What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You


Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

Your choices can tell a lot about your personality, which also includes your favorite clothing color. Do you have a favorite color that you love to wear all the time? Yes, we all have a go-to color that dominates our wardrobe. The psychology of color says that your clothing color choice reveals your traits and characteristics. So, what does your favorite clothing color says about you?

While most people will jump to say black is their top pick when it comes to fashion, there are people who prefer to wear shades of red, blue, and other primary colors. Then there are the ones who love neutral colors and even jewel-tone colors.

Regardless of what your preferred clothing color might be, each color in your wardrobe says something about your personality. Even though you might not be consciously aware of the impact of color in your life, it certainly influences your emotions and moods to a great extent.

When you prefer a particular color or avoid a certain shade, it reveals a lot about your personality. This is known as the psychology of color.

What is color psychology?

It is the study of how colors affect human behavior and mood as well as what type of physiological impression it leaves on others. The objective is to find out how color affects our emotions and the decisions we make on a daily basis.

So can the color of your clothes actually affect how you feel? Color psychology experts say yes. It can not only impact your feelings and behavior, but color can even influence the levels of stress or excitement you feel.

Color specialists have found that colors tend to have similar psychological and emotional impressions on different people. Colors have also been known to influence our metabolism, blood pressure, respiration and may result in eyestrain.

What your favorite clothing color says about you

Even though we might not be aware of the symbolic meanings of each color, experts believe that there is a good reason why we are drawn to certain colors on a subconscious level. So if your closet is full of clothes of a specific color, then it definitely says a lot about your personality, believe color psychology experts.

Want to know what your favorite color has to say about your personality? Take a look.

Read: What Shade Is Your Personality: The Colors You Choose Say Something About Your Personality

1. Red

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You red
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion because it’s on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you’ve got obsession, jealousy, anger, fear, anger, and frustration. – Taylor Swift

Love red? Then you sure love making a statement. Red is the color of energy, passion, power, strength, vivacity, attraction, and romance. You are bold and sensual and love grabbing attention by creating a strong visual impact.

You love being a badass and feel authoritative when you wear your favorite color red. It empowers and makes you feel confident and outspoken with a hint of just the right amount of aggression. Wearing red means you are a strong-willed and passionate person who is not afraid of the spotlight. You enjoy living your life and ooze tons of sex appeal.

2. Black

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You black
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œWithout black, no color has any depth. But if you mix black with everything, suddenly thereโ€™s shadow โ€“ no, not just shadow, but fullness. Youโ€™ve got to be willing to mix black into your palette if you want to create something thatโ€™s real.โ€ – Amy Grant

Most people love black and have at least one black dress or suit in their wardrobe. However, if black is all you wear, then youโ€™re a sophisticated, confident, and bold person who prefers elegance and luxury in life.

Youโ€™re a protective and mysterious person who seeks power or at least loves to show that you are powerful. You are a classy yet authoritative person who will go to extremes to achieve your goals.

3. Pink

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You pink
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œPink isn’t just a color it’s an Attitude too!โ€ – Miley Cyrus

Traditionally associated with femininity, Pink is the color of unconditional love, nurturing, and compassion. A toned-down version of red, pink is a romantic color that is kind gentle, and soothing.

So if your wardrobe is filled with dresses and clothes in various hues of pink, then it means that you are a compassionate, affectionate, and comforting person who is kind and gentle and values a comfortable lifestyle.

Pink lovers generally avoid aggression, violence, and cruelty and tend to be vulnerable. Although pink is a feminine color, that doesnโ€™t necessarily mean men cannot sport this color. When a man wears pink, it means he is masculine and confident about himself. 

4. Yellow

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You yellow
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œIn the world of safe hues, like black, red and white, yellow shouts: “Look at me. I’m happy!” – Joy Sewing

The color of sunshine, yellow is the sign of happiness, optimism, cheerfulness, and intellect. Yellow can make you feel creative and happy and put you in a positive mood. If you like wearing yellow, then you are energetic, encouraging, vivacious, active, exciting, and mostly laughing.

Youโ€™re a fun person who is intelligent and inspiring and loves to work hard to finish any project. Wearing yellow helps to boost your concentration, productivity, and mood.

5. Blue

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You blue
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œBlue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions.โ€ – Yves Klein

Blue is a cool and soothing color. Wearing blue means you’re confident, loyal, intelligent, and a peace-loving person. Blue clothes make you feel calm and in control of any situation. You are a positive and creative individual who lives by your own rules and principles.

People who love the color blue are independent, smart, and witty. They love themselves without being selfish or arrogant. You love making others feel around you and are focused on succeeding in life.

Read: What Color Is Your Energy According To Zodiac?

6. Orange

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You orange
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œOrange is the happiest color.โ€ – Frank Sinatra

Orange is the color of energy, ambition, and warmth. If you love wearing orange, then you are a positive person in an engaging mood. This vivacious color can give you immediate energy and lift up your moods. Considered as an enthusiastic, warm, and creative color by color psychology experts, orange is associated with fun and enjoyment.

Wearing orange says that you are an exciting and unique person who is energetic, jovial, and the life of any party. You are a friendly person who feels happy, inspires others, and looks for new possibilities in life.

7. Green

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You green
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œGreen is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.โ€ – Pedro Calderon de la Barca

The color green is associated with money and nature. It is a calming hue that says you are a charismatic and compassionate person who cares about others. It is a color of healing, generosity, and reawakened mental state.

Wearing green a lot means you love nature and you are a wealthy person, both financially and spiritually. Your charismatic vibe helps others heal emotionally and mentally. Lovers of green are serene and have a soft, caring heart.

People who wear green are considered trustworthy and are emotionally positive. You are connected closely with nature and enjoy an active and fun social life. Green also enhances creativity according to a publication in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

8. White

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You white
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œWhite… is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black… God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white.โ€ – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Is your wardrobe full of white dresses and attires? Then you are an innocent and genuine person who is full of optimism. White is a color of cleansing, purity, harmony, simplicity, courage, and new beginnings.

You are a balanced person and are brave enough to create an impactful statement based on truth. You believe in starting fresh and having a positive outlook on life. White clothes indicate that you are an independent and reliable person who always strives for perfection.

9. Brown

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You brown
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œBrown exudes the feeling of simplicity, endurance, stability, home, and nature.โ€ – Joen Wolfrom

This is a steady, solid, and grounded shade, just like the hue of the earth. If you love brown clothes, then youโ€™re a reliable, smart, and stable individual who is secure and down-to-earth. Being dependable and grounded, you can easily communicate with others without intimidating anyone.

You are a rational and logical person who takes your time before coming to a decision and takes action sensibly. Brown is a neutral hue which means you donโ€™t prefer to reveal specific emotions in front of others.

Read: What Is The True Color Of Your Rage? Color Psychology QUIZ

10. Gray

Favorite Clothing Color Says About You grey
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

โ€œGray is the queen of colors because she makes everyone else look good.โ€ – Helen Van Wyk

Gray is a transitional hue and a neutral color that says you are composed, calm and unemotional. You are a neutral and balanced person who prefers peace and serenity. Possessing some of the qualities of both black and white, you are both peace-loving and confident. 

Wearing gray says that you enjoy yourself and your space, although too many gray clothes may make you seem apathetic, depressed, unconfident, and indifferent.

You have an unassuming personality and do not like attracting attention to yourself. You want to be inconspicuous and remain neutral in your opinions and beliefs.

Wear what you love

โ€œI prefer living in color.โ€ – David Hockney

According to the psychology of color, your favorite color of clothing tells a lot about yourself not only to others but to your own yourself as well. Once you know what your most preferred color has to say about your personality, you will be better able to understand the type of person you are and what type of mood determines your fashion choices.

Irrespective of what anyone thinks about you, your sense of style, or your personality, always wear the clothes and colors that make you feel happy, comfortable, confident, and relaxed.

What The Color You Wear Most Often Reveals About You pin
Clothing Color Says About You
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You
Favorite Clothing Color Says About You pin
What Your Favorite Clothing Color Says About You

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