Why All Of Your Suffering Was Totally Worth It


Why All Of Your Suffering Was Totally Worth It

Sometimes, all your suffering in life leads you to a brighter, and better future. It helps you to become the most authentic version of yourself.

Sometimes we hold on to our suffering for a longer time. No matter what you have gone through; in the end, you emerge to be more compassionate, more resilient as a person.

Iโ€™ve been through a lot in my lifetime. Youโ€™ve probably been through a lot of challenging things too. Thatโ€™s just the nature of being a human being who has lived for more than a few years.

Life is messy. None of us get through unscathed. We all collect wounds and scar tissue throughout our lives, be they physical or emotional.

In the first 25 years of my life, I was bullied, the heart was broken, and spent years in unhealthy relationships. I had panic attacks. I tried to kill myself. I experienced bouts of depression, erectile dysfunction, and phases of sexual compulsivity.

Things didnโ€™t just happen to me. I also did things that I wasnโ€™t proud of.

I broke a lot of hearts, made bad choices, suppressed my emotions, and lived out of integrity for years of my life.

And yet, I wouldnโ€™t take any of it back. Not for a single second. Because all of those experiences made me who I am today. More on this soon, but first, a metaphor for life that I absolutely adore.

The Most Valuable Metaphor For Life Ever

Imagine that, when you are born, your life is a large, empty room.

And every single day, square building blocks miraculously drop down from the sky and get stacked in the exact same place, for all of your days on earth.

Your Suffering

These building blocks represent the experiences that you go through. Regardless of whether you label them as positive or negative experiences, they are simply experiences. And those experiences keep coming at you, whether you feel ready for them or not.

While the experiences keep coming, early on in life, the foundation isnโ€™t very solid. In fact, itโ€™s just a single, straight pillar, with the surface area of one building block.

Related: Why You Need To Stop โ€œFixingโ€ Your Emotional Suffering

Every few years, a large earthquake happens and the building blocks come tumbling down in a big messy heap.

Your Suffering

In practical/real-world terms, this earthquake could be a devastating breakup, the loss of a family member, or sexual/emotional/physical abuse in a relationship. These earthquakes are often some event that shakes you to your core and causes deep pain, sadness, shame, or grief.

It can feel alarming to go from having been ten building blocks high, to now feeling like youโ€™re starting over from nothing. Your building blocks have scattered and you may feel like youโ€™re back to square one. Which, in a way, you are.

And yet, the building blocks keep descending from the sky, just as they always have. They never stop. And they keep being placed in the exact same spot.

This pattern carries on. The building blocks stack themselves in one place, and infrequent earthquakes keep happening over the course of your lifetime.

Over time, the foundation of the building blocks becomes higher and higher. And you donโ€™t feel each earthquake as much as you used to.

Your Suffering

This isnโ€™t to say that you donโ€™t feel them at all. You absolutely do. You still feel the earthquakes when youโ€™ve been through ten of them, just as you continue to feel the grief of your close friends dying even if youโ€™ve already known other friends and family members who have passed away previously.

You donโ€™t become numb to the earthquakes, you just feel stronger and more resilient because your foundation is increasingly wide.

Your Suffering

And yet, over time, it gets easier to deal with because you become more resilient. You can say with confidence โ€œI have felt a pain like this before, and it didnโ€™t break meโ€ฆ so I will get through this as well.โ€

All Of Your Suffering Was Worth It

No matter what you have been through, it has made you who you are today.

It has made you stronger, more resilient, and more able to be a pillar of support for others that you cross paths with.

For so many years of my life, I thought that life was just happening to me. I thought that all of my sufferings were unnecessaryโ€ฆ that the pain I was experiencing was just life being cruel.

I eventually came to realize that life wasnโ€™t happening to me, it was happening for me.

We can only ever experience true compassion and deep empathy when we have been through something similar to the person we are being an emotional support too. And with each life experience that I went through, I was then that much more able to be a supportive healer for every person who was currently suffering in a way similar to what I had gone through. I was able to move from โ€œThat sounds awfulโ€ to โ€œIโ€™ve been there. I get it. Itโ€™s absolutely the worst.โ€ and have it mean that much more.

Your Suffering
Why All Of Your Suffering Was Totally Worth It

Seen in this light, all of our sufferings are a gift.

Your suffering allows you to become:

โ€“ More compassionate.

โ€“ More empathetic.

โ€“ Less judgmental of others experiences.

โ€“ More self-aware.

โ€“ More self-loving and self-compassionate.

โ€“ More aware of relationships that donโ€™t serve you, and more able to remove yourself from them.

โ€“ More resilient under pressure.

Related: Be Unfuckwithable: 5 Solid Ways To Be More Resilient

Does suffering automatically allow you to become this way? No. You have to do some healing work on the suffering in order to have it turn to compassion, resilience, and self-love.

Your pain has to be feltโ€ฆ experiencedโ€ฆ lived through. Buried pain does not turn into compassion and self-loveโ€ฆ it turns into judgment, physical tension, illness, anxiety, and depression.

Compassion comes from healed pain.

Whether itโ€™s immediately apparent or not, your suffering was all worth it.

And the gifts that you gleaned from your most traumatic experiences will only become more apparent with time.

Dedicated to your success.

Written By Jordan Gray
Originally Appeared On JordanGrayConsulting.com
Printed with permission

Suffering is always seen as an undesirable and bad thing when it comes to dealing with life. Yes, pain is tough to handle, but what you must realize is that your suffering pushes you to be a better, and smarter person. Your suffering makes you who are. See it as a lesson that life is imparting to you.

All Of Your Suffering Was Worth It
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Why All Of Your Suffering Was Totally Worth It

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