We are all familiar with the good side of the zodiac signs and how they can impact our lives. However, it is important to note that along with the good, sometimes you need to know the bad too. Just like good zodiac signs, there can also be bad zodiac signs, or as itโs popularly known as the Black zodiac.
We all know that there cannot be good, without bad. The more negative and morbid traits of the zodiac signs are often ignored but they exist and influence us all the same.
The Black Zodiac is the dark counterpart of the Western Astrological Zodiac, both of which originated from the Babylonian Zodiac.ย And as the name denotes, the Black Zodiac represents the evil side of the human creature.
But bad traits can still be harnessed towards a good end, and it is important to know your demons and face them head-on in order to prevent them from controlling you and your life. Just like the good, sometimes itโs important to acknowledge the bad too.
Related: Your Dark Side Based on Your Zodiac Sign
What Are The Black Zodiac Signs?
1. Aries โ The Tyrant (Mar 21- Apr 19)

There is never enough of anything for you; you always want more because you are never satisfied and happy with what you have. You want everything that life has to offer and yet donโt want to invest too much on your behalf, nor do you ever work hard to get what you want.
You are never satisfied, and in a way, it is a good thing because it keeps you motivated for long. Just keep in mind that you donโt harm others in your relentless pursuit.
2. Taurus โ The Fallen Demon โ (Apr 20- May 20)

In the past, youโve had good times and bad, however, you always seem to recall the bad ones and hold on to them. Your failures haunt you every day, and you refuse to be optimistic and move on from them.
Instead of focusing on how many times you failed, try looking at your determination to get back on your feet again. Failures are there to teach you a lesson, so try to learn from them and move on.
3. Gemini โ The Basilisk (May 21- Jun 20)

People know enough to never want to be on your bad side, or at least they should. You can be positively venomous when irked. You are capable of unleashing hell on those who have provoked you, and you never let any betrayal slide.
However, in the best circumstances, your wrath is never without cause. As long as that remains the case, people will both respect you as well as fear you.
Related: The Deepest, Darkest Secrets Of Each Zodiac Sign Revealed
4. Cancer โ The Serpent (Jun 21- Jul 22)

You were born to manipulate others, and your magnetic charm never fails to draw people to you. Once you attract them, you use your cunning, sweet words, and intelligence to be benevolent or deceitful, as you wish.
People just instinctively trust you and then it depends solely on you what you do with that trust, and thatโs why itโs never that easy to know what your true intentions really are.
5. Leo โ The War Maiden (Jul 23- Aug 22)

The fact is, most of us go through life without observing much that is happening around us. In a way, we are blind to the very reality which we occupy. Not you though.
You are able to see things, for what they truly are, the good as well as the bad. One of your most difficult duties is to help others see this truth as well, which is sometimes easier said than done.
6. Virgo โ The Maelstrom (Aug 23- Sept 22)

The best thing about you is also what makes you the most dangerous. You are an ardent and loyal lover, but you also tend to get extremely possessive.
Jealousy comes very naturally to you and once you taste it, there is nothing anyone can say or do to make you feel any different. You let it consume all of you, and you donโt see anything except for the blood-red haze of jealousy and envy.
Related: How Dark Is Your Soul? This is What Your Zodiac Says
7. Libra โ The Ravenous (Sep 23- Oct 22)

All of us have inner demons, but yours are the loudest, and probably the most poisonous, and that is why your black zodiac is The Ravenous. They keep you on your toes at all times and manipulate you into thinking that youโre not good enough.
However, it is not all bad because they also push you to be the best that you can be, And because of that, you want to be anything but ordinary. Whatever is the norm, it is boring and you want to sail through uncharted territories and achieve what nobody else has.
8. Scorpio โ The Poisoned Dart (Oct 23- Nov 21)

You never have problems with impulse control, because you know precisely the time to wait and the time to strike.
Those who parade their strength are fools in your opinion because you know that timing and planning can out rule mindless strength. It doesnโt take much time for you to analyze a situation and plan your attack accordingly. However, try not to be too cynical all the time, no matter how powerful and invincible you may feel.
9. Sagittarius โ The Tempest (Nov 22- Dec 21)

You are just like the wind, carefree and wild. Just like a storm doesnโt care about what comes in its way, you are the same when it comes to pursuing your desires and dreams. You crave and need freedom above all.
However, this part of your personality often ends up hurting those who are near to you, because you can be very selfish sometimes. Learn to control these impulses a little; give in to them, but not all the time.
Related: The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign And How To Overcome It
10. Capricorn โ The Leviathan (Dec 22- Jan 19)

People are not able to easily know what your deal is exactly; there is always some mystery that points towards the dark and the sinister.
The truth is that this mystery is not completely clear, even to you. You donโt know what is it that is so sinister about you, and thatโs why you spend your life trying to find answers. But you keep your demons in check and that is more important than anything else.
11. Aquarius โ The Beast (Jan 20- Feb 18)

Your black zodiac is The Beast, and people always depend on you to be like a rock and give them strength, and for the most part, you have no problem in doing so.
It has been so long that you have been handling your own sorrows and pain that it doesnโt matter if a few more are added to the pile. But beware, all of it can go south very quickly too if you never prioritize yourself and ask for support. Too much of anything is always a bad thing, and if you keep on doing this, you will end up losing your sanity.
12. Pisces โ The Sword (Feb 19- Mar 21)

You have had your fair share of battles and chances are that victory was on your side, more often than not. This relentless pursuit of what you believe is true defines you, and the scars from your attack define your foes.
It is easy to forget yourself when a war is waging but you need to be mindful of your sacrifices. After a point, you need to let go and think about yourself and your mental and emotional peace.
Related: The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign
Which black zodiac sign is yours? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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