10 Signs of an INTJ Personality Type


Signs of an INTJ Personality Type

INTJ is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The INTJ (The Architect) personality type includes the traits, Introversion (I), Intuitive (N), Thinking (T), and Judging (J). People who have the INTJ personality type tend to exhibit a very strategic, practical, and logical way of thinking and doing things.

What does INTJ mean?

Anyone who has the INTJ personality type tends to love solitude and alone time (Introverted), gravitates towards concepts and ideas a lot more than details and facts (Intuitive), bases their decisions on reason, pragmatism, and logic (Thinking), and has a more organized and planned approach towards everything, rather than being impulsive and inflexible (Judging).

They are known as Architects and Masterminds due to their calculated and tactical approach towards everything.

10 Signs Of An INTJ Personality Type

Signs INTJ Personality Type infographic
Signs You Are An Intj Personality Type

1. Knowledgeable and sensible.

INTJs are famous for having a rational, sensible, and logical bend of mind, as they never make the mistake of just assuming something based on conjecture or rumors. Whatever step or decision they might take, they always make sure to base it on logic, and correct information.

For them, their mind is their biggest weapon, and they always make sure to use it for coming to the right conclusion, smell lucrative opportunities from far away, and come up with creative solutions to problems.

INTJ Personality Type
Signs You Are An Intj Personality Type

2. Strong and self-reliant.

Their ambitious and determined nature makes them give their best in everything. The moment any idea takes over their imagination, they drop everything and work towards making that a reality. They always have a very clear and impeccable vision of their goals.

On top of this, INTJs are also very independent, and self-motivated, and seldom rely on others to do their work. They don’t always conform to set rules and notions and prefer to forge their own path.

3. Exceptionally critical and opinionated.

INTJs might be very intelligent, but that does not mean they never make mistakes. The problem is, when they do, they refuse to accept it, and try to hold other people responsible for it. At times, their arrogance blinds them to other people’s opinions and inputs, because INTJs feel they are always the smartest ones in the room.

Since INTJs consider themselves to be intellectually superior to others, they can also be quite condescending and overly harsh. They normally have a good hold over their feelings, but when someone else doesn’t show the same restraint, they insult them to no end.

4. Versatile and inquisitive.

One of the biggest strengths of the INTJ personality type is that they are extremely adaptable and can take up any challenge, without batting an eyelid. Their hardworking and determined nature helps them win at every challenge they face.

Their inherent curiosity makes them open and receptive to new ideas and concepts, as long as they are logical, analytical, and backed by evidence. An INTJs curiosity makes them who they are, and is one of the biggest reasons behind their intelligence.

5. Unromantic and disdainful of emotions.

Because INTJs are so practical, they tend to fall short when it comes to matters of love and romance. Especially when they get into a new relationship, they fail to understand how to behave and what to think. Most of the time they have a very distant demeanor, because of which many of their relationships don’t work out, which in turn makes them cynical about matters of love.

Due to their practical nature, they tend to dismiss emotions very quickly without sparing a second thought to them. They feel uncomfortable when feelings are given more priority than facts and tend to harshly judge people who do that. For them, it is always a reason that should fly high.

Related: INTJ Relationships & Conflicts: 5 Ways To Deal With An INTJ

6. Argumentative and condescending.

When a person knows that they are one of the smartest people out there, and have a firm head on their shoulders, being argumentative isn’t that unnatural. And that is exactly how an INTJ thinks. They hate abiding by anything blindly, even if it’s for their own benefit. INTJ people sometimes get so involved with fighting about unimportant rules, that they fail to see the bigger picture.

The fact that they are some of the most condescending people out there doesn’t help their case. Their haughty side comes out very fast when they argue with people about things they don’t want to do.

7. Innovative and diligent.

One of the major reasons why the INTJ personality type is a great problem-solver is because they are always receptive to innovative and creative ideas. They strongly believe that anyone and anything can always be made better with unique solutions and ideas, and instantly get to work towards that.

Another great thing about INTJ is that they are also open to working on themselves and their talents. They might not think too much about their feelings and emotions, but they are always wholeheartedly ready to focus on their self-improvement and self-development.

8. Strategic and goal-oriented.

INTJs always have a well-planned strategy whenever they set out to fulfill one of their many ambitious goals. They never dive headfirst into something, without deciding on a safety net, and having contingency and backup plans. This way, if one option doesn’t work out, they will get to the next best one.

When it comes to fulfilling their goals, there is nothing that can stop them, and once they have their eye on the prize, they will get to work immediately. Once they set their mind to something, it is all that matters.

INTJ Personality Type
Signs You Are An Intj Personality Type

9. Work-life disbalance and perfectionism.

INTJs prioritize their career and professional commitments over everything else, even their friends and family, so naturally, this causes a lot of work-life imbalance. Even after working the whole week, instead of spending time with their loved ones, they tend to work some more, and this ends up creating serious problems in their personal lives.

Additionally, since they obsess over perfectionism, it ends up creating more problems for them. Even though being a perfectionist is a good thing, too much of it can spell trouble. INTJs set such high standards for themselves and others, that things can get overwhelming very fast, at times.

10. Confident and hardworking.

Because INTJs have a lot of goals and dreams to fulfill in life, they can work very hard to make them a reality. Being casual and slacking off on work are things they don’t believe in, and no matter what happens, they never compromise on conscientiousness and good, old-fashioned hard work.

Another reason why they are always looked up to by so many people is because of their confident and self-assured personalities. Whatever they do, they do it with a lot of confidence and positivity. This way they stay motivated themselves and also end up motivating others.

Related: 7 Struggles Every INTJ Kid Has Had

Best Career Paths For INTJ Personality Type

The ideal careers for INTJs are the ones that depend on analytical and rational solutions. They gravitate towards jobs with logical systems, which they understand like the back of their hand. INTJs like coming up with solutions for complex problems, and need to have a structured, efficient, and analytical work atmosphere, with the same going for their colleagues.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The INTJ Personalities

  • Financial Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Economist
  • Surgeon
  • Architect
  • Software Developer
  • Lawyer
  • Photographer
  • Computer Programmer
  • Engineer

Famous INTJ Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have INTJ Personality Type

  • Vladimir Lenin
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Martina Navratilova
  • Bobby Fischer
  • Lance Armstrong
  • Isaac Newton
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Ayn Rand
  • Sylvia Plath
  • Jane Austen
  • Emily Bronte
  • Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Elon Musk
  • Jodie Foster
  • Russell Crowe

So, are you an INTJ? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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10 Signs Of An Intj Personality Type
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10 Signs Of An Intj Personality Type

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