9 Signs You Might Be a Perfectionist


Signs You Perfectionist

Do you always set the bar too high for yourself and others? Do you tend to be hard on people when they cannot live up to the unrealistic standards you set for them? Then the following article on the signs of perfectionism is for you!

You may not have a meticulously organized junk drawer or a closet full of clothes organized by color or sleeve length, but perfectionist traits may still be affecting your lifeโ€”and holding you back. Can you relate to any of these habits?

9 Signs Of Perfectionism

Here are the signs of a perfectionist:

Do You Identify With These 9 Signs Of Perfectionism?
9 Signs Of Perfectionism

1. You Think In All-Or-Nothing Terms

Something is either right or wrong, good or bad, perfect or a disaster. You tend to think in one extreme or the other, rather than seeing the characteristics of people and situations existing along a continuum. For example, you tend to think, “She is mean,โ€ instead of, โ€œShe can sometimes be mean.โ€

Related: The Perfectionistโ€™s Trap: How Perfectionism Robs Us Of Our Humanity

2. You Think, And Then Act, In Extremes

Have you ever acted on a sentiment like this, more than once?: “I had one cookie and screwed up my dietโ€ฆI might as well eat them all.โ€

3. You Canโ€™t Trust Others To Do A Task Correctly, So You Rarely Delegate

Others may see you as a micro-manager or control freak, but you see your actions as just wanting to get the job done right.

4. You Have Demanding Standards For Yourself And Others

You believe in always giving your best and you expect others to do the same. And you are scared to death of looking like a failure.

If you identify with these signs of perfectionism, take care of your mental health

5. You Have Trouble Completing A Project Because You Think There Is Always Something More You Can Do To Make It Better

You obsess about sharing your book, project, meal, invitation, business card, website, article, or speech with others. You want to make sure your work is the best it can be before revealing it.

Related: How Self-Compassion Can Fight Perfectionism

6. You Use The Word โ€œShouldโ€ A Lot

โ€œI should do this,” and โ€œThey should do that,โ€ may be common phrases, both out loud and inside your head. You have certain โ€œrulesโ€ you believe that you, and others, should follow. And when those rules aren’t followed, you are not pleased.

7. Your Self-Confidence Depends On What You Accomplish And How Others React To You

You strive for excellence and need validation from others to feel good about your accomplishments. Whatโ€™s more, once you have achieved a goal, you quickly move on to the next one.

8. You Tend To Fixate On Something You Messed Up

You may have done something right, but still, focus instead on the one mistake you made.

9. You Procrastinate Or Avoid Situations Where You Think You Might Not Excel

It may seem counterintuitive, but many people who procrastinate or avoid doing something are actually perfectionists: They’re afraid they will fail. Their rationale is, โ€œI might not be able to do it perfectly, so why bother at all?โ€

Related: How to Stop Perfectionism From Controlling Your Life

Do you know how perfectionism is affecting your life? Take the Better Than Perfect Quiz to find out!

For daily inspiration follow Dr. E on Instagram: DrELombardo https://www.instagram.com/drelombardo/ 

Written By Elizabeth Lombardo
Originally Appeared In Elizabeth Lombardo

Could you relate to these 9 signs of perfectionism? If you have these signs of a perfectionist, you might want to be a little easy on yourself as well as on others.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if you are a perfectionist?

If you always want everything to be flawless and can identify with the above-mentioned signs of perfectionism, you might be one.

What are the traits of a perfectionist?

Nitpicking, not settling for anything less than excellent, and setting unrealistic high standards are some of the signs of a perfectionist.

Is perfectionism a mental illness?

No, it is not, however, perfectionism can be found as a common trait among people with several mental health disorders, including OCD.

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Find out what the 9 signs of perfectionism are!
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9 Signs Of Perfectionism
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