Why Do Women Like Bad Boys Over Good Guys? 5 Reasons


Women Like Bad Boys Over Good Guys

Why do women like bad boys? Is the excitement and mystery of being with someone worth the heartache? Learn why most women are attracted to bad boys.

When it comes to dating, women can be quite paradoxical. We yearn for that nice and sensitive guy, but at the same time, we cannot stop our hearts from falling for the popular kind. Itโ€™s always the handsome, playboy of the class that gets the most attention. Someone who is usually tagged as narcissistic and self-absorbed.

The โ€˜Manโ€ who surpasses our intellect and challenges us in every way. The one who would never commit, winning whose attention would be like winning a Jackpot. The one, who ignites the wild and passionate side of ours. There is something about those naughty eyes and a smirk on the face that drives us insane.

Yes, he is, what we call the โ€œBad Guyโ€.

Below we discuss some of the possible reasons why we feel more attracted to the Bad Guys. Let us know if you find these true.

Why Do Women Like Bad Boys? Discover 5 Reasons Why

1. They take us to adventure land.

A guy with serious commitment issues, surely makes a woman want him more and more. All the cool and popular guys suffer from commitment phobia. He never seems to commit and continues playing with the womanโ€™s heart.

He definitely comes across as a bad guy. But somehow we poor healers fall for them more. The sudden splurge of attention and nothing at times gets our hormones on a roller coaster ride and we keep craving for more. The chase and the challenge we pose on ourselves for this โ€˜Most Wantedโ€™ Bad Guy comes along as a much-wanted adventure.

2. Nice guys = boring guys.

While we NEED a nice guy, we end up WANTING a bad guy. When we know porridge is good for us, we still go drooling for a slice of PIZZA. Donโ€™t we? No one can deny that we tend to associate the nice guys with boredom and dullness.

Why Do Women Like Bad Boys Over Good Guys? 5 Reasons
Why Do Women Like Bad Boys? Discover 5 Reasons Why

Women inherently keep looking for someone to take care of them, they at times need that caring and sweet attitude of a guy, yet somehow ends up preferring a guy who has no connection with the term โ€˜intimacyโ€™ and is usually โ€˜unromanticโ€™ by nature.

Read 10 Things A Good Guy Wonโ€™t Ever Do To The Woman He Loves

3. Itโ€™s more of a physical attraction.

A strong personality, hot body and a condescending attitude- pretty much everything to sweep a woman off her feet. Women somehow try to associate physical attractiveness with good skills in bed.

It is obvious that women want a long-lasting relationship with a nice and kind guy, but when it comes to explore the physical side, they prefer a passionate and dominating partner. Someone who would make them explore themselves

It is observed that the women whose love language is touch emphasize more on alpha men. While women with little to other love language go for the nice guys.

4. Women take them as a challenge.

How many times we have come across a movie where the sweet girl next door succeeds in humbling down an aggressive, wild guy? Women in general are natural healers, they like fixing people.

why do women like bad boys
Why Am I Attracted To Bad Boys?

This entire idea of taming down a wild and conceited guy, while winning his affection is a picture-perfect story for them.

Read 6 Reasons Why We Are Addicted To The Bad Boys And Men Who Hurt Us

5. Women remain unchanged.

In spite of having an unpleasant experience in dating the โ€œcool guyโ€, women manage to manipulate their own hearts in liking the same type of guys, yet again. Somehow, the conceited attitude of the guy never fails to catch their fancy.

No matter how many times they have their heart-broken, a woman never really learns her lesson. It is indeed a tragedy that some women actually end up marrying such jerks, in spite of having a bad experience in the past.

Well, all we can say is that a glass of mojito is always satisfying than a plain glass of lemon water. Isnโ€™t it?

If you want to know more about why women are attracted to bad boys, then check out this video below:

Why Are Women Attracted To Bad Boys? 5 Reasons Why Women Like Bad Boys

5 Reasons Why Women Feel More Attracted To The Bad Boys
Why Do Women Like Bad Boys?
Women Like Bad Boys Over Good Guys pin
Why Do Women Like Bad Boys Over Good Guys? 5 Reasons

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  1. Heike McKay Avatar
    Heike McKay

    #4 for sure, guilty as charged โšก๏ธโšก๏ธโšก๏ธ

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