A Year In Review Of The Minds Journal 2022: Best Articles, Best Quotes, Top Experts and More


A Year In Review Of The Minds Journal

Another year went by in a blink, and we are again preparing to welcome a new year, which will hopefully be full of possibilities, happiness, lessons, and peace. This year was all the more special to us because of all the outstanding work we came across on The Minds Journal, and had the privilege to share with the world. These best articles are best for a reason!

We have compiled a list of the most popular quotes, videos, and best articles of 2022 so that you also get an opportunity to know what made a mark on our audiences this year. These articles, videos, and quotes were loved and shared by so many people, that we could not believe our eyes when we checked our analytics! Apart from this, we would also like to acknowledge the contributors and expert authors who contributed the most to The Minds Journal this year. We are truly thankful.

1. Whoโ€™s the Real Mother of The Child? Your Answer Will Reveal Your Personality: TEST

This emerged as the most popular and trending article of 2022, and we are not really surprised, to be honest. All of us here tried this test out, and let me just say, our minds were blown by the results.

This simple visual perception test can accurately reveal your personality and the kind of person you truly are. All you need to do is gauge who you think is the real mother of the child in the picture. Your choice can say a lot about you, and can even reveal many hidden secrets of your personality.

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Test who is the real mother among the two figures in this visual personality test, and find out the hidden secrets of your true personality.

2. Who Dies if E Pushes The Stone? Brain Test

Tests and quizzes have always been very popular here, but the love and views this one got, it was unparalleled. And rightly so! This brain test will push you to analyze the picture and boost your cognitive function. A little bit of physics knowledge is a bonus, and even if you end up giving the wrong answer, be rest assured that you will have a lot of fun decoding this one.

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You need to keep in mind that the rock will roll down normally despite its crescent shape. Also, keep in mind all the physics and the terrain while you analyze things.

3. Which Greek God Or Goddess Is Your Zodiac Sign

Greek mythology and Greek gods and goddesses have intrigued us since time immemorial, and deep down inside, you might have wondered sometimes which Greek god or goddess are you most like. Well, this article answers your question once and for all, and it’s not a surprise why it emerged as one of the best articles of 2022!

Which zodiac sign we belong to can have a direct influence on our personality and behavior, so which Greek mythology character you are based on your zodiac sign can say a lot about you.

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Each zodiac sign is based on Greek mythology and closely linked with the personality of the Greek Gods and Goddesses. Since Greek Gods and Goddesses were very realistic, it is not surprising that many of their characteristics have come down upon us mortals.

4. 22 Things The Injured Narcissist Says and What They Really Mean

Dealing with a narcissist is probably one of the most draining, and traumatizing experiences in life, and if you’ve ever been on the other side of it, then you know what I mean by this. However, when you finally take a stand for yourself and call a narcissist out on their nonsense, you inflict what is known as a narcissistic injury on them.

Now when a narcissist is ‘injured’, they stop at nothing to invalidate you and humiliate you. They will say all sorts of hurtful, mean, and even wrong things to get back at you. This post delves deep into all those statements.

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  • โ€œYouโ€™re crazy. Itโ€™s all in your head. You need to see a psychologist.โ€
  • โ€œI never said that; you heard wrong. You misunderstood me. That never happened.โ€
  • โ€œThatโ€™s in the past. 15 minutes ago IS the past! Why canโ€™t we just forget the past?โ€
  • โ€œThere is something wrong with the way you think. You are delusional.โ€
  • โ€œI hate drama. You create a world of drama around everything.โ€

5. 7 Signs You Are Spiritually Connected With Someone

When you feel drawn to someone but can never seem to explain the pull you feel towards them, that is when you know that you are spiritually connected to them. You might not even see them every day, but you just can’t stop thinking about them; you always feel like you have known them forever.

Having a spiritual connection with someone is a powerful and profound thing to experience in life, and if you are one of the lucky ones who had the privilege of experiencing this, then you know what an amazing thing it truly is. Without a doubt, this is one of the best articles to read on our site.

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When we develop a spiritual connection with someone, these ties can last for eternity; spiritual connections are not something you should take lightly. When you are spiritually connected with someone, it is much deeper than any other regular relationship.

Our posters have always been an audience favorite, with so many of you showering your love on them every day of every year. Your constant love makes it difficult for us every year to select the top 5 quotes because there are so many well-loved ones! Nevertheless, we persisted and these are the ones that were the most popular quotes of 2022.

The best and most popular posters in 2022 were these:

1. Oh, So You Noticed The Attitude?

Best articles and best quotes
Popular Quotes 2022

2. Stop Showing Them You’ll Stay Through Anything

Best articles and best quotes
Best Blogs 2022

3. Worst Pain Is Getting Played By A Person

Best articles and best quotes
Best Blogs

4. No One Notices When The Strong One

Best articles and best quotes
Popular Quotes

5. I Can’t Remember How Many Times

Best articles and best quotes
Popular Quotes

1. Soulmate Signs and Signals: 7 Identifying Signs Of A True Soulmate

Finding one’s soulmate and getting to do life with them is one of the most beautiful feelings ever. But how would you know who is your true soulmate and who is simply passing through? If you are on the lookout for your soulmate, then watch out for these 7 signs that are perfect giveaways for that one special person.

Best articles

2. 12 Signs Of True Love From A Man

Who doesn’t want true love in their lives? No matter who you are, and no matter how independent and self-reliant you may be, that feeling of true love is irreplaceable. And when it comes to love and relationship, actions will always, always speak louder than words. When a man shows you just how much you mean to him and how much he loves you, that’s when you know you have found The One. Look out for these 12 signs of true love from the right man!

Best articles

Contributors With The Most Views

These two contributors are two of our most solid contributors, who have elevated The Minds Journal with their thoughtful and beautiful writings. Their posts got the most views this year, and their writings were liked, shared, and reposted over and over again.

1. Debra Pry (2141)

Her most popular post – The Real Black Sheep Of The Family Knows The Truth

2. Pauline Ebijimi (506)

Her most popular post – Iโ€™ve Always Walked On The Sidewalk

Expert Authors Who Contributed The Most

1. Common Ego

When Christina was finally able to acknowledge the emotional abuse in her own life, she began a crazy journey that started with some pretty intense research, and somewhat surprisingly, ended with self-discovery. On this journey, she learned and healed more than she could have possibly imagined. It left her thankful and compelled her to start conversations about identifying emotional abuse, spiritual growth that can occur as a result, and healing from it all, by shifting the focus within.

Some of her most popular articles in The Minds Journal are:

2. Kaytlyn Gillis

Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS, is a psychotherapist, advocate, and author with a passion for working with survivors of family trauma. She provides training on recognizing patterns of domestic violence and family trauma, treating the aftermath of trauma and abuse, and helping survivors move forward. Without a doubt, she has contributed some of the best mental health articles on our site.

Some of her most popular articles in The Minds Journal are:

May the coming year bring prosperity, happiness, stability, and peace in everyone’s lives. Here’s to hoping the year 2023 turns out to be the best one ever! Happy New Year in advance, everyone!

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7 Signs You’re Not Lazyโ€”You’re Burned Out

Telltale Signs of Burnout You Might Mistake for Laziness

Weโ€™ve all had those momentsโ€”missing deadlines, staring at never-ending to-do lists that somehow keep growing or getting lost. Itโ€™s easy to wonder if weโ€™re just being lazy when we canโ€™t seem to get anything done. But what if itโ€™s not laziness at all? Sometimes, what feels like laziness is actually your mind and body signaling that they need a break. Today we’ll discuss seven signs of burnout that you might mistake for laziness.

At first, it might feel like you are just being lazy. Maybe youโ€™re in one of those moods where you just donโ€™t feel like it. And, most of the time, that feeling passes. Eventually, the tasks pile up, and you power through them. Life goes back to normal.

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Which Shade Of Pink Matches Your Personality? Take This Quiz To Find Out!

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Pink Color Shade Quiz

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7 Subtle Habits That Will Make You Look Effortlessly Classy

Micro Habits That Will Give You A Classy Presence

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Now, let’s explore the micro habits that can help you embody class and magnetism effortlessly.

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The Universe Will TEST You Before Your Big Breakโ€”Can You Pass?

How Does The Universe Test You? Lessons You Need To Learn

It gets worse before it gets better.

Maybe you have been working day and night for that new job, or affirming that your crush likes you back, but despite all of that, there is no movement in the 3D. However, there is a silver lining in all of this.

As per the laws of the universe, the reason this happens is because the universe is preparing us for our desired reality before it can fully manifest.

These tests are a way for the universe to test us to ensure that we are ready for what we desire so that when our reality does change, we can handle it with wisdom, strength, and grace.

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7 Mind-Bending Psychological Hacks To Outsmart Anyone

Psychological Mind Tricks That ACTUALLY Work

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However, rather than getting lost in a maze of myths and pseudo-science, letโ€™s focus on practical, science-backed techniques. These seven proven psychological tricks can give you a real advantage in everyday situations, making it easier for you to get what you want.

7 Psychological Mind Tricks That Actually Work

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7 Self-Improvement Books You NEED To Add To Your TBR Right Now

Best Self-Improvement Books Youโ€™ll Wish You Read Sooner

The man who doesnโ€™t read good books has no advantage over the man who canโ€™t read them.โ€ โ€“ Mark Twain

Life can sometimes feel like weโ€™re stuck in a loop, repeating the same patterns, making the same mistakes, and wondering why nothing seems to change. Itโ€™s easy to feel overwhelmed, like weโ€™re treading water and just trying to stay afloat. We all crave growth, a chance to become better versions of ourselves, but where do we begin? Thatโ€™s where self-improvement books can help you. Today, we’ll discuss the seven best self-improvement books I have read.

7 Best Self-Improvement Books

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7 Signs You’re Not Getting the Respect You Deserve

Subtle Signs Someone Is Disrespecting You

Identifying disrespect can be tricky. Sometimes, it’s glaringly obviousโ€”a harsh comment or a dismissive attitude that makes your heart sink. In these moments, itโ€™s clear that somethingโ€™s off, and your feelings of hurt are valid. However, disrespect isnโ€™t always so blatant. Often, itโ€™s subtle and insidious, leaving you questioning whether youโ€™re overreacting or misinterpreting the situation.

If youโ€™re finding it hard to pinpoint whether youโ€™re being disrespected, you are at the right place. Today, we’ll discuss seven subtle signs someone is disrespecting you.

7 Signs Someone Is Disrespecting You

1. They keep you waiting for no reason