When Your Relationship Anxiety Makes You Feel Unloved


When Your Relationship Anxiety Makes You Feel Unloved

If you live with anxiety, you may constantly doubt your relationship, wondering if your partner will remain faithful or break your heart. You may ruminate over the dynamic between you and your partner, looking for signs that something is amiss. But above all else, you may feel unloved, even when your partner is loving and supportive.

Having Anxiety And Being In A Relationship Is Hard AF
When Your Relationship Anxiety Makes You Feel Unloved

You may take your partnerโ€™s love language as a sign that they donโ€™t love you. You might see your partnerโ€™s physical touch or loving gestures as confusing, wondering why they arenโ€™t telling you how much they love you. You may remind yourself that everyone shows love differently, but still feel like your partnerโ€™s love isnโ€™t clear enough for you to see.

You might feel as though your partner is unable to communicate with you in the way you need or that theyโ€™ve stopped wanting to be with you entirely. And you may yearn to feel loved in the ways that speak to you, but worry if you share your feelings, your partner will leave.

You may feel like you can never stop questioning whatโ€™s on your partnerโ€™s mind, wondering if they truly mean what they say. You might read extra layers of meaning into their words and interpret their gentle critiques as a sign theyโ€™re ready to walk away. You may be afraid to ask them to share their feelings in case they tell you that they donโ€™t love you. And you might find that your doubts consume you, even when you feel safest in your partnerโ€™s arms.

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You may wonder what your partner sees in you, viewing yourself through the lens of your anxiety instead of seeing yourself through their eyes. You might feel like youโ€™re the sum of your perceived faults, not a loving, caring, kind person who wants to love and be loved.

You may wonder if your partnerโ€™s eyes will wander if theyโ€™ll find someone who has all of the qualities you perceive that you lack. And you might self-sabotage, downplaying your best qualities and letting your anxiety convince you that youโ€™re unlovable, even when your partner has every reason to love you.

When your relationship anxiety makes you feel unloved, remember the moments your partner had actively shown their love โ€” the times they hold you in their arms, the moments they take extra tasks off your hands and the instances when they tell you how much they adore you. Remind yourself of the times your partner has prioritized you or spoken your love language. Recall of the times theyโ€™ve established trust and shown you that no matter what your anxiety forces you to believe, youโ€™re their one and only.

relationship anxiety
When Your Relationship Anxiety Makes You Feel Unloved

Your relationship anxiety may feel all-consuming, racing through your heart and mind more quickly than you can cope with it. It might make you feel like you feel disconnected from your partner โ€” alone and unloved. But when you look for the little signs that your partner truly does love you, you can quiet your anxiety and remind yourself of the truth โ€” youโ€™re always worthy of love.

Also read 10 Signs You Have Found A Soulmate In A Friend

Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

Written by: Kelly Douglas
Originally appeared on: The Mighty
Republished with permission
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When Your Relationship Anxiety Makes You Feel Unloved

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