Having a good sense of humor is a skill that not everyone has. But, we all enjoy a good laugh now and then, donโt we? When we laugh together with someone we build strong bonds and create beautiful memories.
Like, Audrey Hepburn said, โI love people who make me laugh. I honestly think itโs the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. Itโs probably the most important thing in a person.โ
Wondering how to start conversations that will make someone smile or think about you?
Here are some fun and weird questions with just a little bit of depth to break the ice and allow you to get to know someone better.
So, letโs explore 30+ weird questions to get to know someone better according to Reddit:
Weird Questions to ask on a date as an icebreaker:
1. What are you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about? โ pdoconnell
2. If you could only eat one type of cheese for the rest of your life, which type of cheese would it be? โ Tehvolcanic
3. What conspiracy theories do you believe? โ Wazula42
4. What is something that is important to you that you never really talk about? โ GLDPineapple
5. Whatโs your favorite smell? โ ThatAngryWhiteBitch
Read more: 20 Questions To Ask A Guy To Get Closer
6. If you could pick a day to relive over and over, Groundhog Day-style, what day would it be and why? โ Bicyclegeek
7. Whatโs the best part of your day? โ Gettingsingledout
8. What is the most normal thing about you? โ Laterdude
9. What do you hate? โ TheAdminer
10. How did you get into any passions/hobbies? โ BKFootLettuce__15
Read more: 50 Deep Questions That Can Strengthen Intimacy In Your Relationship
11. The 16-year-old version of you just moved in and is now your new roommate. Whatโs the first thing you two would fight about? โ Chanhelll
12. If they made an action figure of you, what would be the three accessories it comes with and what would be the three phrases it says when you pull the string in its back? โ CJT1891
13. If you were a sandwich, what kind of sandwich would you be and why? โ Cottagecorehoe
14. If you were a guest on a late-night talk show, what story would you tell? โ TheBimpo
15. What is the last thing on your mind? โ GLDPineapple
Read more: 6 Great First Date Questions That Bond Him To You
Weird Questions to ask your friends:
16. Would you rather drink Pepsi or Coca-Cola? โ Typical-Thought4585
17. Whatโs in the trunk of your car right now? โ u/TrimFit9
18. Where do you want to be in an hour? โ u/straightouttaMASS
19. If you could reshoot any film, shot for shot with the cast of the looney toons, which film should you pick? โ BirdsAreWaterproof
20. What is something I wouldnโt believe about you? โ u/_shadow_storm_
Read more: 10 Simple Questions to Ask About Someoneโs Mental Health
21. Whatโs the coolest place youโve taken that pair of shoes? โ Varkoth
22. What is your favorite version of the potato? โ ptran99
23. If I gave you the money to set up a theme restaurant or bar, what would be the theme? What would you call the establishment? What would be the signature cocktail? โ SCATOL92
24. Compare yourself to a lead character from a movie. โ kindamymoose
25. Who is your favorite villain? โ AmandaTheCat
26. What will always be funny to you? โ sushideception
Read more: 28 Fun Questions to Ask a Guy That Heโll Love
27. What is your biggest non-academic, non-work-related accomplishment? โ sushideception
28. What is your favorite video game? โ RedditerofReddit
29. If you could go back and relive one day in your life without changing anything about it, which day would you revisit? โ sushideception
30. If seasons never changed, which would you most like to live in eternally? โ sushideception
31. What is something you never thought youโd be able to do until you actually did it? โ sushideception
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