17 Signs You Are A Highly Sensitive Person


Signs you Highly Sensitive Person

Highly sensitive people see the world differently. They feel, experience, and perceive the world around them in ways others donโ€™t, and thatโ€™s why they are regarded as gifted and unique.

Their self-awareness heightened sensitivity and keen observational skills make them some of the most intuitive and empathetic people out there. 

Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s no surprise that most of the time, itโ€™s the sensitive ones who strive to do good for society, show compassion towards others, and bring about positive changes in the world. 

Do you think you are a highly sensitive person? Check out these signs to know for sure!

17 Signs You Are A Highly Sensitive Person

1. You see what others donโ€™t. 

You can read between the lines and understand even the unspoken, unsaid things. You just know when something feels off, and when someoneโ€™s not being authentic.

2. Solitude is important for recharging your batteries. 

You need a lot of alone time and solitude to function properly, and without it, you feel emotionally and mentally drained. Alone time helps you recharge your batteries.

Read Is It Solitude or Loneliness?: 4 Questions to Help You Tell

3. You have a strong intuition. 

You are an incredibly intuitive person whose gut instincts are almost never wrong. Your intuition has always helped you be on the right path. 

4. Violence and suffering bothers you a lot. 

You tend to stay away from the news or any kind of content that revolves around abuse, violence, suffering or injustice, as it disturbs you to no end. 

5. Crowded places make you feel uncomfortable. 

You feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed in overcrowded and noisy places, due to your hyperactive sensory system. This makes you zone out in spaces like this.

6. Conflicts give you a lot of anxiety. 

You donโ€™t like conflicts of any sort, and heated situations like such make you feel anxious and stressed. 

Read 10 Surprisingly Effective Natural Remedies for Anxiety

7. You are kind and compassionate.

You feel an enormous amount of kindness and compassion for others, especially those who have difficult lives with a lot of suffering. 

8. You notice things that others donโ€™t.

You are an observant person whose eyes never fail to notice even a single detail, and you see things that others tend to ignore or dismiss. 

9. Indecisiveness plagues you most of the time.  

You sometimes find it hard to make decisions, because all you want to do is take the right call, without any negative consequences, and this stresses you out more. 

10. You feel sick and low on energy often.

You suffer from physical ailments which you canโ€™t always explain, such as brain fog, migraines, and constant fatigue. 

11. You are imaginative. 

You have a vibrant imagination, and a rich inner world, which is why you never get bored whenever youโ€™re alone. 

12. When you fall for someone, you fall for them hard. 

You donโ€™t fall in love that easily, but when you do, you feel a lot of intense and powerful emotions for them. 

13. Certain stimulants make you feel unwell. 

You are sensitive to things like caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and spicy foods. 

14. You are an attentive listener. 

You are a phenomenal listener who often serves as the sounding board for all their close ones. Your ability to listen and empathize with people makes them love you even more. 

15. You are a people-pleaser. 

You always think about what others think of you, and whether they like you or not, and sometimes this makes you feel like you donโ€™t belong. 

16. You are an emotionally intense person. 

You have an amazing emotional depth which makes you see the world on a deeper level, and with an intense insight. 

17. You are introverted and shy. 

You are often regarded as shy, quiet, awkward, and introverted. 

Being emotional and sensitive are not weaknesses, rather they are your biggest strengths. You believe in helping others, lifting them up, and showing them kindness. 

You are one of the good ones who believes in always doing the right thing, even when itโ€™s not the easiest thing to do. Be proud of who you are as a person, and never think that your sensitivity is your weakness 

Your light and positivity is what this world needs right now.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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