“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.” – Forrest Gump. This dialogue has resonated with everyone for years, whenever someone has felt discontent or stuck in life. But the beauty of life is that it keeps on changing, and the truth is, your 20s are going to be the best years of your life. In order to make the most of your youth, there are a few changes you need to make in your 20’s so that you can live your life regret-free.
Here Are 25 Uncomfortable Changes You Need to Make Your 20’s Regret Free
1. Be ready to speak up.
If you are not happy with the way things are going on, you should always make it a point to speak up about it. Be it your workplace or love-life, you need to know when things are not working out and do something about it.
And if you never let others know if something is not quite right- it will never change.
2. Be open.
Open yourself up and be prepared to commit yourself wholeheartedly to a cause you believe in and then do everything in your power to make it fruitful, without thinking about what others think of it.

3. Decide whether you want to remain the way you are.
You need to decide if you want to remain the way you are now, or do you want personal growth and change?
It is easy to go with the flow and not worry much about things which are not our immediate concern, but would you want to remain the same person that you are for the rest of your life?
Do you think that would be enough, always? If the answer is no, then there is no time like the present to bring the changes you want to see in yourself.
Related: 10 Uncomfortable Milestones That Prove You’re Doing It Right (Even When It Doesn’t Feel Like It)
4. Set out your priorities and start working towards them.
It would be a huge loss to invest yourself in things which wouldn’t even matter after a few years, maybe months. So, it’s better if you invest your precious time doing things that will help you progress in your life, and prioritize those things that will help in your growth.

5. Sit back and think.
In between this frenzy of documenting every single thing that you do, sit back and think about what would you be doing if there were no smartphones? Actually, social media to be more precise. Live your life as you want to live and not how you want your online audience to see.
6. Do not overreact.
There is no need to overreact on everything. It is just a waste of your precious mental, emotional, and physical energy. Keep calm and try to handle things with poise, practicality, and intelligence.

7. Focus on interesting things.
Try to be more informative and interesting. People should want to talk to you because you actually have something to say about things other than judging people. Read and gain knowledge as much as you can.
8. Don’t focus on physical appearances.
Go beyond your physical appearance. Too fat, too thin, looking a certain way, having a certain skin type- all of these are inane things. To remain a certain dress size your entire life is not exactly a worthy accomplishment. Focus on things that make you who you truly are.
9. Think about other people.
Instead of always going on and on about yourself, try knowing a bit more about other people. After all, you already know everything there is to know about you. Other people, with their experiences and dreams, might be a very interesting topic.
10. Show empathy.
Try to be more of an empathetic person rather than an intellectual one. This does not mean that having informed opinions about things is bad, but yes putting as much effort into being kind would definitely make this world a better place.
11. Treat yourself with kindness.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself. We all have dreams to chase and a very limited amount of time to do the chasing. But it would be utterly regretful if in that process you forgot how to live in the moment and end up being extremely hard on yourself.
Related: The Science of Crying: Why It Is Healthy & Necessary For Personal Growth

12. Read as much as you can.
Read more. Even though you might feel that you don’t have the time to add ‘non-compulsory’ reading to your daily schedule, but books will always be your most loyal friends.
13. Be nice to others.
Want to make your life worth it so people would remember you? It is actually simple and not necessarily involves an era-defining accomplishment. Try to be nice to others- for the heck of it. No alternative motives. You won’t be disappointed with the results.
14. Don’t hold yourself back.
Stop holding yourself back, and let go of all those inhibitions and insecurities that you hold so dear to your heart.
As I said before- there is no time like the present. Do everything that you have wanted to do and never put it off for another day. This is the only way to make sure when death comes knocking on your door you won’t have a single regret.

15. Work for the right relationship.
Stop daydreaming about a ‘forever’ and start working on making it happen. Relationships take work and effort. If you keep giving up on people too soon, thinking ‘The (rather elusive) One’ would be perfect in every way you would always end up disappointed.
16. Be economical with money.
Splurging might sound fun, but actually, it is not. If you learn to live happily with the little that you have, you won’t find it a problem to hold on to a lot, when it comes your way.

17. Know what life is actually about.
Don’t think to achieve a certain number- be it your figure, your marks or your salary will change your life. The quality of our life is defined by our habits and not by the milestones we may or may not have achieved.
Related: 10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be
18. Focus on good values.
To make sure that you don’t lose yourself while chasing after your dreams make a list of the values which are the most essential to you. Now this will be your guideline every time you need to make a tough decision.
19. Be graceful when letting someone go.
Burning bridges sounds fun but is not. It is much more graceful and pragmatic to disentangle yourself from people, jobs, or places gently and without much wear or tear.
20. Value truth.
Seek truth. If ever you are doubtful, don’t hesitate in asking for what is the exact reality of things. After all, it is the truth that separates us from animals.
21. Deal with your insecurities.
Instead of feeding your insecurities and discomfort with quick fixes, try to find out what is wrong. Not only are these quick fixes dangerous, but they also make you hold yourself back and not do what you really want to.
22. Don’t project your flaws on others.
Look for how you project blame and your insecurities on people around you. You might not even realize this but usually what we hate in others is actually what we lack ourselves.

23. Try to get out of your comfort zone.
As the heading suggests- don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Look for purpose in your life rather than just pleasure. Pleasure just numbs your discomfort. Purpose, not just makes the discomfort bearable but also give you a way to change it.
Related: How To Stop Taking Things Personally? Nine Tough Life Facts To Know
24. Don’t consider social media to be the truth.
Social media is not the standard to which you compare your life to. Your life is your reality, whereas Instagram can hardly be said to be real at all. It is as many steps further from reality as it has filters to distort real life.

25. Live in the present.
You need to start living your life in the present. And to do that you need to be happy in your present condition. Happiness comes from within and no amount of money or status or person can change it.
If you can’t be happy with yourself, you can’t be happy with someone else. Happiness is not bound to milestones.
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