Why Depression in Most Men Go Unrecognised


Why Depression in Most Men Go Unrecognised

Why Depression in Most Men Go Unrecognised

Depression impacts millions of people worldwide. It is not just those suffering directly with depression, but loved ones who feel the effects too. 

Recognizing depression and getting appropriate professional help is the first step to cohabiting with depression. But sometimes that is easier said than done.

Depression can be a consequence of a life event. It can be the result of chemical changes in your brain. Depression can also stem from grief or trauma, or chronic pain.

Evidence also suggests that depression can be hereditary, related to genes.

The reasons why a person is susceptible to depression is as varied as how depression manifests itself. And women and men tend to display different signs. And the danger is that depression may not always seem like depression in a man.

Men tend to hide away their emotions and are often more unwilling to talk about their emotions than women.

Men are more willing to go to the doctor with the physical symptoms of depression than they are with the emotional or mental symptoms. The racing heart and the digestive problems will more likely motivate a male to make a medical appointment than that continual feeling of anxiousness.

A depressed man may be inexplicably irritable, angry or even aggressive.

His sleep patterns may be erratic.

He may lose interest in his family. He may become a stranger to his wife. Depression may impact his ability to be a father.

He may engage in high-risk activities.

He may turn to alcohol.

Read 5 Ways To Help Someone Who Is Dealing With Depression

He may feel worthless and lost. He may think his existence is a burden.

He may be indecisive and forgetful.

Daily responsibilities may fall by the wayside.

He may noticeably lose weight.

He may suffer all this in silence and in total isolation.

He may not recognize the signs of depression himself.

Itโ€™s often loved ones who identify there is a serious issue. Eventually. And convincing a man with depression that he has depression is not always easy. And itโ€™s only the first step on a long journey.

Depression wonโ€™t just go away. Donโ€™t be afraid to ask for help.

Originally appeared on TheGoodMenProject.com
Written by Amanda van Mulligen
Printed with permission from author

Why Depression in Most Men Go Unrecognised
Why Depression in Most Men Go Unrecognised

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