What 2019 Has in Store for You Based on Your Birth Month


What 2019 Has in Store for You Based on Your Birth Month

We are almost at the end of 2018 and on the verge of entering 2019.

Here is a low down on what 2019 has in store for you based on your birth month:

1. If youโ€™re born in JANUARY:

If youโ€™re born in January, you have a perfect balance of ying and yang. The balance of two opposite forces. Your specialty is a broad intellectual vision of humanity. Youโ€™re an original thinker. Original thinkers are often slightly crazy and the world needs more people like you.

2019 will be a year of major accomplishments and celebrations for you in the areas of work, romance as well as family affairs.

Youโ€™ve recently been thinking about your future goals and charting out a plan of action. Defining your priorities has been an essential a theme in your life in the last year and this focus will help you to move forward in 2019.

You will follow your heart with full gusto and wonโ€™t let anything or anyone hold you back.
Keep in mind your goals and persevere, 2019 will be the year of major success and accomplishment for you thanks for your meticulous planning and methodical execution skills.

2. If youโ€™re born in FEBRUARY:

If youโ€™re born in February, you are emotional, imaginative and creative. You are the escape artist of all zodiac signs.

2019 will be the year where you will reap the benefits of all the seeds of hard work and perseverance that you have sown in 2018.

2019 is the time to go big. Chase your wildest dreams and put your ideas into action to turn them into reality. You could also change careers in 2019 to make the best use of your talent and resources.

You will also have a very influential role to play in your family so communicate with responsibility and try to lead by example.

2019 will be the year for the best of both worlds: family and career get ready for immense blessings and joy.

3. If youโ€™re born in MARCH:

If you are born in March, you are a born natural leader thanks to your immense energy, vitality, and force.

2019 will be the year of abundance and prosperity for you. You have been working very hard for a very long time and 2019 will be the year for enjoying the fruits of success. It will be the year of celebration, joy, and retreat.

You like freedom and spontaneity and the good news is that 2019 will provide you with ample opportunities for just that. You will indulge in adventure and expanding your horizons.

4. If youโ€™re born in APRIL:

If you are born in the month of April, your strongest virtues are endurance, loyalty, patience, stability, and harmonious disposition and your deepest needs are comforts, material ease and wealth.

2019 will be the year of love and affection for you. You may meet the person you have longed for since ages and settle down with them.

You will also be motivated to improve things on your work and career front. Take risks and push your comfort zone this year and you will see new pathways will open for you.

Let your creative juices flow and go all out after your dreams in 2019!

5. If youโ€™re born in MAY:

If you are born in the month of May, your strongest virtues are great communication skills, quickness, and agility of thought and ability to learn quickly and your deepest need is communication.

2019 will be the year of change for you, it may not be flashy big changes but many things will work in your favor behind the scene.

Start 2019 on an invigorating note. Be aware of your talents and potential and utilize them to the highest potential. Go the extra mile and take risks to find your happiness.

Grab every opportunity and do whatever is essential to continue on the path of prosperity and happiness.

6. If youโ€™re born in JUNE:

If you are born in the month of June, your strongest virtues are emotional sensitivity, tenacity and urge to nurture and your deepest needs are harmonious home and family life.

2019 is the year for you, you will feel a great wave of peace and joy flow through your life.

Although you may face some obstacles and difficulties on your path you will have unwavering motivation and determination to reach your goal.

Your tenacity and optimism is your biggest asset and will help you through the toughest times. The changes you will encounter in 2019 will be life transforming for you.

7. If youโ€™re born in JULY:

If you are born in the month of July, your strongest virtues are leadership ability, self-esteem, confidence, generosity and creativity, and your deepest needs are fun, elation and need to shine.

2019 will be an incredible year for you and your family. You are an honest and upright person and it will take you to places.

Patience, reflection and good decisions are your strength and you will utilize them to their optimum use to make your desires into reality.

Leave your anxious and doubtful personality behind and a whole new world of infinite possibilities will open in front of your eyes.2019 is the year to be brave, even if the success isnโ€™t immediate, all your effort will sow the seeds of future success.

Future is bright for those who dare and who are brave!

8. If youโ€™re born in AUGUST:

If you are born in the month of August, your strongest virtues are mental agility, analytical skills, ability to pay attention to detail and your deepest needs are to be useful and productive.

2019 will be the year of reflection and introspection for you. You will be asking yourself some honest questions like are you happy where you are or do you need to do more to get where you want to be?

Be more flexible and down to earth in 2019 and you will have the strength to react calmly to any situation.

Overall things look very positive in 2019 for you!

9. If youโ€™re born in SEPTEMBER:

If you are born in the month of September, your strongest virtues are balance and logical thinking and your deepest needs are love, romance, and social harmony.

2019 will be the year of relationships. You may meet someone unexpectedly and share a bond that will transform your life forever.

You may also face an existential crisis of sorts in the beginning of the year but it will help you to explore the deeper meaning of life.

Avoid getting stuck in the rut of old memories and move on. Try to remain positive and follow your heart.

10. If youโ€™re born in OCTOBER:

If you are born in the month of October, you are one of the most intense zodiac signs.
We know that you do not wear your heart on your sleeves and do not give away your heart easily.

But 2019 will bring some wonderful people in your life and you will enter into exciting relationships.

You have some great ideas and you would want to turn them into an additional source of income.

The emphasis is on long-term goals be it work or relationships and you will also be inclined to explore new thoughts or spiritual paths.

11. If youโ€™re born in NOVEMBER:

If you are born in the month of November, your strongest virtues are ambition, drive, generosity, innovation and exploration and your strongest needs are freedom and seeking challenge.

2019 will be the year that will bring so much joy to you that you will overflow with happiness. Get ready to receive the blessings!

You may experience some financial stress this year but you need to be aggressive and ambitious to overcome all these hurdles.

Let go of all outdated concepts, habits, and relationships that no longer serve you.

12. If youโ€™re born in DECEMBER:

If you are born in the month of December, you are industrious, efficient and disciplined.

You will be in a relaxed and reflective mode in 2019. You will make time for laughter and play and love along with work.

Your efforts and plans will be supported, which will increase your confidence and enthusiasm.

Romance is also supported during this time, so make an effort to reach out and meet new people. Chances are you will meet someone with whom you will strike a beautiful bond.

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What 2019 Has in Store for You Based on Your Birth Month

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