9 Signs Your Soul Is Tired And How You Can Fix It


Signs Soul Tired Fix It

Often people ask “how do I know if my soul is tired”. When you know something is missing inside you, and you feel tired, and empty all the time, know that these are signs that your soul is tired. There’s only so much you can do, and so much you can pretend on the outside, whilst going through soul loss.

It is not your body but your soul which is tired.

It often starts with you just wanting to be in bed.

The feeling of being tired even when the day has just started.

You stop loving things you used to and you no longer are particularly passionate about anything.

Thatโ€™s how you realize your soul needs some energy and restoration. Unlike our body, the damages to our soul are not very prominent.

Day after day we go out with a mask on, pretending that everything is just about fine, but deep down we know that things have slowly begun to fall apart and they need fixing.

Related: 20 Diagnostic Signs That Youโ€™re Suffering From Soul Loss

You might get 8 hours of sleep every night; might ace your exams too and maybe be brilliant at work but none of these assure that you are fine from within.

What truly determines your spiritual condition is how you feel every day when you leave your bed.

Signs Your Soul is tired
Soul Loss/Tired Soul

Is Your Soul Tired? This is how you can find out

Rub the palm of your hands against each other for thirty seconds to create electric energy.

Now slowly start separating them until you can no longer feel the energy.

If you feel no energy, or if your hands stop before they reach about shoulder-width, it could very well be a sign that your energy is depleted and your soul is tired.

Here is the list of things that can possibly be the reason behind the exhaustion of your soulโ€™s energy:

9 Reasons Your Soul’s Energy Is Exhausted

1) You are being honest with yourself.

2) No self-love.

3) You have a hard time saying no.

4) The constant feeling of missing something.

5) Doing things for the sake of it.

6) Letting the ghost of past haunt you.

7) De-motivating yourself.

8) Being a part of unnecessary conversations and gossips.

9) Surrounding yourself with people who arenโ€™t helping you in becoming a better version of yourself.

These are some of the reasons why your soul is tired.

Itโ€™s often said that your tribe has a lot to do with your vibe. People who surround us have a huge impact on our lives and sometimes we underestimate its power.

Believe me when I say they can make or break you. We donโ€™t even realize when we start picking up their qualities and habits, so keep a strict check on the sort of people in your life. If not completely then at least to a certain extent they do design your destiny.

Most of us donโ€™t even consider these issues to be attention-worthy. We think itโ€™s a matter of time and then weโ€™ll get over it.

Signs Your Soul is tired
Tired Soul Signs

But it doesnโ€™t happen that way. We get so used to feeling this way that it doesnโ€™t even feel wrong anymore. Ignorance of these little things can also lead to massive issues like depression, mental illness, social anxiety, and many other psychological and sociological problems which might turn out to be problematic in the long run and change you as a person.

Never fall prey to the lifestyle of misery and half-heartedness. They are indeed very consuming. You deserve to feel happiness and every positive feeling known and unknown to mankind.

If you could relate to any of the above-mentioned symptoms of soul exhaustion here are the ways you can heal your soul all by yourself.

What to do when your soul is tired?

Related:10 Things That Exhaust Your Soul and Ways To Fix It

Here Are 6 Ways You Can Heal When Your Soul Is Tired

1) Start meditating.

It brings a lot of peace to your mind and allows you to explore your inner self. Itโ€™ll amaze you to find out so many things about yourself you hadnโ€™t known before.

2) Add art to your life.

It could be anything; dancing, writing, painting, music anything at all. Just find a way to express yourself openly and freely.

3) Love yourself.

This might be the toughest of all ways but is the most important too. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Donโ€™t settle for anything less than amazing because you deserve it.

4) Talk good too and about yourself.

Remember your best friend and your biggest critic is you. Hitting yourself with some reality check once in a while is absolutely fine but demeaning yourself isnโ€™t.

Donโ€™t wait for others to make you feel great. Uplift yourself. Wake up every morning with a sense of purpose and appreciate your effort every night before you sleep. These little things make a huge difference.

Related: Signs Itโ€™s Not Your Body But Your Soul Thatโ€™s Tired

5) Press the refresh button on your aura.

It is the law of the universe that you will get back exactly what you send out. Try to involve positivity in your life when your soul is tired. When you are a bright and positive person, people will come to you with the same bright smile.

6) Do things that bring you true happiness.

See the clouds. Go to parks and swing. Colour in a kids coloring book. Feed a needy. Read a book. Or write a poem. Do anything and everything that brings you happiness but make sure you donโ€™t hurt anyone in the process of all this.

Once youโ€™re done reading this, I want you to take a deep breath and tell yourself that youโ€™re going to make it better for yourself even if it means doing it all alone. And DO IT.

Be your own superhero.

Go take a towel and make it a cape.

Weโ€™re all in this together.

The Minds Journal Articles Volume -1  is Copyright Protected vide Regd.# L-103222/2021 

Signs Your Soul is tired
Signs That Your Soul Is Tired
Signs Your Soul is tired
Signs Your Soul Is Tired
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Signs My Soul Is Tired

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  1. MaryAnn Avatar

    This is definitely how I feel! Your article explains what I cannot!

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