10 Signs You Are An ENTJ Personality Type


Signs ENTJ Personality Type

ENTJ is the four-letter code of the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. The ENTJ personality type includes the traits of Extraverted (E), iNtuitive (N), Thinking (T), and Judging (J). ENTJs are natural leaders with an eye for strategic planning, and a lot of motivation for ushering in change. Logical reasoning is their forte, and they are extremely quick-thinking.

What does ENTJ mean?

The ENTJ personality type loves spending time with other people (Extraverted), focuses more on concepts and ideas, rather than details and facts (iNtuitive), always makes reasonable, practical, and logical decisions (Thinking), and has an organized and planned approach towards everything, rather than being impulsive and flexible (Judging).

ENTJs are known as The Commander, because of their inherent drive to take charge and lead others to their goals.

Related: The Best Trait of Each MBTI Personality Type

10 Signs You Are An ENTJ Personality Type

Signs ENTJ Personality Type info
10 Signs You Are An Entj Personality Type

1. Efficient and reliable.

If there’s one thing that ENTJs don’t tolerate, it is inefficiency. They are some of the most efficient people there are, and no matter the challenges, they make sure that everything is done perfectly.

Their perfectionist tendencies make them extremely reliable, and you can always trust them to get the job done. No matter how much is expected from them, they do more than that, and that’s why they are always seen as the strongest pillar in every team.

2. High on confidence and self-assured.

The biggest reason why ENTJs are always so good at what they do is that they are extremely confident about themselves and their abilities. Even though they have moments of self-doubt, they never let it control them. Their confidence is what makes them always so sure of themselves.

And they are not just confident, they are very self-assured too. They trust themselves, their opinions, judgments, and capabilities, and know that they will seldom go wrong with them.

3. Dominating and obstinate.

At times, the ENTJ’s confidence and leadership skills can cross their limits and go into the dominating zone. They can get so caught up with themselves, and take themselves so seriously, that they refuse to yield even when they have been proved wrong.

This stubborn and dominating nature of theirs rubs people the wrong way, and they have trouble following their lead. More often than not, ENTJs let their ego and arrogance control them and their actions.

4. Cruel and haughty.

The ENTJ personality type is always very rational and efficient, but sometimes that can take a turn for the worse. They are always so obsessed with their virtues that they tend to become very insensitive, merciless, and cold with others.

When they go into this zone, they completely dismiss anything emotional and sensitive and never think twice about how that makes the other person feel. Anything emotional and sentimental is seen as unnecessary and not as effective.

5. Motivating and magnetic.

Because of their organic leadership skills, they can very easily influence people to follow their lead. Add to that an inspiring and captivating personality, and you have got an irresistible combination. Others want them to be their leaders, and this just makes their job simpler.

One of the good things about an ENTJ is that they don’t just push and command others to achieve their goals, they motivate and encourage them too. They always try to motivate others to give their best in whatever they embark upon.

6. Strategic and intelligent.

The ENTJ personality type is always very strategic when it comes to making decisions, and they never do anything impulsively. Before taking the next step, they stop and think hard, and only when they are absolutely sure about what should be done, they do it. You will rarely come across an ENTJ who just ‘wings’ it.

Their strategic and analytical mind makes them some of the most intelligent people out there, who seldom go wrong with their plans and decisions.

Related: How Each Myers-Briggsยฎ Type Reacts to Stress (and How to Help!)

7. Impatient and intolerable at times.

Some people might take some more time to think things through so that nothing goes wrong. However, ENTJs are so impatient that they cannot stand delays of any kind. Their impatience can get so annoying, that it threatens to disturb the peace and organization of the team they are in.

And not just impatient, they can be pretty intolerable too, with their constant snide remarks about people who take a bit too long to get things done.

8. Arrogant and cold-hearted.

ENTJs can be very arrogant and shame those who don’t agree with them or are not on the same page. They are always convinced that they are right, so they think that anybody who doesn’t share their opinions is completely wrong.

If someone tries to correct them or call them out on their nonsense, then an ENTJ is going to be the most cold-hearted and merciless person ever. Most of the time, they believe in the motto of ‘My way or the highway’.

9. Blunt and nitpicking.

Because ENTJs are perfectionists, they always want everything to be perfect and flawless. They will constantly keep on finding flaws and tiny problems in every plan which they haven’t made. ENTJs do this even when there really isn’t any problem; they just want to criticize and nitpick.

If they do come across any shortcomings, they will not hesitate to ruthlessly criticize the person/people responsible for that. They will go on and on about how wrong they were and how they should have done a better job.

10. Mentally strong and a go-getter attitude.

One of the best things about the ENTJ personality type is that they have immense inner strength, and criticism hardly affects them. Criticism doesn’t bog them down, rather they take it on the chin and work harder than before.

They are always raring to go, no matter the circumstances, and always focus on are their goals. Once they know what to do and how to do it, nothing can stop them.

Best Career Paths For ENTJ Personality Type

ENTJs prove to be the best in jobs where they can showcase their leadership skills, and use their strategic minds to come up with foolproof solutions, even to the trickiest problems. That’s why they do very well in managerial and supervisory roles so that they can bring about organizational changes.

They like structure and organization in their work, and like solving challenging problems. It’s because of this reason that they prefer to work in environments that are centered around logical thinking and competence. Additionally, they also like colleagues who are intelligent and have the same drive like them.

Here Are Some Of The Best Career Choices For The ENTJ Personalities

  • Budget Analyst
  • Fundraiser
  • Advertising Manager
  • Zoologist
  • Aerospace Engineer
  • Physiologist
  • Geoscientist
  • Pharmacist
  • Sociologist
  • Sports Coach
  • Commercial or Airline Pilot

Related: Stay Single Until You Meet Someone Like This Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

Famous ENTJ Personalities

Here Are Some Of The Most Famous People Who Are ENTJ Personality Types

  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Warren Buffet
  • Steve Jobs
  • Bill Gates
  • Salma Hayek
  • Charlize Theron
  • George Clooney
  • Carl Sagan
  • Sheryl Sandberg
  • Adele
  • Gene Simmons
  • Quentin Tarantino
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Angela Merkel
  • Robert Downey Jr.
  • Harrison Ford

So, are you an ENTJ? Let us know in the comments down below!

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10 Signs You Are An Entj Personality Type

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