Type A and Type B Personality of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?


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Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign

Do you want to learn more about the personality of each zodiac sign? Knowing more about yourself, your friends, and your family may be quite useful. There are many different types and traits, but your zodiac sign can help you narrow the scale and learn more about the dominating traits. Let’s have a look at your zodiac Type A and Type B personality.

But before we get into the traits and types, let’s discuss what is a Zodiac type A and Type B personality.

What is Type A and Type B Personality?

Zodiac Type A and Type B Personality
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Well, it usually refers to two personality types that are fundamentally contrasting. Type A personality is known for being realistic, steadfast, and ethical in their actions. They are frequently motivated by a desire for fun and equality. They are driven by a deep sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Type B personality, on the other hand, is kind, selfless, and empathic in their actions. They’re the ones who are driven to connect with the world and are diligent and motivated. They enjoy being of service to others.

So what are your zodiac personality types like?

Hereโ€™s The Zodiac Type A and Type B Personality of Each Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign aries
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Aries Type A Personality: Intimidating

Aries Type B Personality: Loves being admired

Aries, the two personality types of yours are contrasting as you get angry easily but also love being adored. Your temper can flare up instantly if you are not allowed to say or do anything you wish to. But you have a kind heart and flourish on a sense of adventure, competition, and always try new things. 

Furthermore, youโ€™re an affectionate person who enjoys being loved. Your boldness and courage are greatly admired by others. Everyone aspires to have a personality like yours.

Readย Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign taurus
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Taurus Type A Personality: Kind-hearted

Taurus Type B Personality: Having anger issues

Taurus, your stubbornness can make you appear very lazy. Most people see you as chill or laid back but in reality, you’re hard-working when and if you want to be. When you want something, you have the drive of a bull and will not stop no matter what gets in your way. This makes you somewhat reliable and meticulous in your life.

Readย 8 Reasons Why A Taurus Makes The Best Partner In Life

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign gemini
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Gemini Type A Personality: Two-faced

Gemini Type B Personality: Moody

Your zodiac personality traits match your personality type perfectly. You symbolize the twins and many perceive you notorious along with the zodiac signs and are labeled as someone who is two-faced. You can be gentle and loving one minute and cold and detached the next. Nobody is sure what to expect from you. The only constant is that everyone is treated equally. 

Readย 5 Reasons A Gemini Is The Most Interesting Person Youโ€™ll Meet

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign cancer
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Cancer Type A Personality: Over-protective

Cancer Type B Personality: Determined

As a Cancer, you are overprotective out of love, but sometimes it can get to be too much, and you tend to get controlling. You have a nurturing personality and everyone knows that you mean well. Most people see you as someone who is overly emotional but when you decide on something, no one can stop you from accomplishing it.

Readย 7 Reasons Cancers are the Best Lovers In the Zodiac

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign leo
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Leo Type A Personality: Self-absorbed

Leo Type B Personality: Generous

Leo, you may come across as someone who is selfish because you love attention and don’t mind talking about yourself. You are direct, honest, and like to explore options that will help you understand yourself in depth. But, deep down, you’re also afraid of not being valued. Your reputation and popularity are all a facade; you genuinely enjoy helping others and are also pretty entertaining.

Readย Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Type A Type B Personality Zodiac Sign virgo
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Virgo Type A Personality: Extremely organized

Virgo Type B Personality: Emotional

You, Virgo, are a very methodical person who enjoys organizing your life to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. You’re a ‘neat freak’ who struggles to concentrate when surrounded by mess and clutter. You’re the best when it comes to problem-solving, and you enjoy helping others. You’re quite emotional, yet you won’t date and will only hook up casually.

Readย The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign libra
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Libra Type A Personality: Kind-hearted

Libra Type B Personality: Can be a bit petty

Libra, you have a big heart and are always concerned if others are doing okay. You’re known for your commanding attitude and perfectionist tendencies, but there’s a lot more to you. Underneath your bossy demeanor, you have a sensitive nature. You have a history of petty behavior. If someone wrongs you, you will be directly affected and will teach them a lesson.

Readย 9 Reasons to Love a Libra and the One Secret they Keep

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign scorpio
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Scorpio Type A Personality: Emotionally connected

Scorpio Type B Personality: Sensual nature

Scorpio, you can be intimidating because of your emotional intensity. Among your two personality types, type one is the most emotional. That is to say, when you fall in love with someone, you fall head over heels and become a little obsessed with them. Others are drawn to you because your type B personality is daring, witty, and in tune with your sexual nature.

Readย 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign sagittarius
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Sagittarius Type A Personality: Emotionally detached

Sagittarius Type B Personality: Deeply connected

As a Sagittarius, you value your independence and like to remain emotionally unattached from anything that can disturb you. You enjoy being free-spirited and keep traveling to keep your dreams. Even if you try to conceal your feelings behind your smiling face, you always let your guard down with people who make you feel at ease.

Readย The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign capricon
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Capricorn Type A Personality: Perfectionistย 

Capricorn Type B Personality: Kind & generous

Capricorn, you are a total workaholic and take immense comfort in being able to point to the number of hours or projects youโ€™ve completed. You might not be the goofiest among the zodiac signs, but anyone who knows you, knows that you have a caustic sense of humor. Some may see you as the harsh kind but you can be generous and don’t mind taking time out of your busy day to give full attention to people you care about.

Readย The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign aquarius
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Aquarius Type A Personality: Open-minded

Aquarius Type B Personality: Unpredictable

Aquarius, you like to keep an open mind about things and are well known for being an independent thinker and deciding things for yourself. You are known to be innovative and aren’t afraid to think outside the box when it comes to solutions and creative projects. But, you may get bored of your repetitive routine and hate the idea of doing the same thing every single day. Hence, being unpredictable comes naturally to your life as you like a sense of adventure.

Readย 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign pisces
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

Pisces Type A Personality: Extremely sensitiveย 

Pisces Type B Personality: Dreamyย 

Pisces your zodiac type A and type B is quite similar, you come off as someone who is too cool for school, but deep down you are a big softie and have the biggest hearts of all. You are compassionate and will do whatever you can to help others. You are also one of the most intuitive of the zodiac signs and gravitate towards spiritual practices and have a dreamy side to your personality.

Readย 9 Reasons Why Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Figure Out

So did you discover your personality traits and types? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

You can learn more about the two zodiac personality types with the help of this informative video:

Type A Type B Personality Zodiac Sign pin
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?
Type A Type B Personality Each Zodiac Sign pin
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?
zodiac type a and type b personality
Type A And Type B Personality Of Each Zodiac Sign: Which One Are You?

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  1. Jenni Avatar

    Can you take another look at Leo and Virgo card? They are both the same. Thx!

    1. Satyapriya Rao Avatar
      Satyapriya Rao

      Hi Jenni,
      Thank you for the update! The zodiac cards you have mentioned are rectified. Hope you enjoyed reading the post.
      Have a nice day!

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