4 Ways To Make Him Feel Weak and Crazy About You


Make Him Feel Weak Crazy About You

Today, weโ€™re going to talk about four ways to make him feel weak and crazy about you.

Letโ€™s say that youโ€™re with a man and you want him to feel a more intense desire for you to the extent that he almost feels week or crazy about being with you and having you in his life.

So, what do you do?

The overarching thing that weโ€™re going to be talking about here is something that I call the โ€œOne Special Woman Formula.โ€ I talk about this in a bunch of different programs and videos.

Thereโ€™s one key component to this formula and then thereโ€™s the sub-components that weโ€™re going to be talking about here.

The number one, key component is this thing called being high value.

The feeling that youโ€™re this valuable woman to him is what makes him feel like youโ€™re right for him and this amazing, awesome woman that heโ€™s madly, passionately and deeply in love with.

Related: 3 Things All Driven Men Look For In A Partner

You have something thatโ€™s special about you. You enrich and enhance his life.

You want to be high value enough so that he feels like he needs to strive to attain you, right?

He needs to feel like youโ€™re somebody that he needs to put in effort with, pursue, chase and go for a real relationship withโ€” but not so much that youโ€™re completely out of his reach, right?


One extreme is being so completely available that he doesnโ€™t feel like thereโ€™s anything special going on there with you.

The other extreme is, โ€œIโ€™m SO busy, I have SO much going on and Iโ€™m SO high value that youโ€™ll never reach or attain me or end up being in a relationship with me.โ€

Neither one of those are good places to be when youโ€™re in a relationship with the guy.

Weโ€™re going to talk about the middle spot right now.

So thereโ€™s four components to being high value with a man

And number four is probably the most powerful one but all of them are important to make him feel crazy about you. Keep reading for all of them.

1. Youโ€™re happy with your own full life and donโ€™t need anyone else to make you happy.

The first thing you want to do to make a guy feel weak and crazy about you is more of a lifestyle thing, right?

Itโ€™s being happy in your own life, having a good life, feeling happy, and  not needing him to have happiness.

Itโ€™s not needing him to feel love, to feel all the important and wonderful things that you want to experience in your life.


He gets to be with you and he feels like heโ€™s winning constantly.

The more he feels like heโ€™s winning, it actually creates this dopamine effect in his brain where he can even get addicted to this feeling like heโ€™s winning with you.

Related: 5 Things That Make Men Feel Sexually Desired

You have your own life and your own things that make you happy and heโ€™s striving continually feeling challenged to strive to make you happy but he can, right?

Guys get into relationships all the time with women who rely on the man for their happiness.

It works at first because the guy has to strive to make her happy.

Long-term though, it doesnโ€™t work.

What ends up happening is nothingโ€™s ever enough.

Thatโ€™s one extreme.

The other extreme is not needing him at all or wanting him in your life.Itโ€™s so difficult to win with you that he just gives up completely.

Related: 4 Ways You Can Attract Men With Nothing But Your Body Language

2. You feel attractive, valuable and confident.

The second way to make him feel weak and crazy about you is actually a mindset component.

This mindset component is feeling attractive, valuable, and confident in yourself.

The reason this is really powerful is because men are naturally drawn to women that are confident.

Men can pick up on like subtle things and feelings that are going on with a woman. If you come to an interaction and you feel really insecure, most guys can pick up on that. If heโ€™s talking to you, he can pick up on you feeling insecure and not valuable.

Youโ€™re going to project that insecurity in what you say when youโ€™re talking to him.


In his subconscious mind, heโ€™s going to think, โ€œMaybe she really IS all of these things.โ€

Even if maybe he wouldnโ€™t normally think that about a woman that he just met.

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I had a mentor that used to tell me, โ€œShe who is the most certain, always wins.โ€ 

So if youโ€™re the most certain about who you are and how you feel, that kind of gets transferred to other people.

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If you believe that youโ€™re confident, if you believe that youโ€™re attractive, if you believe that youโ€™re valuable, then the people around youโ€” men and womenโ€” will start to look at you that way no matter what, right?

It breaks their systems of what they believe and all of a sudden they take on your perspective.

So what you want to do is you want to spend time figuring out what makes you feel confident.

Spend time figuring out what makes you feel attractive and valuable. Learn more about how that works in your life.


Generally, being good at something makes you feel confident, right?

Knowing what to say and do in certain situations is what makes people feel confident or attractive.

What can you wear?

How can you look?

How can you work with yourself?

How can you feel about yourself to make yourself feel attractive or valuable?

What things do you need to have in your life to make you feel like a valuable person?

Working on those things can be incredibly powerful and make a guy feel like youโ€™re an amazing woman.

Related: 8 Reasons Why Men Pull Away When Falling In Love

3. You focus on what he feels when heโ€™s around you.

This is where we get into some of the really, really good stuff.

Number three is focusing on what he feels when heโ€™s around you.


Itโ€™s like if you went to a movie theater, right, and you watched a movie and the movie was just fun the whole time.

Related: How To Give A Man Space So That He Comes Back To Love You More

It might be kind of interesting but it probably wouldnโ€™t be that memorable. You know youโ€™d leave the theater and youโ€™d be like, โ€œOh, it was good. I enjoyed it and it was fun.โ€

However, the best movies out there donโ€™t just make you feel one emotion, right?

They take you to a roller coaster ride.

Youโ€™re in there, youโ€™re smiling, youโ€™re laughing, youโ€™re feeling anticipation, the thrill, right?

You get scared maybe.

Maybe thereโ€™s a point where youโ€™re like crying.

It takes you through a whole bunch of different emotions.

When you get to the end of the movie youโ€™re like, โ€œOh man, that was so awesome,โ€ because you experienced all these different things.

Feeling all these different types of emotions can be addictive and it can make a guy feel crazy about you and addicted to being around your presence.

4. Youโ€™re unpredictable and mysterious.

Number four is being unpredictable, mysterious, and surprising.

Itโ€™s like going out to gamble. People get addicted to gambling because of how unpredictable it is, right?

Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.

Related: 10 Things Men Are Dying To Hear From A Woman

There are all these different things going on. Gambling triggers all different emotions and activates the dopamine receptors in the brain. You feel floods of different emotions.

What ends up happening is it becomes addictive, right?


So if you want a guy to be really, really into you, be unpredictable.

Donโ€™t do the same thing all the time.

Donโ€™t say the same thing all the time.

Again, thereโ€™s extremes of being mysterious and unpredictable.

One extreme is being totally predictable where itโ€™s the same thing every single time no matter what. Itโ€™s like having chicken for dinner every night.

The other side is being massively unpredictable, which is going too far.

When guys start to think that women are crazy is when theyโ€™re totally unpredictable. They think, โ€œWow, I have no idea whatโ€™s going on with her sheโ€™s completely out of her mind.โ€

You want to be somewhere in the middle.

Related: 5 Dos and 5 Donโ€™ts For Dating a Good Man

You want to be in this space where youโ€™re not predictable but youโ€™re also not crazy but you give him a lot of different emotions to feel you do a whole bunch of different things.

All of these things are going to leave him wanting more.

You really want to give him the feeling that he wants more and youโ€™re different from all the other bland, boring women that he meets out there.

Instead, youโ€™re this really interesting, special, high value, unpredictable, interesting, attractive, confident woman.

A woman like that is just unbelievably attractive to any guy.

I want to share some words you can tell him that will make him want to give you the love youโ€™ve always dreamed ofโ€ฆ

These words form something I call a โ€œLove Frameโ€ and make him feel like itโ€™s his lifeโ€™s mission to treat you like a queen.

If youโ€™re struggling to get him to โ€œstep upโ€ and give you the romance youโ€™ve always wanted, you need to watch this video right nowโ€ฆ

Written by:  Matthew Coast

Originally appeared on: Attract The One

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4 Ways To Make Him Feel Weak And Crazy About You

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    old souls are normally very potent but generally have a tendency to be quiet or introspective.

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