What I’m Tired Means For Someone Without Depression

What Im Tired Means For Someone Without Depression

What I’m Tired Means For Someone Without Depression:

What I’m Tired Means For Someone Without Depression:

โ€ข Physical tiredness

โ€ข Sleepiness

What “I’m tired” Means For Someone With Depression:

โ€ข Spiritual Exhaustion: From isolation, feeling disconnected from the world, from the loss of hope, feeling unfulfilled, and from not getting any pleasure out of life.

โ€ข Mental Exhaustion: From fighting a war in your head 24/7, negative thoughts, self-hatred, ruminating about the past, overthinking, self-doubt, and “brain fog.”

โ€ข Emotional Exhaustion: From not getting pleasure out of anything, grieving, sadness, hurt, feeling misunderstood, feeling like a failure, and feeling inadequate.

โ€ข Physical Exhaustion: From using up all of your energy to battle depression, pretending to be “okay,” from medication side effects etc.
-Real Depression Project

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