20+ Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief


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Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief

Do you always feel stressed & anxious? Coping strategies like listening to meditation music can help us improve our mental state & relax our mind. Here are the 20 best meditation music for stress and anxiety release.

Using the power of music for relaxation and stress relief

Elizabeth Scott, MS, wellness coach in stress management, explains โ€œMusic can be a powerful tool in relieving stress and can be used in several ways.โ€

Listening to relaxing music can help you cope with stress and anxiety and enable you to calm your mind. And it has even been backed by science.

A 2018 study revealed that โ€œexposure to melodic music increases dopamine and serotonin activitiesโ€ which makes us feel calmer, peaceful, and happier.

Music is therapeutic. Music can significantly influence our mind and listening to meditation music to relieve stress and anxiety can actually make us feel better psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

Can music reduce stress? Read The Power of Beats: A Look Into the Psychological Effects of Music

What is meditation music?

Meditation is an ancient practice for bringing awareness to our thoughts & emotions and attaining mental clarity.

Music, with melody and rhythm, can transform our moods, emotions, thoughts, and minds. Listening to relaxing music for stress relief can help us to calm down and feel more grounded.

Meditation music utilizes the calming properties of meditation and music and combines them together to not only facilitate our meditation practice, but also to alleviate our daily stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions.

Although music was not incorporated into traditional meditation practices, listening to music while meditating can be highly beneficial for us today.

Buddhist practitioner, teacher, and author Bodhipaksa explains, that meditation music is a โ€œmodern notion, and probably comes from the fact that many alternative health practitioners play relaxing music in the background while performing their healing arts. This music became known as โ€˜meditation musicโ€™.โ€

Meditative music is believed to be highly relaxing and meditation has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety. A 2011 study showed that meditation is an โ€œefficient tool in reducing stressโ€ and โ€œinduces a positive response during stress events.โ€

Bodhipaksa adds โ€œListening to music, if done properly, can be a meditation in itself, just as walking or washing the dishes can be. You can take many activities and make them richer and more satisfying by taking more awareness into themโ€ฆ Listening to music as a meditation practice can be a very powerful practice.โ€

Can you feel music? Read If Music Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain Might Be Special

20+ Best meditation music for stress and anxiety you need to listen to

If you are looking for the best selection of relaxing songs for stress and anxiety relief, then we have assorted the best collection of meditation music for you.

Here is a list of the best meditation music according to the public research University of Nevada, Reno –

1. A Moment of Peace Meditation

It is a beautiful piece with contemporary piano music, accompanying instruments, and nature sounds.

Here’s the link to the music

2. Echoes of Time

This is serene music composed with Native American flute and provides a very spiritual experience.

Here’s the link to the music

3. The Winding Path

This is another wonderful piano composition that is highly appreciated and rated by meditation practitioners.

Here’s the link to the music

4. Classical Indian Music for Healing and Relaxing

This track is intended for โ€œPure Deep Meditation”. The rhythmic piece is composed by using the ancient Indian musical instrument Veena.

Here’s the link to the music

5. Angels of Venice

This is a classical music track using 3 instruments – Harp, Flute & Cello to provide you the best relaxing experience.

Here’s the link to the music

6. Earth Drum

According to a University of Nevada post, this is a serene and lovely contemporary Native American informed-drumming music utilizing Taos Log Drum and Incan Pan along with other instruments.โ€

Here’s the link to the music

7. Buddha Spirit

This track is a powerful yet reflective contemporary music that incorporates different instruments and humming voices.

Here’s the link to the music

8. Spa Relaxing Music

This peaceful piano-based track is a contemporary instrumental piece that can make you feel relaxed and stress-free.

Here’s the link to the music

9. Relaxation Music: 1-Hour Meditation Candle

Here’s the link to the music

โ€œSerene contemporary instrumental with piano and one flickering candle,โ€ as explained by the University of Nevada, Reno.

10. Sleep Deeply

This instrumental is an exceptionally relaxing sleep music, containing tranquil nature sounds.

Here’s the link to the music

11. Weightless

Considered to be the most relaxing song by psychologists, this track has been carefully composed with โ€œharmonies, rhythms, and bass lines that help slow a listener’s heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and lower levels of the cortisol stress hormone.โ€

Here’s the link to the music

Why is โ€˜Weightlessโ€™ the most relaxing music? Read Listening To This Song Reduces Your Anxiety by 65%

meditation music for stress and anxiety

Here are 10 more  excellent meditation music that you can listen to according to Classic FM:

Why you should listen to meditation music

If you are still wondering what’s the connection between music and meditation, or how meditation music can help you, then check out the below points.

Here are a few ways relaxing music can impact key aspects of your life:

meditation music for stress and anxiety

1. Stress & anxiety relief

The biggest benefit of listening to soothing music during meditation is that it relaxes your mind and body. By elevating your thoughts and emotions, music can noticeably reduce the levels of stress & anxiety you experience. Soft and pleasing music while meditating will make you experience inner peace as the burdens of your life will fade away. It will help you to quiet your mind and connect with the source of inner peace. Meditation music is like an anti-stress shield around your mind and body.

An article published by the University of Nevada, Reno, explains that music when enjoyed, can have a deep impact on our minds, emotions, and physical health.

โ€œA slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.โ€

The paper reveals that studies have found โ€œthat music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 – 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious.

Another 2015 study discovered that music can help with mood disorders and depressive syndromes. It stated that music โ€œcan represent a valid and without side effects intervention for reducing psychological and behavioral disturbances related to neurological disorders and also for promoting functional recovery.โ€

2. Better meditation 

As relaxing music enables you to calm your mind, you will be able to tap into the elusive place of inner peace and stillness which is usually a result of meditation.

Moreover, music will help to create a relaxing atmosphere for you to practice meditation. Although your experience may vary, there is no doubt that you will gain a more profound understanding of yourself and enjoy relief from stress and anxiety.

3. Relaxes the body

Music, like Yoga, Tai Chi, or Reiki, or even a spa session or a walk in nature, can help us relax physically as much as psychologically.

Listening to soothing music enables us to let go of daily worries and give in to emotional healing and physical relaxation. The longer you listen to the healing frequency of meditation music, the more relaxed you will feel.

In an article, wellness coach Elizabeth Scott, MS, writes โ€œMusic can promote relaxation of tense muscles, enabling you to easily release some of the tension you carry from a stressful day. When you relax your muscles and loosen your body, your mind also relaxes, which can help you to reduce plenty of tension and stress that you may not have realized you were carrying.โ€

Moreover, a 2014 study found that music therapy can โ€œpromote psychological and physiological relaxationโ€, especially in palliative care patients.

meditation music for stress and anxiety

4. Deeper sleep

By taking our focus away from all the noise in our minds, meditation music helps to relax our body and stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system. Hence, listening to calming music for sleep right before bed helps us to get into a deep slumber.

It allows our worries to drift away easily, silence our thoughts, and experience more restful and deeper sleep.

According to a 2012 scientific analysis, studies have โ€œrevealed a significant increase in objective and subjective sleep efficiency and a significant reduction in depression level following music relaxationโ€ฆ The study’s findings provide evidence that music relaxation at bedtime can be used as a treatment for insomnia among individuals with PTSD.โ€

5. Enhanced healing

When our mind and body relax, our natural healing abilities are significantly increased. Listening to relaxing meditation music can allow our bodies to enhance their healing powers. Studies have found that music can help patients heal faster. A research paper noted, โ€œMusic therapy is treated as a method which complements conventional treatment and makes up part of an integral whole together with physiotherapy, kinesitherapy, and recuperation.โ€

A publication from Harvard Health also states that โ€œMusic therapy can calm anxiety, ease pain, and provide a pleasant diversion during chemotherapy or a hospital stay.โ€

6. Balanced life

Nowadays, it can be really challenging for us to have a sense of balance in life as we are always busy with something or the other. Meditation music allows us to tap into our inner peace and create a blissful space where we can practice balance on a daily basis. Perhaps this is why nature sounds and relaxing music is very popular among modern-day practitioners of meditation, Yoga, T’ai Chi, and Qi Gong. Meditation music can make a positive difference in your life as well.

Relax yourself & let go of stress

Meditation music can be easily incorporated into your daily life to feel its beneficial effects,  even if you do not meditate. Relaxing and soothing music can not only help you manage stress and anxiety it can also make you feel more peaceful and regulate your thoughts, emotions, and mood. You will feel a lot calmer and happier simply by listening to meditation music just for 10 to 15 minutes every day.

meditation music for stress and anxiety

So go ahead and listen to the meditation music for stress and anxiety relief listed above whenever you simply want to let go of all your worries and tap into your inner peace.

Want more? Read 36 Most Relaxing Songs For Anxiety, Stress, And Depression

20+ Best Meditation Music For Relief From Stress & Anxiety
20+ Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief
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20+ Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief
Meditation Music Pin
20+ Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief
meditation music for stress and anxiety
20+ Best Meditation Music For Stress And Anxiety Relief

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