3 Tips For A Better Relationship With Your Man


Tips for a better relationship with your man

Are you eagerly looking for that sure-fire way to build a healthy and better relationship with your man?

Want to inspire your manโ€™s deepest love and commitment? And see just how romantic and emotionally available he can be? Or, if youโ€™re single: Do you want to set yourself up to attract the man of your dreams with total ease?

If you do the following three things Iโ€™m about to explain, you just might be able to transform your relationship with your man overnight or start drawing and filtering higher quality men into your life than ever before.

The most important aspects of the relationship, and qualities in a partner, are not something Iโ€™ve ever seen or heard discussed anywhere in mainstream relationship advice.

This is especially the case when it comes to cracking the code of how to co-exist with your man in the long term, to have the happiest, most committed relationship with your man possible.

There are some unique nuances about the male mind that arenโ€™t naturally intuitive to most women (and vice versa, of course). But these are things that we have a hard time seeing and putting into words, so youโ€™ve likely never heard this stuff before.

That is why I wanted to put these all in one place. Iโ€™ve drawn from my personal experience in working with hundreds of men, as well as taking inspiration from my female clients, in noticing the patterns in their key struggles with the partnership. And as they began to integrate and apply these insights, they all noticed a huge shift almost immediately.

So, each of these following three points will uncover a fundamental aspect of the male mind, which will allow you to more harmoniously relate with him while causing him to want to commit to you more than any other woman heโ€™ll ever meet. 

Here are three tips for you to have a better relationship with your man.

1. Men care about their โ€˜purposeโ€™ more than their relationship

Letโ€™s start out with a hard truth. Because, why not?

So, we all have these things called โ€œvalues.โ€ Our values dictate what matters most to us in the world; they are the traits and virtues that we stand for and want to experience and live by.

And in the Western world, we men often refer to our number one core value as our โ€˜Purposeโ€™.

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It is a fact that the vast majority of men (if not all of them) care more about their purpose, deep down, than they do about their romantic relationship.

In other words, a manโ€™s partner can be his favorite person, but not his favorite anything.

This might be a tough pill to swallow. But ask any honest man, and he will confirm this to be true. And if he doesnโ€™t, Iโ€™d say thatโ€™s a red flag.

Because men who arenโ€™t connected to their purpose arenโ€™t fully connected to themselves and will start to slide into frustration over time as they keep putting other things ahead of their purpose, without even realizing that itโ€™s happening.

I said men care more about their purpose โ€œdeep down,โ€ because this is a fundamental part of male nature. Although there are plenty of men who neglect it. They are more prone to being stuck at a stunted level of psychological development, where theyโ€™re still caught up in approval-seeking and validation from women because they havenโ€™t fully come into their own. This causes a whole other host of serious relationship issues. 

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So, how can this insight about a manโ€™s purpose affect your relationships? Well, there are two things that can be done with the information here.

First, make sure that you only ever get into a relationship with a man whose purpose you deeply respect and can get behind fully.

Because whatever the purpose heโ€™s connected to, it will dictate the course of his life, and it will also dictate the course of your attraction.

Like most women, you probably look at him and think youโ€™re just falling in love with and committing to an individual. But he is tied to a whole other entity: His purpose. You can picture it like the sidecar on a motorcycle.

For you to be excited and in love with him all the way down the line, youโ€™ll need to fundamentally align with and respect the values within the greater purpose heโ€™s dedicating himself to.

So, what is his purpose? And how do you feel about it? Is it to serve, build, impact, create art or wealth? Does he care far more about money and status than you do? Or far less? Is he committed to fighting and volunteering for a particular cause? Does he want to offer a particular service to other people and his community? And does he also give a shit about what you care about too?

These are all questions you can be asking during the dating phase. And if youโ€™re already in a relationship, diving into and designing your values together can be a great exercise to realign yourselves.

There is also a chance that a man can be authentically connected to a purpose that has more to do with building a family, traveling, and merely enjoying the simple things in life. And that could very well be exactly what youโ€™re after.

But for most men, they crave to be in service of a higher purpose that transcends themselves โ€“ something to do with filling a specific role in the community or creating a specific impact in the world.

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And many women crave the strength and direction in a man who is also in service of greater values that are bigger than the relationship.

On the flip-side to all this, if a man is not clearly connected to his purpose, and heโ€™s not working on finding it, that spells trouble down the line. It will likely cause him to feel unfulfilled and act out in various ways because a core part of his nature isnโ€™t being activated and engaged.

Following a purpose tends to have the best results on a manโ€™s emotional and mental wellbeing, particularly in his relationship, which feeds into the mutual happiness, security, and connection for both partners.

And second, when you have found that man whose purpose you deeply love respect, show him how much you do, and then be an ally to him. 

A man who feels his woman admires and supports his purpose will want to keep her by his side for life.

He will feel seen and loved for the most important part of his existence. He will also feel completely free and fully self-expressed, which is a manโ€™s biggest goal in life, as well as his greatest fear โ€“ which is being with a woman who will limit or stifle his freedom and mission in some way.

Rememberโ€ฆ the masculine in every person prioritizes mission/vision/purpose, and the feminine in every person prioritizes love, connection, and relationshipโ€ฆ and we all have some percentage of each type of energy. So if youโ€™re looking to be in an intimate relationship with a more masculine associated man, then the above advice can not be overlooked.

(It goes without saying but he should also feel aligned with your lifeโ€™s vision. Ultimately, you want both of your highest and best visions for your lives to align long-termโ€ฆ otherwise, youโ€™ll always be fighting an uphill battle.)

2. Expand your definition of vulnerability

I have had countless female coaching clients ask me, โ€œHow do I get him to be more vulnerable with me?โ€

And while this desire is a very noble one, thereโ€™s something missing from their awareness of what it is exactly that theyโ€™re asking for.

When I probe a little deeper, one of two things will happen. Either they wonโ€™t be able to break things down any further, or convey a specific understanding of what it is they want, or they have a very narrow definition of what vulnerability means to them and expect their man to be giving them something that he doesnโ€™t have to give.

Because more often than not, when women ask for this, what theyโ€™re actually asking is, โ€œWhy doesnโ€™t he cry in front of me? Why doesnโ€™t he show vulnerability like I show vulnerability?โ€

Questions like these are usually the source of the problem. The crux of the issue often doesnโ€™t lie in the man being closed off, but in the woman not being able to recognize his brand of vulnerability as different from hers.

What feels personal, exposing, troubling, risky, honest, emotional, or important, all differ wildly from person to person, and especially from women to men.

So, to all the women who seek for their partners to display vulnerability, I would encourage you to broaden your awareness of what that word actually means, especially for men.

As well as to realize that he might already be getting vulnerable with you regularly. Itโ€™s just that he is doing so in ways that you wouldnโ€™t normally recognize and label as โ€œvulnerability.โ€

For example, one of the most vulnerable things a man can ever do with his partner is express fear, doubt, or uncertainty in regards to his career. Because fulfilling the roles of security and provider has been conditioned into him by tradition and evolution. They are ways of being valued as a man and valuable in the eyes of his partner. It is a concern that runs his life.

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Because our lifeโ€™s work is so central to our core identity as men, if your man expresses doubt about his work (either about his level of competency with it, or potentially shifting jobs, or being uncertain about his professional direction) you must realize that there is almost nothing more vulnerable he could be speaking to you about.

His eyes might not be welling up, and he might not be ranting in detail about his emotions, but I assure you that he is cracking himself wide open and bearing to you one of the rawest parts of himself.

This is just one small example. But itโ€™s one to keep in mind.

If you crave more vulnerability from your man, hold the intention of expanding what exactly vulnerability could look and feel like for you. Perhaps thereโ€™s something more specific you can boil it down to that you want to experience with him, or hear him speak about, that would make you feel more intimately connected and result in a better relationship with your man.

More often, you might realize that he is already showing you many things that are vulnerable to him, and you can begin recognizing all of them more often and build a better relationship with your man.

3. Attach clear goals to your asks

Want to get your way in a relationship with your man, while not feeling like you have to take on the masculine, leading, directive role? 

Then I would suggest attaching goals to your asks.

What do I mean by this?

Itโ€™s no secret that men can be highly competitive and task-oriented. In other words, men love to WIN.

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So, if you frame the things you want in contexts where your man is in a good position to win โ€“ where he has a clear aim and a finish line to pursue โ€“ then his goal-achieving nature will kick into gear and generate results. All the while giving him a sense of fulfillment in the process.

Hereโ€™s an example of this in actionโ€ฆ

Letโ€™s say that you want him to set up a romantic date for the two of you.

Many women might resort to complaining and telling him how he hasnโ€™t taken her out for a long time (which would register to his male mind as โ€œShe is upsetโ€ฆ therefore I am already losingโ€ฆโ€). If youโ€™ve ever done that, you may have experienced your man either completely shutting down and pulling away, or getting defensive.

This is a lose-lose scenario.

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Neither person gets what they want, and the connection is tarnished.

And I get why many women might have this as their natural instinctual reaction. No matter how ineffective the complaining route is, itโ€™s ultimately coming from frustration that their man isnโ€™t taking action on something, or isnโ€™t aware of her needs โ€“ and they donโ€™t want to have to push to make it happen themselves.

But instead of complaining and building resentment on both sides, try giving him a positive opportunity to achieve a goal.

For example, saying, โ€œMmmmโ€ฆ I havenโ€™t had Indian food in a long time! I really miss eating Indian food.โ€ Or even more directly, such as, โ€œI would love to have an extended date night soon where we just cuddle and watch a movie.โ€

Can you see how phrasing things in such a manner opens a door that he can then choose to step through? Rather than approaching him with scolding โ€œput-downโ€ energy?

You get what you want, and he gets to feel like he accomplished something, while nobody is blaming or made to feel wrong.

That is a win-win scenario.

To do this well, youโ€™ll need to be clearly in touch with your needs and practice expressing them. Which means that youโ€™ll have to do a little emotional refining.

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What I mean by that is: when weโ€™re not getting a need met in the relationship, the first thing that usually shows up is frustration toward our partner, which weโ€™re then tempted to react with and spit out in its raw, unrefined form (which is messier than it needs to be).

But hidden inside of each frustration is a need. If we can take a moment, we can usually identify that need, and then present it in a more clean, productive, skillful way. 

Hereโ€™s an example of the exact opposite of what we want to doโ€ฆ

Iโ€™d known a couple for 5-6 years, who seemed happy and compatible enough. But a few months ago, completely out of the blue, the woman suddenly wanted to break it up.

The only reason she could explain was, โ€œI feel like you donโ€™t give me enough romantic experiences.โ€ He was taken aback by this and asked what she meant by that, and what that looked like for her, or what she would like for him to do. To which she replied, โ€œYou should just know. If I tell you then itโ€™s not romantic.โ€

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What was coming up for this woman was that she was on, what I call, the regress express. In other words, she had regressed into her childhood self (we all do it sometimes!) and was in a place where she wanted her partner to be able to read her mind (like her caregivers did when she was a child).

Now, itโ€™s important to acknowledge that we all have this inside of us. There is a part in all of us that wants to remain a child forever and get what we want without having to express it or put in any effort. But in an adult, conscious relationship, we all must take responsibility for being aware of our needs, and asking for them to be met, when appropriate.

So, back to the more skillful way to express a need while maintaining a polarized charge.

First: Make an ask, not a complaint.

Second: Build a clear desired destination into your ask, so your man can take a course of action needed to satisfy that need.

Put another wayโ€ฆ itโ€™s like saying you have a desire to get to the next town over, and then leaving the spaciousness necessary for him to figure out how to get you both there.

Men love to take initiative and solve problems. By using this strategy, you can recruit that core aspect of their nature and ensure that both of you get your needs met, while also getting to maintain a sense of polarity and romantic charge in your relationship.

Once you see this work in your favor, youโ€™ll feel like youโ€™ve seen through The Matrix.

(And if you want to learn more about this concept, from a womanโ€™s perspective, you can read my partnerโ€™s article How To Ask For Things In A More Feminine Way.)

A Mindful Memo

Though this has all been written up into a tidy little blog, letโ€™s acknowledge that these are some of the deepest and most nuanced parts of ourselves and our relationships.

It takes a lot of practice to do things like align with our purpose, understands different dialects of vulnerability, and communicate our needs skillfully.

They are no small tasks. But they are the most important things we can master within ourselves and with others, which too few know of and practice.

But from what Iโ€™ve seen, even in your initial stages of making efforts, Iโ€™m confident that you will already start seeing great shifts in your relationship, or in the next one you begin.

And youโ€™ll be living in a whole new level of love.

Dedicated to your success,

Are you ready to build a better relationship with your man? If you found this post helpful leave a comment.

Written by: Jordan Gray
Originally appeared on Jordan Gray
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3 Tips For A Better Relationship With Your Man

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