™m genuinely happy when I get to do that so if someone tells me they want me somewhere in five minutes, I really canโ€™t make that switch.

Introvert Inclusion

4. Iโ€™m not entirely honest when I want to avoid something

While weโ€™ve all been told to always go with the truth, itโ€™s just too tiring to go into detail about what itโ€™s like for an introvert with people who just donโ€™t understand.

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I do try to tell it like it is, but if Iโ€™m just too tired, Iโ€™ll just make up a good excuse that will allow me to maintain my friendship with the person who has invited me while saving me from a social situation I donโ€™t want to be in.

being an introvert

5. I canโ€™t handle crowds

If Iโ€™ve had to spend way too much time with others who Iโ€™m not really close to and if they are too many people and too much noise, Iโ€™ll just break down and cry no matter where I am at that moment.

I Prefer A Small Circle

6. I will go to great lengths to hide from people

Introvert wants to hide from people. When Iโ€™m feeling too overwhelmed, I donโ€™t care where I go as long as it is a private place. Iโ€™ve even spent some time hiding in a dirty toilet stall in a public place just so I could have a few moments of peace.

introverts are Allergic to people

7. Not everything I obsess over is useful

I do have moments when Iโ€™m considering the deeper questions about life, the universe, and everything.

But sometimes, my analytical abilities donโ€™t serve me well. I obsess over meaningless quarrels for ages and ages. An introvert doesn’t always want to obsess over what is useful.

Yes, I Do Enjoy Walking At Night

8. I donโ€™t care for too many people

Iโ€™m part of a close group of friends who I care deeply about but I canโ€™t extend that to too many people. I find it hard to connect to others.

I'm Never Lonely

9. It feels like Iโ€™m in a play every time Iโ€™m in a new social situation

Every time I meet someone new, I feel like Iโ€™m putting on a show. Iโ€™m constantly telling myself to look the in the eye, to look like I know what Iโ€™m talking about, to stand up straight, and so on. Iโ€™ve memorized a number of tips that help me look more interested.

Related: 10 Things An Introvert Does When He Likes You

The Fewer People I Involve Myself With The Happier I Become

10. Donโ€™t trust your initial judgment of me

Iโ€™ve had friends tell me that they didnโ€™t like me too much when were first introduced to me. I can be reserved and that makes me look impolite. Itโ€™s just that I need a while to put myself at ease so I can open up better

I Reveal Myself In Layers

11. I canโ€™t flit from topic to topic

As an introvert, I measure my words before I say them out loud. But most people tend to move through conversations very fast and this makes it very hard for me to participate because I canโ€™t keep up.

I Always Felt Like I'm Not From This Generation

12. Iโ€™m not good at expressing myself

Iโ€™ve been told that I donโ€™t show a lot of emotion, be it in my professional life or my personal life. Hiding my emotions comes naturally to me and I just donโ€™t realize that I need to open up a little.

I Could Like You

13. I just want to be invisible at times

Introvert wants to be invisible at times. I just wish I could hide in my own spot, cut off the rest of the world, and be perfectly alone. Of course, I donโ€™t want to be alone forever, just for a short time.

I Disappear

14. Iโ€™m all for isolation but I can also get lonely

I like being alone but I also desire affection and friendship and romance. But itโ€™s not easy to create intimate connections.

I'm Close To Very Few People

15. Iโ€™m actually happy when my partner has other obligations

This happens when youโ€™re an introvert dating an introvert. We tend to spend a lot of time inside and we donโ€™t have a big house so we are thrown together all the time.

Related: Most Intelligent People Choose To Be Less Social. Hereโ€™s why!

So itโ€™s nice to have some time alone when he goes out with his own friends.

16. I really donโ€™t mind when you back out of a plan

Iโ€™ll say all the right things to make it look like Iโ€™m a little disappointed but I donโ€™t really mean it. Iโ€™m usually happy that Iโ€™m getting some alone time.

At the same time, I need to say those words so that you donโ€™t think Iโ€™m glad to be rid of you.

Sometimes I Feel Super Social And Charming

17. Itโ€™s not you, itโ€™s me

An introvert wants to speak out!

Iโ€™m terrible at communication but I want to tell all those who are close to me that I truly love them. They make my life what it is and I wouldnโ€™t be who I am without them.

But I get too immersed in my own head now and then and itโ€™s difficult to come out.

So, these are 17 things an introvert wants you to know. If you’ve enjoyed reading, feel free to share it with your friends. Also, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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The Truth About Being An Introvert As Told By An Introvert
Things Introvert Wants You To Know Pin
17 Things An Introvert Wants You To Know

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  1. Stefan Avatar

    I found this one of the most accurate descriptions of myself, not all but most are relevant to myself. I actually just sent it to a potential better half to give her more of an insight to me. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

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