What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


What Makes You Beautiful? Beauty Secrets Of Twelve Zodiac Signs

Have you ever thought about what makes you beautiful to the world? Is it something you do intentionally or something inherently makes you look fab? 

When do you think that you look your best? Is it when youโ€™re finally out of the salon after getting your hair and nails done, or is it after a day at the spa being pampered and massaged?

Sometimes we look our hottest right after having sex when our makeup is smeared and our hair is in a tangled mess but we feel satiated and satisfied.

Itโ€™s true that when you feel good, you look good; itโ€™s difficult to feel attractive when youโ€™re sick or upset. You can put on your makeup and fix your hair but itโ€™s hard for your eyes to hide sadness or anger.

Most people arenโ€™t at their most attractive when theyโ€™re heartbroken and crying or when theyโ€™re furious with someone.

On the other hand, just being youโ€™re being chill and calm doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that youโ€™re looking your best.

True beauty involves intelligence, passion, and energy. If you are groomed to the teeth but have an ugly personality, youโ€™re not beautiful.

Taking care of your body โ€” being careful to eat healthier foods, taking vitamins, and working out โ€” also adds to how great you look.

Itโ€™s hard to feel good when youโ€™re bloated or feel like crap. You might enjoy eating that junk food, but too much of it and your skin and body will pay the price.

You look your most beautiful when you feel good and have confidence. There are times when we look amazing that we might not be aware of and would be surprised if we knew how hot we looked.

Does happiness and/or satisfaction affect your appearance? The answer is yes!

Astrology can tell you what makes you look your most beautiful, according to your zodiac sign.

What Makes You Beautiful According To Your Zodiac Sign?

If you’re wondering “What makes me beautiful?“, read on!

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

beautiful aries
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You look your most beautiful when you’re challenging yourself and succeeding beyond your own expectations.

You love winning and you especially love succeeding at things that are unexpected to you. You keep raising the bar for yourself and your pride in accomplishment shows in your face.

Read Also:  Things To Keep In Mind If Youโ€™re In Love With An Aries

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

beautiful taurus
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

There’s something about being around the people that you love in a comfortable and warm environment that makes you look amazing. You thrive at holidays, gatherings, showers, and birthdays โ€” anything that involves family, food, and fun and you’re happy.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

beautiful gemini
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You shine when you’re in a learning environment, especially one where there’s a lot of discussion and exchange of ideas. Education looks good on you and you seem to come alive when you’re being intellectually stimulated and challenged.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

beautiful cancer
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You know those people who look amazing when they’re in love? That’s you! When you’re in love, your eyes are lit from within, your smile is dazzling, and you exude happiness.

The funny thing is that your beloved doesn’t even have to be in the same room; you’ve got the look of love all the time.

Read Also:  7 Reasons Why Cancers are the Best Lovers In the Zodiac

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

beautiful leo
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You’re one of those people who grabs the attention of almost everyone. You’re always well-put-together, well-groomed and confident.

You walk into a room and all eyes are on you and you love it. You grow even more beautiful when people are looking at you like a flower blossoming because of the sun.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

beautiful virgo
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You look the most beautiful when you’ve got the answer to the problem that no one could figure out.

You pride yourself in knowing things and you love being able to show off your knowledge. Having all the answers or knowing how to get them makes you feel self-assured and special.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

beautiful libra
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

When you’re socializing with friends, is your time to shine. You’ve taken special care in getting ready and you feel extra good when you’re with people who understand and love you.

You want everyone to feel as happy and comfortable as you, and both you and your heart are gorgeous.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

beautiful sco
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

It probably is no surprise that when you’re feeling something passionately and intensely, you’re at your hottest.

You could be angry or deliriously happy but there’s just something about the combination of you and some major emotion that is extremely hot. Perhaps it’s because you throw your whole self into your passion and the energy of it is intoxicating.

Read Also:  The Good and Bad of Loving A Scorpio (12 Brutal Truths)

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

beautiful sag
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

When you’re stimulated by something new, you’re very appealing. You thrive on learning new things, change, challenging philosophies, and (foreign to you) traditions and customs.

It’s not that you’re not good-looking when dealing with the same old thing day after day, it’s that you flourish under new circumstances.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

beautiful cap
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You’re at your most attractive when you’re laughing and loosened up. You’re not always the most relaxed person and you tend to be fairly reserved, so when you let go and laugh, it’s refreshing to see that side of you.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

beautiful aqua
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You look your best when you’re right out of the shower. You love not knowing what the day will bring and what wonderful things may happen. It’s your optimistic attitude that makes you so beautiful.

Read Also:  The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

beautiful pisces
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You could be your own muse because of how unbelievably beautiful you look when you’re right in the middle of a creative project. Whether you’re creating art or a seating chart, your energy and focus toward it make you look amazing.

Written by Christine Schoenwald
Originally appeared on Yourtango.com

So, could you figure out what makes you beautiful according to your zodiac sign? What makes you different makes you beautiful, so the real question here is what makes you different from the rest?

We hope that with the help of your unique zodiac traits, you shine like a beautiful star, always!

what makes you beautiful
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
What Makes You Look Your Most Beautiful Self, According To Astrology
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
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What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
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What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
what makes you beautiful
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
what makes you beautiful
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
what makes you beautiful
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
what makes you beautiful
What Makes You Beautiful Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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