Why You Suddenly Miss Me


you suddenly miss me

When you broke up with me, I thought you wouldn’t miss me. For you it was almost a relief to be done with the relationship you and I had. You tried to be rational and think to yourself that you and I wanted different things out of life and that it was probably for the best.

You thought you wouldnโ€™t miss me anymore and youโ€™re probably not willing to admit this. But you find yourself thinking about me and all the memories weโ€™ve spent together.

It has been years that you and I have spoken to each other. Somehow you reached out to me and told me that youโ€™ve tried your best to forget the memories but cannot let go. You said you missed me. But why? You were the one who left me. I thought that not being with me made you happy.

Now I have realized why you cannot let go of our memories.

Why You Suddenly Miss Me

1. You Miss Me Because I Was Genuine To You

I genuinely loved you, every moment that we shared together. I never faked my concerns and always told you how exactly I felt at that moment. Do you remember all the times when I told you how beautiful your smile was? I meant that. Every compliment I gave you, I meant it from the bottom of my heart, even if it was for the hundredth time.

I was always true to you and never lied about anything. I never evaded your questions, when you asked me who I was with. I was always honest with you and you never had to worry about me being deceitful because you actually trusted me. Now you find yourself not being able to trust anyone else, and you realize how easy it was to trust me.

2. You Miss Me Because I Was There For You When Nobody Else Was

When you were upset, I made every effort to be there for you through thick and thin. In the most difficult situations, I held your hand and hoped that you were with me as well. I was there to help you before your work event, consoling you through late-night phone calls during a family drama and also on boring nights.

I was there for the difficult conversations as well as the silence. I was always available whenever you needed me, and you didn’t even have to ask for it. I hoped you’d never be reminded of that horrible night when I sat beside you, holding you when you were sick. And now that you’re in a similar situation with no one to help you, you miss how I was always there for you.

miss me
Why You Suddenly Miss Me

3. You Miss Me Because I Understood You 

You didn’t even have to tell me anything and I knew what you needed. I could read your eyes and the pauses between our conversations. I could understand it all. When your silence meant approval or disappointment and even contemplation.

I understood the way your hands held mine. The look on your face when you were frustrated, the way you smiled when you wanted to share something good that happened at work, the way you trembled when you were agitated and I also understood when you needed space. I understood you and I didnโ€™t ask for explanations. Now you find yourself explaining these little things to others, hoping they would understand as I did.

Related: This Is When You Are Gonna Miss Her Most

4. You Miss Me Because I Forgave You 

Do you remember those sleepless nights when we fought or the time you shouted at me? I remember when you said you were not happy with the relationship and how hurt I was but I forgave you eventually. I know you said those things out of anger and had your reasons to.

Those words still haunt me, but I never complained to you and I waited for you to realize it. Now you miss me because you miss how I would tolerate you and understand your mood swings.

5. You Miss Me Because I Always Put You Before Myself 

For you, I was the person to get away from your depressing surroundings, and nothing more than a distraction. In the midst of a hectic workday, I was the cute text that kept you going. I was the reassuring morning call before a presentation, the smile that kept you sane.

Even if something you did hurt me, I put my ego aside and gave our relationship another chance. I did all of this because you meant the world to me. I changed myself for you, and for both of us. I made you my priority and now you miss me because no one else does these things for you.

6. You Miss Me Because You Realized You Lost The One Who Truly Loved You 

When you sit back and retrospect about all the times you were wrong, stubborn, frustrated, and failed to understand me. You left because I felt too much for you. But it’s too late now to realize that you’ve lost the one and only person who loved you.

Behind that smile, I knew who you were. I accepted all of your flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities. Even when you were difficult to understand, I accepted you wholeheartedly.

I assumed you didn’t want me. Now it appears that you have every reason to miss me.

miss me
Why You Suddenly Miss Me

Related: When I Say I Miss You, This Is What I Mean

The Takeaway

When you miss someone the feeling may be painful. It’s also an isolating experience. You think about them all the time. And the more you try not to think about them, the more you find yourself doing so. And sometimes you wonder if they miss you as much as you miss them.

It’s difficult for you to focus on anything other than thinking about them. Talk to them if you want to let everything out without worrying about what could have been. Don’t ponder in regret, instead tell them how you feel.

This Is Why You Suddenly Miss Me
Why You Suddenly Miss Me
Why You Suddenly Miss Me
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Why You Suddenly Miss Me

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  1. Jyoti Agarwal Poddar Avatar
    Jyoti Agarwal Poddar

    Hmmmm !!!! I know !!! I m fond!!! of old classics ,melodies !!!

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