10 Signs You Are An ESFP Personality Type


Signs You Are An ESFP Personality Type

ESFP is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The ESFP (The Entertainer) personality type consists of the traits, Extraverted (E), Sensing (S), Feeling (F), and Perceiving (P).

Anyone who has the ESFP personality type tends to be very vivacious, energetic, and are natural performers. They are the ones who find pleasure in everything around them, be it nature, animals, clothes, food, and most importantly, people.

What does ESFP mean?

The ESFP personality type is very outgoing and love mingling with people (Extraverted), stresses on details and facts (Sensing), gives priority to values and feelings (Feeling), and is more on the malleable and spontaneous side, rather than having an organized and planned approach to things (Perceiving).

ESFPs are popularly known as The Entertainer, because of their vibrant and vivacious personality, and fun-loving nature.

10 Signs You Are An ESFP Personality Type

ESFP Personality Type
10 Signs You Are An Esfp Personality Type

1. Authentic and bold.

If there is one thing that ESFPs excel at, then that’s being original and authentic. Traditions, and tried and tested formulas are not their jam, and you will always find them experimenting with different things and coming up with never-before-seen and never-before-heard ideas. Add to that their boldness, and you have got a winner in your hands.

They always look for ways to stand out from the crowd, and they happily step out of their comfort zone, if it means that they will get to enjoy and experience something new and unique.

2. Natural performer and artistic.

As far as showmanship and having a strong sense of aesthetics are concerned, the ESFP personality type is the clear winner. They are natural performers who don’t have to work very hard to entertain people. It’s like they were born with talent at their fingertips, and you will seldom come across someone who will be better at performing than them.

Their panache and creativity does not just show in their outfits, you can see oodles of it in their actions, thoughts and words too.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

3. Too emotional and hates conflicts.

The ESFP personality type doesn’t do well with any sort of criticism, no matter how constructive it might be. Whenever they are criticized, they feel ambushed and backed into a corner, which leads to them having over the top reactions. That is why, it is a challenge to make them see their shortcomings, and encouraging them to work on them.

They are also exceptionally hesitant when it comes to any sort of conflicts and fights, so much so that they completely end up avoiding them altogether for the most part. In order to not get into any kind of situation that involves conflict, they say what they are expected to, and then they get away.

4. Obscure minded and bored very easily.

ESFPs are not good when it comes to seeing the bigger picture and planning long-term. They are impulsive people who go with the flow, and seldom think about what is going to happen in the future. This attitude sometimes creates problems for them, as when they are hit with something unexpected, they have no idea how to handle it.

Another major drawback of ESFPs is that they get bored very easily. It’s very difficult to keep them invested in something for a considerable amount of time, no matter who important it might be. For them, instant gratification, taking risks, and self-indulgence are the things that matter the most.

5. Hawk-eyed and rational.

ESFPs are extremely observant people, whose eyes seldom miss anything; they tend to notice things that other people might miss very easily. Because they are focused people, and they always concentrate on the present, they end up noticing and observing every little thing that is happening in front of and around them.

Another thing which ESFPs are really great at is being practical. They never ponder or dwell over things for too long, and always choose to focus on what they can control. You will never find an ESFP romanticizing or obsessing about the ‘what-ifs’ of life.

6. Sociable and witty.

Does this really come as a surprise? ESFPs and amazing people and social skills go hand in hand, and they are probably the best when it comes to this. They love talking to people and paying attention to them, and more often than not, they turn out to be the life of the party. They are funny, intelligent, witty, and amazing conversationalists.

Because they are true blue extroverts, nothing makes them happier than socializing with people and conversing with them. Staying at home every day is something they hate, and they itch to go out and have fun every chance they get.

7. Immature and stubborn.

People belonging to the ESFP personality type are probably some of the most immature people out there, due to their unwillingness to understand that some things in life need to be taken seriously. They are so caught up in the present, that they fail to see that they need to be prepared for the future, and for that, they need to work for it.

Now, when you add stubbornness with immaturity, it is truly a recipe for disaster. Because no matter how much you might try to push them, encourage them or counsel them to do the right thing, they won’t do it, unless they want to.

Related: The Ultimate Relationship Deal Breaker For Each MBTI Personality Type

8. Materialistic and bad with money.

An ESFP’s impulsivity sometimes spells trouble for their finances, due to them spending it very recklessly and without thinking. They end up spending a ton of money on things they don’t need, without thinking about the ramifications and their financial condition. Their love for materialism makes it difficult for them to save money, or spend it when they actually need to.

They are way too materialistic to cut back on mindless spending. They love to experience the finer things in life, and seldom show any restraint when it comes to careless expenditures.

9. Optimistic and happy.

ESFPs like to go with the flow, and they see life with a lot of optimism. No matter what they go through, they always believe that tomorrow is another day, and everything will be alright in the long run. They always look at the bright side, and their hopefulness and enthusiasm are highly contagious. ESFPs firmly believe in the adage, “Live every day as if it’s your last.”

Due to their optimism, they are also very happy people who always walk with a spring in their steps. Happiness radiates off them, and whenever you spend enough time with an ESFP, their energy is bound to rub off on you.

10. Soft-hearted and generous.

An ESFP is a soft-hearted person with a heart of gold, who never fails to make the people close to them special. They will stand by you whenever you will need them, and their loyalty is unparalleled. They are very protective of their loved ones and always support them, no matter what.

ESFPs are also very generous people who love to spoil their loved ones. Spoiling someone rotten with gifts is their way of showing their love for someone. Moreover, they never hesitate to help someone with their finances, because that’s just how big their heart is.

Best Career Paths For ESFP Personality Type

ESFPs flourish in work environments where they can have a hands-on approach and an active personality. Sitting at a desk and doing a 9-5 job every day is not their cup of tea. Places, where they can have fun, and be spontaneous, are the perfect places for them. And if they get to work with energetic, friendly, and fun-loving people, then that’s just the icing on the cake.

Strict rules and regulations make them feel stressed, and they try to stay far away from jobs that feature this. They do well in jobs where they get to provide practical solutions, and also get to deal with people-centered problems. For them, the best jobs are the ones that have a beautiful and aesthetic work environment, and also where they get to move around and travel a lot.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For ESFP Personalities

  • Social Worker
  • Musician
  • Photographer
  • Flight Attendant
  • Fitness Trainer
  • Fashion Designer
  • Interior Designer
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Retail Manager
  • Florist
  • Firefighter

Related: How Each Myers-Briggsยฎ Type Reacts to Stress (and How to Help!)

Famous ESFP Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Have ESFP Personality Type

  • Bill Clinton
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Katy Perry
  • Nicki Minaj
  • Elvis Presley
  • Paul McCartney
  • Justin Bieber
  • Mark Cuban
  • Hugh Hefner
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Judy Garland
  • Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Serena Williams
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Magic Johnson
  • Zac Efron
  • Dolly Parton

So, are you an ESFP? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments down below!

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10 Signs You Are An Esfp Personality Type

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