What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year


What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind This Year

Are you traveling light into 2024 or carrying last year’s baggage? To know what dead weight you need to shed, read what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year!

We all carry baggage. Some of these are our past experiences, haunting memories, and unfulfilled dreams, and some are others’ expectations or unresolved issues imposed or projected on us.

Whether our baggage was chosen by us or not, we need to drop it in order to move on with our lives and make the most of the opportunities and offers that come our way. After all, you cannot fly high when something is weighing you down, can you?

So, what baggage do you need to let go in 2023 so that you can embrace the new year with an open mind and a clear head? If you need some help to figure it out, here’s our zodiac baggage, ready to unpack!

We believe you will relate to what the zodiac signs should leave behind in 2023 and find out your own baggage that you need to leave with this year, according to your star sign’s personality traits.

So, without any further ado, jump right into what the signs should leave in 2023!

What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind This Year

Here is your zodiac baggage that you need to leave behind in 2023:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Doubts

Aries is meant to be confident and brave. When you are ready to follow your inner fire and be open to the opportunities and possibilities that life has to offer, you thrive!

However, the setbacks or rejections in the past have made you doubt yourself and others.

You are questioning your capabilities and your talents. You are second-guessing yourself a lot. You’re also finding it difficult to put your trust in others and open up to them.

This is pulling you behind in life. As per what the signs should leave in 2023, once you let go of your doubts and distrust you will find life exciting again and you will be able to charge ahead toward 2024 like the courageous Ram you are!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Anger

There’s a build-up of a lot of resentment and hostility within you. You are a loyal and honest person and you give it your all whether it is work or relationship.

You don’t expect much, but just honesty and sincerity in return. You take a lot of time to warm up to anyone new, but once you do, you bare your soul to them.

However, in the past, people have made you feel vulnerable. They have not honored your trust and commitment. You have been let down, manipulated, and even taken advantage of.

All these have caused a lot of fury within you. But anger is something that’s burning you from the inside. It’s preventing you from fostering healthy connections and also it’s causing you to earn a bad rap.

So, according to what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year, you must let go of your anger and let people see what a wonderful and nurturing person you are!

The right people will appreciate you and you can always set boundaries to keep the wrong ones out!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Idea of Perfectionism

You’re known to be easygoing and accepting of others’ flaws and weaknesses. But, you’re often too hard on yourself. You have this idea of how your life should be and when you can’t achieve that unrealistic standard, you beat yourself up.

Self-improvement is one thing. You should keep striving to improve yourself in 2024. But that doesn’t mean you need to judge yourself against an impossible parameter.

No one is perfect and you shouldn’t give in to your negative self-talk. According to what the zodiac signs should leave behind in 2023, you should be gentle with yourself and accept your pace of growth.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your People-Pleasing Habit

Yes, you are by default a warm, caring, and nurturing person. These qualities make you special and we are not asking you to change.

But when you waste your precious energy worrying about whether others are happy with you or not, all the time, it becomes a problem.

You cannot make everybody happy all the time and neither should you try! You can let people walk all over you and still, there will be some who will complain you are not plain enough.

So, according to what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year, you need to focus on your own happiness and fulfillment.

Take care of yourself. Fill your cup before pouring it into others’. The only person you should try to make happy is you. Self-love should come first.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Habit of Procrastination

You are a fire child. You are full of passion, dreams, and aspirations. We all know that Leos are meant for big things; big, larger-than-life, spectacular, movie-like things!

Nothing ordinary satisfies you. You’re not the one to settle for less. When it comes to relationships, you give it your best!

So, what’s stopping you from chasing your professional or creative dreams? You have unique gifts that the world needs right now. Why are you putting off things for the latter?

You’re losing valuable time due to this zodiac baggage. According to what the signs should leave in 2023, you need to stop procrastinating. Pull up your socks and get down to business.

Make a list of all the things you want to accomplish and come up with a strategic plan of action. Push yourself, because no one else will do that for you!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Insecurities

You are a practical, responsible, and dutiful person. You are a fixer. You try to be there for others and take care of their needs. You are sincere and, although you might not show it, also caring.

But the problem is you worry a lot. You worry your loved ones will not do well enough. You worry you will not achieve your goals, and you also worry you are not doing enough, for yourself, and for others.

This insecurity drives you to be critical, judgmental, and difficult. You get so hung up in the details that you miss the bigger picture.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced, not won. So, as per what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year, get rid of your fears and insecurities. Your loved ones will thank you for it and you will find life to be much easier.  

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Guilt

Life is not always beautiful, balanced, and fair. In fact, more often than not, it is chaotic, crude, and full of unpleasant surprises.

Things can go south even after your best efforts. Your partner may misunderstand you, your friends might fight with you, or your boss might not see the potential in you. Sh!t happens and you need to roll with the punches.

When things go rough in spite of your hard work or dedication, you must accept it with an open mind and think about a solution.

Feeling guilty, blaming yourself, and giving in to your inner conflicts will not help! According to what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year, you have to stop feeling bad about yourself every time something goes wrong. It cannot be your fault all the time.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Habit of Taking Things Personally

Being emotional and deep are your strengths, don’t make them your shortcomings. You have a great emotional intelligence. You can look deep within another person and know their feelings with ease. You have great control over your emotions as well.

However, your zodiac baggage is that you tend to take things personally, which is not a good thing. You need to let go of your suspicions that every other person is out to get you and harboring a secret vendetta against you.

You need to take certain things more casually and loosen up a bit. Don’t get upset when someone forgets your birthday, makes a joke, or offers constructive criticism.

Read 14 Signs You’re An Emotionally Intelligent Person

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Tendency to Settling

You have been dissatisfied with people a lot. This has made you feel dejected and disillusioned with life. You feel misunderstood and alone. You think no one gets you.

As a result, you have stopped aiming higher. You have started settling for less, be it a job or relationship.

You think there’s no point in investing in anything, as it won’t turn out well in the long run, anyway. So, you give up.

As per what the zodiac signs should leave behind in 2023, you should stop settling for whatever option you get.

This is stifling your growth and making you unhappy in life. Know your desires and find people who align with your thinking, instead of trying to make it work in places where you simply don’t belong.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Habit of Worrying

You had to be the responsible one… always.

You are the designated driver when your friends have one too many. You think about saving for the future when your partner wants to splurge. You keep the project on track when your team members lose their focus.

Being the responsible one has made you worry about a lot of things… all the time. But this is becoming a negative behavioral pattern which is giving way to anxiety, obsession, and pessimism.

You need to come out of this and start living your life. Stop worrying about every little thing that can go wrong. Focus on your happiness, desires, and dreams. Not everything is your responsibility. Be more flexible, open, and adventurous. Stop to smell the roses.

Read 6 Techniques to Stop Worrying

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Superiority Complex

You are different than others. You always have been. Many would say you have a unique personality and an eccentric way of thinking. And they won’t be wrong.

However, your uniqueness has led you to believe that you are superior to others, or at least, you need to be. You have a deep-seated feeling that you need to prove that you are far better than your peers.

As a result, you often find yourself competing with others, rather than collaborating. You are always trying to prove a point. This is robbing you of happiness and joy.

You need to enjoy life without making it some kind of competition. According to what the zodiac signs should leave behind in 2023, once you leave behind your need to be superior, you will find more fulfillment in your relationships and work.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

Your Escapism

Being sensitive is a good thing, but running away from the harsh reality is not. You believe in high ideals and a utopic way of life. You are creative and often live in a fantasy world, where everyone plays nice.

Sadly, the real world doesn’t function this way. There are problems, heartbreaks, hurdles, challenges, and people who can be rude, mean, and even cruel.

What can you do? Simple, deal with them! Face your adversities, do your best, fight, cry in a towel, do whatever you can, but don’t run away from your troubles.

Facing problems head-on not only builds character, it is the only option that works in the long term. Admit it, has ever avoidance done you any good besides giving you temporary relief?

Closing your eyes to your problems doesn’t make them go away. So, why not brave them, braveheart?

What the zodiac signs should leave behind this year is what doesn’t serve them anymore; the things that are keeping them from blooming into their full potential. So, what the signs should leave in 2023, according to you? Let us know in the comments below!

what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year
what the zodiac signs should leave behind this year
What The Zodiac Signs Should Leave Behind In This Year

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