15 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself To Be Happy


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Things Stop Doing Yourself Be Happy

Unknowingly, you end up doing things that are bad for your soul and suffer the consequences. So below are 15 things to stop doing to yourself for a happy life!

There many people in the world, who make themselves go through agony and pain because they think that’s how it should be. They only think about the negative things about themselves or that will happen to them. This steers them to turn resentful and bitter. They think that they don’t deserve even a little bit of happiness or positivity.

We are the center of our own universe. That’s why doing things that are bad for you can weaken the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the beliefs you hold about life. The more negativity you bring in life the more it tends to set the tone of how people treat you. As long as you put yourself down, the world will put you down too.

So what should you stop doing to yourself? STOP being pessimistic! And start loving yourself, treat yourself with kindness, and you’ll notice that it will reflect on other people too.

15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself And Treating Yourself With Kindness

1. Don’t put your happiness on hold

Being happy is a journey, not a destination, and if you can’t be happy now, it’s likely that you will find yourself unhappy over and over again. You should always be mindful and grateful for happiness since, in reality, it is extremely difficult to find. So, if you experience even a small amount of joy, seize it with both hands and enjoy it.

15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself
What You Should Stop Doing To Yourself?

And remember that time waits for no one. You are the one who is responsible for your own happiness, and only you will be able to make yourself happy. Don’t wait for something to happen so that you can make yourself feel that happiness.

Read 10 Every Day Must Doโ€™s To Make You Love Yourself Better

2. Stop poisoning your mind with negative thoughts

What you feed your soul determines its quality. Your soul becomes poisonous if you think negatively all the time. However, you will feel better about life if you nourish your soul with positive and wishful thinking.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

You’ll be inspired to improve yourself, your appearance, and your social interactions. Your life won’t improve unless you stop giving yourself all kinds of poisonous, destructive, and negative ideas.

3. Stop fighting for your limitations all the time

Remember that there are no limits when it comes to what you want to be, can be and what you achieve in life. You are as strong and worth it than the rest of the people in the crowd. There is no one who is more or less than anyone you. And you need to stop others make you feel like they can step on you.

things to stop doing to yourself
Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself

If you keep taking a step back because you believe that you have a lot of limitations, then you will never be able to reach your destination – your full potential.

So, keep trying!

4. Youโ€™re ENOUGH! Stop telling yourself otherwise

The mind is a powerful place, and how it treats you depends on what you feed it. Constantly feeding it with self-deprecating and negative thoughts can make you steadily believe that all those negative about yourself is actually true.

things to stop doing to yourself
Stop Doing Things That Are Bad For You: Love Yourself Instead

If you’re telling yourself that you are “not good enough” round the clock then you’ll actually never be good enough as others. You will only attract toxic people who are bad for you and your mental health. They will take advantage of you as well.

So if you want to live a happier life, tell yourself that you are good enough, you are worthy and that you can do anything in life if you really wish for it. You will notice how positive self-talk bring changes in your life.

5. Stop surrounding yourself with the wrong people

things to stop doing to yourself
Things You Need To Stop Doing Today

Surrounding yourself with all kinds of toxic and negative people and people who are always complaining without putting an effort to better themselves will slowly take a toll on your mental health. And without you even knowing it, you will start to believe the same things that they believe, and behave in the same way that they behave.

Related: Why You Must Stop Loving The Wrong People In Your Life

6. Stop waiting for life to happen and start living now

This moment is right here – you need to to take ownership of your life. If you choose to waste this moment by waiting for life to happen, then you will waste a golden period of your life waiting for something you will not get back. This may sound intimidating, but you need to aim for growth and start your own life.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

So take matters into your own hands and make it happen. All those dreams and aspirations you have, you can fulfill all of them by yourself. Unless you choose to start your life, it can never truly begin.

Read Three Wrong Ways To Love Yourself And How To Do It Right

7. Stop complaining!

Complaining might feel like a harmless way to relieve tension or stress, but it can have a lasting and negative impact on your life. It is also one of the most futile human activities to exist.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

So when you’re ranting about something, the reality is never going to change it; either you accept it or you to do something about it. And if you canโ€™t alter it, then alter your perception, change your attitude, but you need to stop complaining. Whining about something wrong that has happened to you will never make it easier or better, rather it makes an already negative situation a lot worse.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others

You need to break the habit of comparing yourself to other people. On the contrary to what other people make you believe, the mission of your life is not to work towards being better than the rest. You need to work towards being better than your older self. You need to be better today than what you were yesterday.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things You Need To Stop Doing

Channel all your energy in being the best version of yourself. Instead of concentrating on what other people are doing. You need to focus on yourself and think about what you can do to improve yourself and reach new heights.

9. Stop obsessing over your past mistakes 

Every day, you get a new chance of making your life into something better by making yourself better. So, what’s the point of staying stuck in the past? No amount of regret can change the past, isn’t it?

things to stop doing to yourself
What Should You Stop Doing?

The past is gone Thinking about it all the time and obsessing about what happened years ago, will make you go insane and there is nothing you can do to change it. Don’t waste your precious time and energy ruminating. Live in the present.

Related: 20 Signs It’s Time To Let Go Of The Past And Move On

10. Stop looking for love in the wrong places.

Finding true and lasting love doesn’t come from good looks or being the smartest in the room. You need to stop searching for love where there is none for you. Life is too short to waste on people who don’t appreciate you or your efforts. But you need to wait for those special people who will truly love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things You Should Stop Doing In Life

Love is all around you, have faith in yourself and your destiny. You will find something meaningful very soon. Just hold on, the right person is just around the corner.

Read How to Love Yourself More (Even When Others DONโ€™T)

11. Stop being worried over things you can’t control

Seize the day, my friend and make the most of your time in this world. You need to give your best shot at life. Your efforts are the only things that matter at the end of the day. You can live a life that is not only happy and memorable but worthwhile too!

things to stop doing to yourself
You Need To Stop Doing Things That Are Bad For You

Worrying all the time is not going to make life easier or fair, it’s the hard truth of life. Life is unfair and you never know what kind of curveball it might throw your way. You only get one life, and there are no do-overs when it comes to that. So, what’s the point of worrying over things you have absolutely no control over?

12. Stop being ungrateful and unappreciative

People who are ungrateful and unappreciative of the things they have, end up losing all those things at some point. When these gifts are taken away from them, then they will realize the importance of it and how they should have been appreciative of it.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

You have so much to be grateful for in this world. The more you get into the habit of expressing your gratitude for the gifts of life, more wonderful things will happen and make you happier. So be thankful!

13. Stop expecting everyone to like you

Live your life in such a way that people are intrigued to know about you as a person. Focus on what you are passionate about and work hard on that, and you will see that in no time, people are coming to you to know more about you.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things You Should Stop Doing

You may not like to hear this, but no matter how hard you try, not everyone is going to like you. If you want the world to respect you and like you, stop running after other’s approval and attention.

14. Stop drowning yourself in self-doubt

Nothing can change who you are; you are who you are. Trust in your inner strength, skills, knowledge, and, most importantly, in your goodness of heart. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you have flaws, each and every person has them. Therefore, don’t punish yourself for having imperfections.

things to stop doing to yourself
You Need To Stop Doing Things That Are Bad For You

15. Stop undermining your self-worth

What and how you believe about yourself determines how valuable you are to yourself. Nobody else can ever make you feel confident and content unless you give yourself that feeling. Your self-worth does not depend on others; it entirely up to you.

things to stop doing to yourself
15 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself To Be Happy

You shouldn’t need to look elsewhere for what you already have inside you in large quantities if you love yourself enough. Nothing can hurt you or phase you as long as you love yourself and everything about you.

You may find it difficult to accomplish all of these things in your life, and that’s okay. Take things slow, work on treating yourself first. It takes time to learn how to love oneself, but it’s not impossible. You can do this!

15 Things You Should Stop Doing To Yourself
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15 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Yourself To Be Happy

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