Why You Should No Longer Care About People’s Approval: 8 Reasons

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Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About Peoples Approval 1

Consciously or subconsciously, we sometimes crave and care about people’s approval, especially the people close to us, like our parents, friends, and partners. And that’s okay because having our feelings validated is important sometimes. But what is not okay is putting our confidence and self-worth in someone’s else hands all the damn time.

And that is exactly what happens when you care too much about what other people think.

The need for social acceptance is an integral part of human existence, and all of us want to be accepted by people, even if we deny it sometimes.

But, when this need for validation and acceptance becomes a demand, instead of a want, that is when things start to go south. Why would you base your self-esteem on what other people think of you? Or whether or not they approve of you? When you care about people’s approval, you are betraying yourself and you are telling yourself that you matter as long as other people say so.

In order to drive home the point, we have listed a few reasons why you shouldn’t care about people’s approval and how to stop caring what other people think of you.

Related: 8 Things You Should Stop Expecting From Others

8 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About People’s Approval

1. Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay.

Yes, it feels amazing when everyone loves and wants to spend time with you. When you are the person everyone likes and respects, it feels phenomenal. But at the same time, it’s okay if you’re not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s okay if there are a few people out there who don’t like who you are as a person.

That doesn’t make anybody wrong, it just makes both of you different. Everyone sees the world and life from a different lens, and if your lens doesn’t match with someone else’s it’s perfectly fine.

Learn to be okay with the fact that there might always be someone who won’t like you. Love yourself for who you are, and don’t care about people’s approval.

care about people's approval

2. Your happiness doesn’t depend on other people.

Always trying to please people in order to be in their good books, can be exhausting. Trying to please others by going out of your way to be nice and polite can be mentally and emotionally draining.

The truth is there is always going to be someone who won’t like you, no matter how hard you try. In situations like this, always remember that your happiness doesn’t depend on others, and neither should you give them that power. Your happiness and value should come from within you because that’s the only way you can live a happy and fulfilling life.

Related: How to No Longer Take Things Personally

3. Stop trying to control how other people perceive you.

Controlling what others think of you, how they see and perceive you, and whether or not they like you as a person are not the things you should focus on in your life. The more you obsess about your image in front of other people, the unhappier you will be in life.

One of the best ways to stop caring what other people think is by acknowledging this very important truth about life, and implementing it in your life. There’s no point wasting your valuable time obsessing about what others think of you, rather use that time to improve yourself in the areas you think are making you feel insecure.

4. It’s emotionally and mentally draining.

When you need other people’s approval all the time, it becomes exhausting and draining after a point. People are going to hurt you and disappoint you and that’s part of life. That doesn’t mean you give up on yourself and compromise on your sense of self-worth just because one person doesn’t like you.

Depleting yourself and thinking you’re not good enough, on the basis of what other people think is only going to make you feel depressed and alone. Seeking approval wastes your mental and emotional energy.

5. It comes in the way of you accepting yourself for who you are.

When you don’t care about people’s approval anymore, that’s when you fully accept yourself, and that’s when you show up in your authentic self. And being authentic is everything in life. Conforming to societal opinions and standards all the time is not how you should live your life.

The more you care about people’s approval, the more you stifle your own self, and along with that, you stifle your voice, inner self, opinions, feelings, and self-respect. Letting go of this need for validation and not caring what other people think makes you completely free to be the real and authentic you.

Related: How To Overcome The Need To Please: 6 Step Guide

6. You finally understand what inner peace is.

When you don’t care about people’s approval, you finally understand what true inner peace feels like. When you let go of people’s opinions, expectations, and approval, you finally break all the shackles that stop you from living a happy and fulfilling life.

Inner peace is supreme, and once you crack the code to that, you get to live the life you have always wanted. Always remember that it’s your life and you should live it the way you want, not how others expect you to.

Live your life unattached

7. It’s your life and you’re in control of it. Not them.

You will never be in control of your life if you keep on giving your power to other people and what they think about you. Needing other people’s approval is giving them the reins of your life, and giving off the message that it’s them who controls it, not you.

Be confident about yourself and do what you feel is right, even if other people judge your choices. It’s your life, not theirs, so take control of it and live it your way. You are a whole, complete and awesome person who doesn’t need other people to tell you how great you’re!

8. YOUR approval and opinion is the only thing that matters.

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what you think about yourself; it’s YOUR approval that matters, not someone else’s. The moment you start loving yourself, you will no longer find yourself worrying about how others perceive you and what opinions they have about you.

You will realize others’ opinions never mattered, what mattered was what you felt, and thought about yourself. Once you reach this point, you will feel free.

Related: 9 Habits of Highly Confident People

In order to live a happy, fulfilling and peaceful life, it’s important to love yourself and treat yourself with kindness. Self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance are the only things that will bring you inner peace. Don’t chase after other people’s approval and validation, rely on yourself and you will see how strong you really are.

9 Reasons Why You Should No Longer Care About People’s Approval
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