The 4 Types Of Introverts According To Jungian Psychology

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Types Of Introverts Jungian Psychology 3

Introversion is a broad term, which is not limited to just having one type; rather there are four types of introverts according to a renowned psychiatrist, Carl Jung. So the next time you come across an introverted person, observe them and think about what kind of an introvert they might be. This will help you communicate with them better, and also understand them more deeply.

Carl Jung divided introversion into four cognitive functions: restrained introversion, anxious introversion, thinking introversion, and social introversion. Depending on which category you fall under, it can say a lot about you, your personality, and how you see the world.

One of the major mistakes that researchers tend to make when it comes to introversion is that they mindlessly segregate introverts according to thinking, social and restrained categories, without taking into consideration that they are not simply exclusive to only these three kinds.

The problem is that some true introverts can be thinking, social and restrained, altogether.

Letโ€™s find out the different types of introverts, more specifically, the 4 different types of introverts.

Related: 8 Ways Introverts Interact Differently With The World

4 Types Of Introverts According To Jungian Psychology

1. Introverted Sensors

types of introverts

When it comes to introverted sensors, reality is a series of physical experiences and observations, that they can sift through and arrange when they are alone. The introverts who belong to this category are extremely detail-oriented and meticulous, and love it when everything is organized, in the right order, and are clean, including themselves.

They are smart and observant when it comes to noticing patterns over time, to predict future outcomes. They have immense respect for societal and social conventions and are traditional by nature. Tradition means to them a lot, and they hate breaking rules.

When an introverted sensor is alone, they like thinking and reflecting on previous experiences, planning out everything beforehand, and most importantly, doing everything in their power to maintain order in their lives, and their surrounding environment.

2. Introverted Feelers

types of introverts

For introverted feelers, reality is a series of experiences that are subjective and must be explored and internalized to know the true meaning of them. Feeling introverts are highly intelligent and creative people who use their solitude to create beautiful and deep music, art, and poetry. They try to understand the world and society by experiencing every part of it deeply, and then come up with a moral code for making future decisions.

Among the different types of introverts, they are the ones who are passionate about social justice and have the ability to feel the pain of the victims wronged by society and societal conventions. Feeling introverts are people who feel everything happening in the world on a much deeper level, compared to other people. Happiness, pain, anger โ€“ they feel everything very deeply.

When feeling introverts stay alone, they think and contemplate all their past experiences, and try to bare a deeper meaning of those experiences. They also get lost in their wild imaginations and come up with many interesting ideas which they can use in the future. They are people who express their feelings, and sentiments through something artistic and deep.

Related: 30 Life-Altering Lessons To Learn From Carl Jung

3. Introverted Thinkers

types of introverts

When it comes to thinking introverts, reality is a series of intentional truths that must be organized meticulously and fitted into a bigger system of undeniable, and coherent facts. They are extremely logical and pragmatic people, who are always trying to educate themselves, and acquire as much information as they can, in order to differentiate between right and false information.

Amongst all the four types of introverts, thinking introverts are normally never interested in the deeper meaning of things and always look for facts to substantiate and prove everything.

When they are alone, introverted thinkers keep themselves busy studying and researching topics of their interest, to increase their knowledge regarding it.

They love educating themselves about the various things they like and are always on the lookout for new, enriching information. They do this to build an internal and mental framework, to better understand how the world functions on a pragmatic and objective level.

4. Introverted Intuitives

types of introverts

Intuitive introverts see the world as a myriad of puzzles to be solved. They love solving complex problems because they feel this is the best way to understand how the world works in its truest sense.

Intuitive introverts collect as much information as they can from numerous sources, to deduce which fact matches well with their existing perceptions about their surroundings and the world. They always look at the bigger picture and come up with abstract ideas and notions to solve complicated problems.

They love to theorize about the future in a straightforward and logical fashion and try to predict what and how everything will happen and then plan out everything accordingly.

When intuitive introverts stay alone, they like to research topics that are of major interest to them, and then analyze that information to understand whether that fits well with their existing opinions and thoughts. Planning out their future, and thinking about everything long-term is also something you will find them doing very often.

Related: 6 Reasons Why Introverts Are Incredibly Attractive People

Interestingly, Carl Jung has noted that every human being has both extroverted and introverted traits, which is why, an introverted thinker can be an extroverted sensor, and an extroverted feeler can also be an introverted intuitive.

According to him, every person has two extroverted traits and two introverted traits. But sometimes, these are mutually exclusive, like an introverted feeler can also be an introverted thinker at the same time.

So, which of these types of introverts do you think you are? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Want to know more about how many types of introverts there are? Check this video out below!

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Introverts Types Jungian Psychology

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