Robin Williams’ Wife Unveils the True Reason Behind His Suicide


Robin Williams' Widow Unveils the True Reason Behind His Suicide

Not Depression but Dementia with Lewy bodies- The cause of Robin Williams’ suicide revealed!

Robin Williams, one of the worldโ€™s most beloved actors and comedians, took his own life in 2014, leaving many people all over the globe shocked, confused and heartbroken.

The man who had been known for his ability to make everyone laugh and smile was gone, and it was by his own doing.

Williamsโ€™ wife recently came out to shed light on his death, revealing the hardship that Robin was suffering from in the days leading up to his suicide.

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Robinโ€™s wife, Susan, told Good Morning America that โ€œIt was not depression that killed Robin Williams.โ€

โ€œDepression was one of letโ€™s call it 50 symptoms, and it was a small one.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve spent this last year trying to find out what killed Robin,โ€ said Susan, โ€œto understand what we were fighting, what we were in the trenches fighting.

And one of the doctors said, โ€˜Robin was very aware that he was losing his mind and there was nothing he could do about it.โ€™โ€

An autopsy conducted on Williamsโ€™ body would ultimately reveal that he had been suffering from Dementia with Lewy Bodies, a disease much like Alzheimerโ€™s that slowly decreases oneโ€™s ability to think, reason and function independently.

โ€œI know now the doctorsโ€”the whole teamโ€”was doing exactly the right things,โ€ Susan says, โ€œItโ€™s just that this disease was faster than us and bigger than us. We would have gotten there eventually.โ€

Susan says that Robin would often transition in and out of lucidness; one moment he was speaking intelligently about something and the next he was saying things that made zero sense.

She describes the disease as a person behaving much like a โ€œpinball machineโ€ because of how random and sudden the symptoms are.

Susan believes that Robinโ€™s suicide was ultimately his last attempt to have some sort of control over his own life.

โ€œIn my opinion, oh yeah. I mean, there are many reasons. Believe me. Iโ€™ve thought about thisโ€”of what was going on in his mind, what made him ultimately commit, you know, to do that act.

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And I think he was just saying, โ€˜No.โ€™ And I donโ€™t blame him one bit. I donโ€™t blame him one bit.โ€

You can check out the full interview with Robinโ€™s wife Susan right here.

Robin Williams' Wife Unveils the True Reason Behind His Suicide

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  1. Julie Barrett Avatar
    Julie Barrett

    Most Beautiful man. But still and always every time I see his face or hear his voice I think if all the joy he brought. Huge heart. He will always be remembered and missed. A one off, unique and caring man.

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