12 Things Your Soul Wants You to Remember


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Things Soul Wants You Remember

Do you want to hear the call of your soul? Then take a sneak peek into the things your soul wants you to remember. Although it may feel like it, your soul is not separate from you. In truth, your soul is your true essence, your true existence. We are simply shadows of all that we are. There are things your soul wants you to know.

It is easy to forget who we are, where we come from and all that we can be and sometimes we need a reminder.

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12 Things Your Soul Wants You to Remember

Here are the 12 most important things that your soul wants you to remember. If you are drawn to these lessons at any point in your life, then this means that they are the signs your soul is speaking to you.

soul wants you to remember
12 Things Your Soul Wants You To Remember

1. You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be

Your soul wants you to remember that no matter the circumstance, no matter the ride that you got, where you are in this very present moment is where you are meant to be. The choices, the outcomes, the paths you could have taken and didnโ€™t don’t matter. Your soul wants you to know, that everything happens for a reason, and nothing happens by chance. Have faith, it will all work out.

Read: 7 Signs You Are an Old Soul

2. Everything Is Temporary

Nothing lasts forever, the good, the bad, and the ugly, nothing is permanent. So be impermanent. Be like water and flow with the ups and downs of life.

3. Everything You Need Is Already Within You

Know yourself, sit with yourself and understand yourself. Everything you need, your strength, courage, compassion, and love, all exist within. You have the choice as to which you need to find and bring out into the world.

4. Youโ€™re OK Just As You Are

Another crucial thing your soul wants you to remember is that the main goal of life is to not force change upon yourself or undergo a major transformation. It is to be at peace with who you are at any given moment despite what you have done or not done; said or not said. Transformation is a choice we all have, but it is not to be forced due to under satisfaction. True transformation comes first with acceptance.

5. Self Worth Is Measured By You, And Only You

If you constantly seek outside of yourself for approval and validation, you will never be happy. We are all different and we all perceive things in different ways but your reputation is not something you can really control. Your reputation is not really in your hands, so stop trying to please everyone around you and start pleasing your own self.

6. When Times Get Tough, Change Your Perspective

Your soul wants you to remember that all emotions of worry, strife, guilt regret, and sadness come from not living in the present moment. It is only by experiencing the present moment to the fullest that we can shift our perspective and understand that lifeโ€™s hiccups on a grand scale are minor. To put it in perspective your incarnation in this lifetime and when it is done, will be summed up in an hour.

So that leads us to.

7. Live In The Present 

Donโ€™t dwell in the past or dream of the future. Find your passion and take action. The next moment in your life is not more important than this moment right now. Do today what you dream of later, and understand that your past actions were meant to occur so that you can learn and grow. So let them go, let them be, and appreciate all that you have right now.

8. Release Your Fears

Your soul wants you to remember there are only two truths in the entire universe, the first is Love and the second is Fear. In equal opposition to each other. In order to dwell in a state of true and pure love, the essence of existence and life itself, one must not carry fear.

โ€œFear knocked, love answered and no one was thereโ€- unknown

Read: 4 Strategies For Dealing With Fear and Live a Courageous Life

9. Release Your Need for Control

Holding on to the fallacy that you can have control over the outcomes of life is an illusion that you have created for yourself. We do not know what the future will bring and we cannot perceive to understand the consequences of each action and reaction, therefore your soul wants you to remember that we must love without attachment, live without expectation, and perceive without judgment.

3 types of pain

10. Remember Where You Come From

When you know the beginning you will know the endโ€“ When we understand that our consciousness is eternal we understand that we are in fact energy. Energy, a soul, a consciousness that is always evolving, learning, and growing. With each incarnation comes new lessons, and new experiences. We come from energy and to energy we will return.

11. Accept

By placing your disposition into a state of acceptance, acceptance of all that is good and bad, you release your need for control, you release your fears and you release your expectations in order that you can live in the present moment. Without acceptance, nothing can flourish. This is true prayer, not asking for what you wantโ€“ the desires of your heart, but accepting all of lifeโ€™s blessings and giving gratitude for everything in return. A cycle of love that continues growing.

12. You Are Never Alone

It is said that Albert Einstein believed that there was indeed an alternate reality or another world, beyond our own vision. As the physical eyes were only capable of viewing the 3D spectrum in a limited amount of colors, we are unaware of the reality.

Your soul wants you to remember that what is beyond the veil of our physicality is energy. Immense energy, sometimes you can feel it, other times you may pick up slight irregularities, such as orbs on cameras. We are never truly alone. You are always surrounded by the unseen, and if and when you choose to call out, trust me, you might just be surprised with an answer.

Read: The 7 Types of Rest Your Soul and Body Needs, besides Sleeping

12 Things Your Soul Wants You to Remember
12 Things Your Soul Wants You To Remember
12 Things Your Soul Wants You to Remember
12 Things Your Soul Wants You To Remember
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12 Things Your Soul Wants You To Remember

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