We Are Only As Blind As We Want To Be

We are only as blind as we want to be

‘We are only as blind as we want to be.’

– Maya Angelou

This quote by Maya Angelou, “We are only as blind as we want to be,” speaks to the concept of willful ignorance and the human tendency to overlook or ignore certain truths or realities. It suggests that blindness, in this context, is often a choice rather than an inevitable condition. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its meaning:

“We are only as blind”:

The phrase starts by introducing the idea of blindness, which in this context is metaphorical. It refers to a lack of awareness or understanding, rather than physical blindness. This metaphorical blindness can relate to various aspects of life, such as personal growth, social issues, relationships, and self-awareness. It implies a limitation in perception, a refusal or inability to see things as they truly are.

“as we want to be”:

This part of the quote highlights the element of choice involved in this metaphorical blindness. It suggests that our level of awareness or ignorance is directly related to our willingness to confront or acknowledge certain realities.

In other words, if we are blind to something, it is because, on some level, we choose to be. This choice can be conscious or subconscious, driven by fear, denial, comfort, or convenience.

In essence, the quote conveys the idea that ignorance is often a voluntary state. It challenges us to consider the ways in which we might be choosing not to see or understand certain truths or perspectives. This can apply to individual behaviors and beliefs as well as broader societal issues.

The quote encourages introspection and self-awareness. It prompts us to examine the areas in our lives where we might be willfully ignorant and to question why we might be avoiding certain truths. It suggests that overcoming this blindness requires a willingness to confront uncomfortable realities and a commitment to seeking understanding and clarity.

In a personal context, this quote can relate to various aspects of self-awareness and personal growth. For instance, individuals might ignore certain truths about themselves, such as flaws, unhealthy behaviors, or limiting beliefs, because acknowledging them would require effort and change. By choosing to remain “blind” to these aspects, they avoid the discomfort of self-reflection and growth.

In relationships, this quote can highlight the dynamics of denial and avoidance. People might overlook red flags or unhealthy patterns in their relationships because confronting these issues would lead to difficult conversations or even the end of the relationship. This willful blindness allows them to maintain a semblance of harmony, even if it is based on illusion.

On a societal level, this quote is particularly powerful in addressing social issues and injustices. It suggests that societal blindness to issues such as racism, inequality, and environmental degradation is often a result of collective willful ignorance.

Confronting these issues requires acknowledging uncomfortable truths about the world and our role in perpetuating these problems. The quote calls for a collective awakening, urging society to choose awareness and action over complacency and denial.

Moreover, this quote emphasizes the power of choice in shaping our perception and understanding. It suggests that by choosing to see and acknowledge the realities around us, we can break free from the constraints of ignorance and gain a deeper, more accurate understanding of the world. This awareness can lead to personal growth, healthier relationships, and a more just and compassionate society.

In conclusion, Maya Angelou’s quote “We are only as blind as we want to be” offers a profound insight into the nature of ignorance and awareness. It highlights the element of choice involved in our perception and challenges us to examine the areas in our lives where we might be choosing to remain ignorant.

By encouraging introspection and self-awareness, the quote prompts us to confront uncomfortable truths and seek a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It calls for a commitment to overcoming willful ignorance, both on an individual and societal level, and emphasizes the transformative power of awareness and understanding.

Read: 50 Beautiful Maya Angelou Quotes That Celebrate Love and Life

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  1. Judy Anderson Avatar

    Yep! I have to agree with Lily!!

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