The Beauty Behind The Wall: What It Means To Love The Girl With A Guarded Heart


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What It Means to Love The Girl With a Guarded Heart

Are you with a girl who is hesitant to open up? Learn what loving a guarded heart means and why she doesn’t let you get too close

There is nothing simple about loving the girl with the guarded heart.

A girl with the guarded heart is not convinced by flowers and fancy dinners, nor won over by compliments and praise. In the beginning, she is a slow dance, one step toward you, another step back, as she learns to trust the ways of your heart and the strength of your arms.

The dance may be slow but it cannot be rushed, for she will sense the impatience of your steps and the way they fall out of time with hers. Dance with her. Follow the measure of her steps and in time, she will soon look to follow yours.

Related: What It Means To Fall In Love With A Girl Who Is Beautifully Broken

Loving The Girl With The Guarded Heart

A girl with the guarded heart will not show you her heart all at once, instead offer you a little at a time, unhurried and watchful of the way you hold each fragile piece.

She longs for you to understand how much it takes her to show you these pieces; for you to trace your fingers over the scars left behind from others, to feel the whisper of your breath against her neck as you promise to hold her heart with more care than those who came before.

Loving someone with a guarded heart the right way
Are You Loving Someone With A Guarded Heart The Right Way?

There are parts of her heart that remain unreachable, parts she has buried under layers she will never reveal. Love these parts of her, the parts unseen, the shadows of her soul. For even the sky knows without darkness, the stars cannot adorn us with their light.

Related: Inside The Mind Of A Nice Girl Who Got Played By Someone She Loved

A girl with the guarded heart will watch you closer than you realize, listen to every word you speak, and weigh it against every action, searching for inconsistencies, seeking the truth of your word, and the intention of your heart.

Not because she canโ€™t trust you, but because she is cautious, alert, wary; the stories of her past still etched upon her mind. She isn’t ready to trust her heart with you. Not yet. Not until she knows you are a man of your word, a man of steadfast hands and unchanging ways.

Related video on loving someone with a guarded heart:

to love with guarded heart – how to overcome that fear?

There is a part of her that will always remain a little detached, ready to run if she thinks her heart will get damaged again.

Girl with the guarded heart no longer believes in second chances, having used all of them on those undeserving of such grace. To hurt her means to lose her, for she would sooner be alone than risk losing the life she has fought so damn hard to rebuild with her own wearied hands.

She isnโ€™t there because she needs you. She doesnโ€™t need anyone. She’s there because she has chosen you because she wants you because she believes you are worth the risk. And all she asks is for you not to prove her wrong in the chance she has taken, for it has cost her more than you know.

Loving a woman with a guarded heart can be challenging but she is worth it
Loving A Woman With A Guarded Heart Can Be Challenging But She Is Worth It

She will need more reassurance than most, she will need you to stay present, available, mindful of her scars. She will think too much, talk too little, cry too often, ask too many questions, struggle to rest in your love. She is complex. Complicated. Perplexing. Sometimes difficult.

But beyond her guarded heart lies a soul that contains the wonders of the universe. One that longs to live and love with abandon, that desires connection and intimacy and to be in relationship with someone who sees both her beauty and her scars, and knows how to fall in love with both.

She holds within her a fierce spirit; brave, strong, courageous, unrelenting; yet is also the quiet and the calm, a place to take shelter against the fury of the wind on storm-filled days. She is nurture, she is passion. She is a touch of madness against ordinary skies, a vulnerable heart with a fearless soul, a barefoot warrior who follows no trails but sets her own path.

Related: 16 Ways In Which The Girl With The Big Heart But Sarcastic Mind Loves Differently

Girl with the guarded heart is grounded in her truth, accepting of her flaws, far from perfect but closer to reality than most. She is wildflowers and ocean currents and meadows that dance upon the breath of summer winds, uncontained in earthly beauty and free in spiritual grace.

Broken, she knows what it means to suffer. But out of the depths of her suffering, she has come to understand love. And her guarded heart waits for the one who understands it too.

No, there may be nothing simple about loving the girl with the guarded heart.

But every day you choose to love her, she’ll prove to you why sheโ€™s worth it.

Written by Kathy Parker
Girl With The Guarded Heart
What It Means To Love The Girl With The Guarded Heart
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Signs Of A Guarded Heart: Loving A Woman With A Guarded Heart
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The Beauty Behind The Wall: What It Means To Love The Girl With A Guarded Heart

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  1. Kim Hasselbach-Lugo Avatar
    Kim Hasselbach-Lugo

    Jason Mcknight is that me??? Lol

    1. Jason Mcknight Avatar
      Jason Mcknight

      Most of it is true babe. But I’m hoping you have given me your whole heart by now and not just a part of it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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