8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets


Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets

Pets have a special place in an introvert’s life, and if you are an introvert and you have a pet, you know how true this statement is. This may seem strange to many people, but sometimes introverts connect deeply with their pets, and rightly so.

You feel that they understand you more than your fellow human beings, even though they don’t speak.

Pets and introverts somehow always find their way to each other, before you know it, you have a best friend by your side who understands you like no one else.

Coming home after a long, exhausting day and getting a big, warm furry hug from your best friend makes all those overwhelming feelings go away, doesnโ€™t it? Pets can make you feel calmer and better without even saying a single word, and that right there is their superpower.

Pets have this uncanny ability to make an introvert feel understood, supported, and loved, just by being there for them.

There are many reasons why introverts connect deeply with their pets, and here are a few of them.

Related: Why Introverts Feel So Closely Connected With Animals

Introverts And Their Pets: 8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets

1. They are always there to comfort you.

No matter how bad a day you might have had, seeing that cute face on the other side of the door, when they come bounding to you with happiness, somehow makes you forget all of it.

Pets greet you as if they are seeing you after ages, even if you were gone for just 15 minutes because that’s how much they love you and want to be with you. Whenever you are with them, all the tiredness, sadness, and emptiness seem to melt away.

Comforting you is what they do best because they can sense when you need some love, support, and a lot of sticky kisses. Whenever you need some cheering up, they are there to make you feel better, and they do so happily.

Why introverts connect deeply with their pets
Pets And Introverts

2. They help you deal with stress and anxiety.

One of the biggest reasons why introverts connect deeply with their pets is this, right here.

Studies have shown that cuddling and snuggling with your dog release the love hormone, oxytocin, and also reduce the levels of cortisol, which reduces feelings of stress and anxiety.

It makes you feel calmer, positive, and happy. So many people all over the world have emotional support dogs and therapy dogs, so that’s a testament to the power of these four-legged animals.

You might be stressed out with work or school, but taking your pet for a walk or just hugging them can make you feel a lot better.

Pets are obviously wonderful for your mental health, and their presence is sometimes enough for you to feel relaxed and a lot better. You always crave calmness and that is exactly what pets shower on you. That’s why introverts connect deeply with their pets.

3. They are comfortable with silence.

One of the best things about having a pet for introverts is that you never need to jibber-jabber to fill the silence; your pet feels comfortable with silence just like you do. You can just sit there together with your pet’s head on your lap while you watch some television, and it is perfect.

No unnecessary banter, no small talk, just you and your furry friend spending some time with each other.

As an introvert, solitude matters to you, and when you have a loyal companion by your side, what more do you need? Introverts and their pets are a team of their own! No wonder, so many introverts choose to stay at home with their pets rather than go out and party with strangers.

Related: 19 Signs Youโ€™re an Introvert in a Loud World

4. They soothe your soul.

Animals have a way of soothing your soul, especially when you are going through a tough time. They have a way of sensing when you are sad, depressed, unhappy or troubled and the moment they realize this, they are quick to cozy up to you to make you feel better.

Your pet will stand by you through thick and thin, they will be like your shadow and they will never leave your side.

If you want to talk about your feelings, they will listen. If you need someone to hug and cry, they are there to help you do that. Whenever things may seem tough in your life, looking into their gentle eyes and holding them close to you is enough to give you strength.

5. They help you in having a routine.

Introverts like structure in their lives, and prefer to plan out everything rather than be impulsive. Having some structure in your life prevents you from getting overwhelmed and losing your composure.

That’s why having a pet helps you build a routine in your life and abide by it, without compromising on the fun.

Feeding them at the right time, taking them out for walks every day, and playing with them gives you a sense of purpose, and brings some much-needed predictability to your days.

You like having a plan, and at the same time, you are able to take care of an innocent animal. Win-win, right? No wonder introverts connect deeply with their pets.

Why introverts connect deeply with their pets
Introverts And Their Pets

6. They make staying at home delightful.

It’s not that you don’t like going out and socializing with people, you just don’t like doing it every day or every weekend. The occasional night-outs and dinners are fine, but when there comes a point when others are simply not letting you go, your pet comes to your rescue again.

Maybe not literally, but figuratively. When you have a pet, you have a strong reason to go back home as soon as you can, because you can’t bear the thought of leaving them alone for a long time.

You can easily tell someone that you need to go back home and feed your pet, and just like that, you are back home, sitting on the couch in your PJs with a glass of wine in your hand and your beloved pet by your side, watching some Netflix and chilling.

7. They can help you be more social.

Introverts tend to have a harder time being social when compared to their non-introverted counterparts. Even though this is not a character flaw in any way, it can prove to be a dampener in many circumstances.

Pets can be amazing when it comes to providing you some much-needed social support. For example, if you feel anxious about going out, they can motivate you to take them out for a walk. This way, you will be able to break through your anxiety and go on a walk with your pet at the same time.

They can also help you meet new friends because talking about each other’s pets can be an outstanding ice-breaker.

People who genuinely love their pets can never stop talking about them, so this way you will be able to meet some like-minded people and foster new, meaningful friendships.

Related: How Introvert and Extrovert Brains Differ: 6 Differences According to Science

8. They don’t expect much from you, but still love you the same.

The main reason why introverts connect deeply with their pets is this. Animals don’t have hundreds of expectations from you, unlike some human beings. As long as you are feeding them and loving them, they will be the happiest beings on this planet.

They don’t care how you look, how rich you are, or what your job is, as long as you love them, they really don’t need anything else from you.

No matter how nice someone is, they will always have some sort of expectations from you, which you may not always be able to fulfill, and this might bum you out.

But when it comes to your pets, it’s like they understand you and how you think. They will never overwhelm you with a ton of expectations and demands and will be happy with your presence simply.

They won’t tire you out and will be perfectly content just being in the same space as you.

Most of the time, an introvert’s best friend is their pet and they would not have it any other way. The silent understanding between you and your pet is what makes your relationship special, and makes you feel deeply connected with them.

Your pet is not just your best friend, but they are a strong anchor in your life who helps you stay afloat amidst all of life’s complications. Introverts and their pets are truly a match made in heaven!

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8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets
8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets pin
8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets
pets and introverts
8 Reasons Why Introverts Connect Deeply With Their Pets

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