How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? 8 Tricks To Keep Them Hooked


How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? Eight Tips And Tricks

In the wild world of relationships, dealing with narcissistic people can be quite the challenge. However, fear not! We’ve got some tricks up our sleeve to help you establish a deep emotional connection with a narcissist. So, how to make a narcissist dependent on you? How to keep a narcissist hooked?

Understanding how to navigate the intricate dynamics with a narcissistic person can be challenging. While it’s important to approach these interactions with caution and empathy, there are strategies that can help you establish a deeper emotional connection with a narcissist, if you’re constantly wondering how to make a narcissist addicted to you.

In this article, we’ll explore eight effective ways regarding how to make a narcissist addicted to you while keeping your own emotions intact.

Related: How To Make A Narcissist Fall In Love With You? 4 Things That Attract Him

How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? 8 Ways To Keep Them Hooked

1. Cultivate a genuine interest in their world.

If you are constantly thinking about how to keep the narcissist hooked, then this is the very first thing you need to do.

One of the most effective ways to capture a narcissist’s attention and foster an emotional connection is by genuinely showing interest in their world.

Take the time to understand their passions, goals, and experiences. Ask thoughtful questions and actively listen to their responses. By showing a sincere curiosity about their lives, you can make them feel valued and appreciated. And the more appreciated they feel, the more dependent they will get. 

Delve into their interests and actively engage in conversations about their hobbies, career aspirations, or personal achievements. Show enthusiasm and ask follow-up questions to deepen your understanding.

How to make a narcissist dependent on you
How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? 8 Tricks To Keep Them Hooked

2. Try to build a strong and deep rapport by mirroring their behaviour. 

How do you make a narcissist addicted to you?

Ever heard of the saying, “Monkey see, monkey do”? Well, that applies here too. Observe their body language, speech patterns, and style, and subtly mirror them. This creates a sense of familiarity and comfort, making the narcissist feel a connection with you.

Pay attention to their non-verbal cues, such as gestures, posture, and tone of voice. Reflect these cues in a subtle and natural way, without appearing forced or insincere. Creating a subconscious bond like this can deepen the emotional connection between you and the narcissist.

3. Validate their worth and accomplishments.

How to keep a narcissist hooked on you? Make sure you do this!

Narcissists thrive on validation and recognition. To keep them emotionally dependent on you, it’s essential to provide genuine compliments and positive reinforcement. Acknowledge their achievements, unique qualities, and strengths. By highlighting their positive attributes, you boost their self-esteem and make them see you in a positive light.

Be specific in your praise and offer genuine recognition for their efforts. Celebrate their accomplishments, whether big or small, and express your admiration for their talents and skills.

However, it is important to strike a balance and avoid excessive flattery or insincere praise, as it may be perceived as manipulation.

Related: How To Manipulate A Manipulator: 10 Psychological Tricks

4. Bash their exes just like they do, and compliment and hype up their current partner. 

It is a narcissist’s tendency to insult and bash their exes in front of not just their current partner, but anyone and everyone. They love doing this, because they know that no one is actually going to talk to their exes to verify the truth. Also, this makes the narcissist look good and innocent and as a victim in front of the others. 

If you are trying to come up with ways regarding how to make a narcissist addicted to you or how to make a narcissist dependent on you, then make sure you bash their exes too, especially in front of them. 

This will make them trust you and like you even more, and they will think that your loyalty lies with them. Also, make sure you praise their current partner a lot, since that is what they expect you to do, so that they can continue this faรงade of victimhood and manipulation. 

5. Make sure you look fabulous all the time.

This is one of the best things you can do if you are wondering how to make a narcissist dependent on you. 

Taking care of your appearance can certainly catch the attention of a narcissist, who tends to be fixated on external beauty and charm. No matter what you are doing, make sure that you are looking fabulous and beautiful while you are doing it. Even if you are just going to shop for groceries or taking out the trash, look your absolute best.

Narcissists are obsessed with physical appearances, and more often than not, they tend to target the best-looking people in the room. Once they zero in on someone who they think is “perfect” from the outside, they will leave no stone unturned to win them over.   

6. Cause drama and negativity wherever you go, especially when you’re with them.

How do you make a narcissist addicted to you?

Narcissists often thrive on drama and negative energy, seeking opportunities to stir up conflict. To captivate a narcissist, you can use their love for drama to your advantage.

For example, you could subtly mention that you’ve heard negative things about them from unnamed sources. This will pique their curiosity, and they will persistently inquire about the details and individuals involved.

However, instead of providing concrete information, you can keep them hooked by playfully teasing and withholding specifics. This approach keeps them engaged as they desperately seek the information that you dangle tantalizingly out of their reach.

This is one of the best things you can if you are thinking how to make a narcissist dependent on you. 

Related: How To Deal With A Narcissistic Boss: 14 Strategies That Always Work

7. Set and maintain healthy boundaries. 

While building an emotional bond, it’s important to establish and stick to healthy boundaries. Let them know your limits, expectations, and needs. Stand up for yourself and your well-being. Narcissists respect individuals who have a strong sense of self and won’t be easily pushed around.

Be consistent in reinforcing these boundaries and avoid compromising your values or well-being for the sake of the relationship. While it’s important to establish an emotional connection, it’s equally important to protect your own well-being. 

Maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial when dealing with a narcissist.

How to make a narcissist dependent on you
How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? 8 Tricks To Keep Them Hooked

8. Demonstrate unwavering loyalty and support. 

Narcissists value loyalty and admiration above all else. Show your commitment to them by being unwaveringly loyal and supportive. Be there for them during both their good times and bad.

Make sure that you don’t blow up your confidentiality and avoid engaging in negative gossip or criticism about them in social circles.

To elaborate further, actively show your support by being a reliable source of encouragement and assistance. Do try to celebrate their wins and provide support and compassion when they’re going through a bad time. 

However, it is important to maintain a healthy balance and avoid enabling their destructive behaviours or becoming a constant source of validation.

How do you make a narcissist addicted to you? By following these strategies mentioned above! Making a narcissist emotionally dependent on you can be a tricky thing to achieve, but once you are able to do it, you will have them dancing on your palms. 

Related: What It Means When a Narcissist Says โ€œI Love Youโ€

Do you have any more suggestions regarding how to keep a narcissist hooked? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

how to make a narcissist addicted to you
How To Make A Narcissist Dependent On You? 8 Tricks To Keep Them Hooked

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