10 Things You Didn’t Know About Extroverted Introverts


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Things You Didn't Know About Extroverted Introverts

I regularly swing back and forth between a social butterfly and complete hermit โ€“ which is why I was relieved to hear the phrase โ€œextroverted introvertโ€ for the first time.

Extroverted introvert

extroverted introvert
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Extroverted Introverts

Also known as an ambivert, an extroverted introvert is someone who who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion.

My typical weekday exemplifies this well. Usually, my mornings are spent out and about, taking sincere joy in play dates and befriending other mothers at the park. My afternoons, by contrast, are spent at home, happily curled up on the couch in my pajamas.

Sometimes this is reversed, or Iโ€™ll find myself in or out for a whole day, but the half-day of each is my ideal. Small dinner parties are awesome. Night clubs are terrifying. Friendships feed my soul, but crowds drain me.

Here are  some other things Ambiverts like myself want you to Know

1. Our spot on the spectrum changes with our environment

Your ambivert friend may be loud and gregarious around her family, but quiet and thoughtful at the office. Seeing her in both situations may feel like meeting two entirely different people.

2. Talking to Strangers is fine – but don’t expect us to keep it to small talk 

Although an ambivert can hold up her end of a conversation, talking about the weather will not be enough to engage her. Her social energy is limited enough that she wonโ€™t want to waste it on meaningless chatter. She will likely push the conversation into deeper territory or bow out entirely.

Related: Why Introverts Feel So Closely Connected With Animals

3. We like to be alone – we don’t like to be lonely 

There is a big difference between the two. Choosing to sit at home with a tub of ice cream and a coloring book feels fantastic. Sitting at home because nobody called you back feels sad and lame.

4. Getting us out of the house can be a challenge 

If you catch your friend on a highly introverted day, you may just be better off leaving him at home. He might manage to be social, but heโ€™ll just be thinking about his books and his couch the whole time.

Related: 5 Reasons Why Introverts Love Their Bedroom So Much

5. If we’re new, you can find us in the back of the room 

An introverted extrovert will approach new situations with cautious excitement. If we know someone in the group, we will likely cling to them a bit as we become comfortable. If we do not, we might waver on the edge of the crowd, slowly getting used to the water rather than jumping in all at once.

6. Extroverted introvert is Selectively Social 

We donโ€™t mean to be snobs. We just have limited social energy and prefer interacting one-on-one or in small groups. For this reason, we can only afford to invest our social time and energy in those who we feel truly connected to.

7. Making friends is easy. Keeping them is hard 

We like talking to people, but we value our alone-time, as well. This can make maintaining a friendship tricky. If your ambivert friend makes an effort to consistently invest time and energy in your friendship, be glad. You are truly special to him.

Related: Are You Naturally An Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert: QUIZ

8. Our social desires change with the breeze 

We might be desperate to hang out with you on Friday, but then not answer your call on Saturday. Weโ€™re not mad at you. Weโ€™re just super comfortable in bed watching Netflix.

9. An extroverted introvert can talk to you for hours 

If you manage to catch him in a one-on-one situation, an extroverted introvert will just not shut up. Once his interest is engaged, thereโ€™s no stopping him.

Related: 21 Signs You Might Actually Be An Ambivert

10. Listening is great too. Though !

Sometimes we want to be a part of the action, but our social energy levels are too low for us to contribute in a meaningful way. Listening allows us to get to know you without burning up our social fuel. We also know its value from our chattier moments when we are desperate for an ear.

Are you an extroverted introvert?

Did any of these resonate with you? Donโ€™t be surprised if they did โ€“ more than half the population is an ambivert, according to Adam Grant, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvaniaโ€™s Wharton School of Business.

His research shows that roughly two-thirds of people are ambiverts, while one-third are either strong introverts or strong extroverts. โ€œAmbiverts are like Goldilocks,โ€ he claims. โ€œThey offer neither too much nor too little.โ€ Treasure the introverted extrovert in your life, or embrace these qualities in yourself. Ambiverts might have it just right.

Written by: Robyn Reisch
Originally appeared on IHeartIntelligence.com

10 Things You Didnโ€™t Know About Extroverted Introverts
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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Extroverted Introverts

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