12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family


signs youve met someone from your soul family

What is a soul family? How are soul family connections formed? How do you know you have met someone from a soul family? How to find a soul family? Read on to know.

Have you ever come across a person who you feel like you’ve known “forever” – even if you’ve just met them? Have you ever come across a person with who you immediately connect, without knowing why?

Sometimes these people actually know what you’re going to say before you’ve even said anything. Mateo and I used to call these experiences “freaky mind connections” because we’d often think and say the exact same thing at the exact same moment.

These people who we connect with on a deep heart level can be thought of as our “Soul Family” or “Soul Group.”

I’ll share with you how to recognize members of your own Soul Family and what lessons they’ll help you learn.

What Is A Soul Family?

soul family
12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

A Soul Family is comprised of a group of people that your Soul energetically resonates with on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

These people are members of the same “Spirit Family” as you and they share an intensely strong bond that transcends time and space itself.

Intuitively, most people tend to describe this connection as sharing the same “frequency” or “vibration” because of the deep harmony felt.

Such a deep and harmonious connection goes beyond sharing the same surface-based personality tastes, hobbies, and opinions: it’s an intense magnetic and spiritual bond that is inexplicable to the mind.

Therefore, your Soul Family is often described as being comprised of Souls that are cut from the same “energetic cloth” as you.

Your Soul Family Are Those That Are Tuned Into Your Frequency
12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

Types Of Soul Family Connections

There are many different types of Soul Family connections that you can develop including:

Essentially, a Soul connection happens when two people of the same vibrational frequency energetically overlap and share similar thoughts, feelings, values, and dreams.

Although you might come from different cultures, races, or opposite backgrounds, you’ll immediately sense an ancient and strong connection in your bones, blood, and very Soul.

Related: 10 Signs You Have Found A Soulmate In A Friend

Why Do We Have Soul Families?

To me, the most valuable social experience a person can ever have is meeting a member of their Soul Family.

The defining quality of this type of person is that they make it impossible for you to remain the same person by the time they exit your life.

Relationships, like nature itself, have many seasons. Uniting with a Soul Family member can last a few hours on a plane trip, or end after 60 years of marriage. Sometimes only physical death will end (if only momentarily) such connections.

Every member of your Soul Family will appear in your life to teach you a lesson and to catalyze your spiritual awakening.

However, we’re not always ready to fully connect with members of our Soul Family – but even this is a lesson unto itself.

So why do we have Soul Families?

Metaphysically speaking, Soul Families are a natural product of the “flow” of Spirit. If you look at the Ocean, you’ll notice that sometimes clusters of waves arise.

The same goes for Soul Families: we are all Spirit, but we’re also broken down into many different Soul Families.

These Soul Families carry out certain roles, namely, to help each other embody the purpose of their Souls.

In other words, your Soul Family is here to help you learn, grow, and experience what ancient traditions have referred to as “nirvana”, self-realization, or enlightenment.

Related: Spiritual Awakening: 23 Major Signs and Symptoms

Soul Families Throughout History

In many spiritual traditions, the obstacles that we face in this life are said to be chosen before birth.

It is said that we choose the family we’re born into, the bodies and personalities we develop, and the people we bring into our lives.

These people are chosen because our Souls knew they would give us the best chance to learn the many life lessons we need to grow spiritually.

There are many examples of Soul Families throughout history that gained a lot of force and traction, therefore creating drastic social change.

Take, for instance, the Creative Renaissance, which was composed of figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Machiavelli, Thomas More, Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Galileo, Martin Luther, and William Shakespeare.

Chances are that they were all part of the same Soul Family!

There was also the Spiritual Renaissance which was composed of figures such as Gautama Buddha, Mahavira, Makkhali Gosala, and Ajita Kesakambali.

In China, there was Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mencius, Chuang Tzu, and Lieh Tzu, and in Greece, there were Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras.

All of these individuals interacted with each other (directly or indirectly) in different ways that were necessary for a revolution to occur.

The amazing thing is that each of these Soul Families has wildly expanded our collective growth and evolutionary progress.

Not only that, but each coming generation will bring in waves of powerful and transformative Soul Family energy that is built upon the previous progress of earlier Soul Families.

By finding your Soul Family, you grow at not only an individual level but also a collective level. Each plan, each path, is equally as important in the overall evolution of the whole.

It’s only through this profound experience of relating to one another on a Soul level that drastic change can occur on both an inner and outer level.

12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family info
12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

If wanderers who are members of other sects should ask you, “What, friend, are the prerequisites for the development of the wings to self-awakening?” you should answer, “There is the case where a monk has admirable friends, admirable companions, admirable comrades. This is the first prerequisite for the development of the wings to self-awakening.”

– Gautama Buddha (The Anguttara Nikaya)

There are a few ways to tell if you’ve met someone who resonates with you on a Soul level. (Please note that in the case of karmic relationships, a lot of these signs don’t apply.) Here are a few things you might notice:

1. Your eye contact is deep and engaging

You’re not afraid to make prolonged eye contact with members of your Soul Family – it doesn’t feel awkward. When you do make eye contact, it’s as if there’s something familiar that you both share, something comforting, something ancient.

Perhaps when you make eye contact, you’re tapping into a deeper truth that you both silently understand and share.

2. They will be more Soul-centric than Ego-centric

Members of your Soul Family will not be interested in ego-centered pursuits such as fame, status, money, and glory. Instead, they’ll be more soul-centered.

For example, they might be interested in conscious living, meditation, healthy eating, yoga, helping the environment, and so forth. Even if they’re not overly “spiritual” per se, you’ll be able to pick up on their big heart.

3. You’re magnetically drawn to them

For no apparent reason, members of your Soul Family will “pop out” to you like sore thumbs. You’ll be immediately drawn to them and their energy. Even if you lose touch with them, they’ll likely emerge in your life over and over again.

Related: Detox Your Soul: 11 Signs Your Soul Needs Cleansing

4. Both of you speak the “same language”

When speaking, both of you share similar thoughts and insights, and you’re on the “same page” emotionally. It’s not uncommon for you to both repeat the same thoughts and words as if you’re mirroring each other’s minds.

5. You feel as though you’ve known them for your entire life

You’ve never felt so comfortable and understood by another person in your entire life! Deep down, your connection feels timeless. When you first met this person, you felt a strange sense of recognition and familiarity.

6. You always feel energized around them

Whenever you spend time with a member of your Soul Tribe, you’ll feel energetically uplifted rather than drained.

7. They appear in your life when you most need guidance

The moment you’re open to growing beyond your current layers of fear and limiting beliefs is the moment you’ll attract a member of your Soul Family for spiritual guidance.

“Family” Isn’t Defined Only By Last Names Or By Blood
12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

8. Hours talking with them feels like minutes

Time is completely relative when you speak with someone from your Soul Family. You enjoy talking with them so much that time disappears quickly and before you know it, three hours have gone by!

Related: Why Soul Connections Are More Important In Our Life Than Soulmates

9. They reflect your best qualities

Your Soul Family reflects your best qualities, but they will also challenge you to see and embrace your greatest flaws.

Sometimes challenging you will include creating difficult circumstances for you to learn from (usually unconsciously), or being brutally honest with you (even if it hurts).

Whatever the case, you can count on your Soul Family to help you authentically grow.

10. You share similar life experiences

Themes such as abandonment, abuse, isolation, and other struggles will be shared between you and your Soul Family member. Each life theme will be used as a basis for growth, advice, and mutual support.

11. Your Soul feels nourished in their presence

There are some people in life who seem to weigh heavily on your Spirit – your Soul Family does the opposite. You’ll always feel seen, understand, loved, and uplifted by members of your Soul Tribe.

12. You can be your raw and authentic self with them

There’s no need to hide, fake, or pretend to be someone else around your Soul Family. Your Soul Family honors and celebrates the “authentic” you both on a personality level, and a Soul level.

Related: Discover Your True Authentic Self

How To Find Your Soul Family

Where do you find people from your Soul Family?

People have asked me this question so many times, and I once asked the same thing too. But the question isn’t about “where” you’ll find them – your Soul Family will find you. Instead, the question is “When” you will find them.

Over the years, I’ve found that a time comes in your life when you feel a strong pull toward your Soul Family as if you’re finally ready to meet them.

When members of your Soul Family also reach the same readiness, synchronicity will bring you together.

But this inner feeling doesn’t mean that you should sit around, twiddle your thumbs, and continue your normal routine without changing anything.

You can’t win the lottery unless you buy a ticket! Once you feel ready to meet them, you need to start actively pursuing the encounter.

At this point, you’ll need to listen to your intuition or gut feelings rather than your head. Your mind, full of fears and past habits, will guide you toward the path that feels most comfortable and safe – this is the wrong path.

Related: 14 Tips and Tricks To Master Your Intuition

The best path forward is to listen to your heart.

Certainly, your heart will guide you to step outside of your comfort zone and feel uncomfortable. But, in the end, your heart knows the way as it is connected to your Soul.

Likely, you’ll find your intuition guiding you toward new places and activities that you’ve never tried before.

For example, you might be guided to create an online meetup group, join a cooking class, start tai chi, take up a volunteering position, or even travel to a place that unexpectedly calls to you.

You might only meet one person from your Soul Family, or if you’re fortunate, you might meet all of them – but this isn’t important.

What matters is having the experience of meeting those who share your purpose and mission on Earth to support our collective evolution as a species.

I feel blessed to know so many of my Soul Tribe through this work and website. I hope that you’re drawn ever closer to other members of your Soul Family each day.

Have you ever met a member of your Soul Family? What was it like? Please share below!

Written By: Aletheia Luna
Originally Appeared On: Loner Wolf
Republished with permission

Now that you know the soul family meaning and the value of your spiritual team, let us know your thoughts on this by commenting down below!

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12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family
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12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family
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12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family
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12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family
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12 Signs You’ve Met Someone From Your Soul Family

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