Why Men Suddenly Lose Interest When Dating: 6 Reasons


Why Men Suddenly Lose Interest When Dating

Things were going so well, your relationship is him is turning to the point of a serious one, your man is too attentive. Suddenly he is not that into it, he’s lost all his interest in you and this relationship. You’re left wondering the reason for him to turn his back on you overnight. Sadly, this unfortunate scenario is quite common in relationships. There are some reasons why a man pulls away and started ghosting his partner.

Hi, this is Nicole Elissa with Commitment Connection.

Today, Iโ€™m going to share six things that make men lose interest while getting to know you.

If youโ€™ve met a guy or a man who you really like and you want to avoid him losing interest then I invite you to read until the very end because it will really help you avoid subconsciously pushing him away.

Iโ€™ve heard from a lot of women who have regret because they did something unconsciously that led to the man leaving them.

Even though I believe that all things are perfect, itโ€™s important to really forgive yourself and to create conscious practices that will help you create the sort of attraction and that will inspire a man to be interested in you by being who you are.

Now, Iโ€™m going to share six things that make men lose interest.

Number two and six are my favorite and I believe that they are really important to work on.

Make sure you read until the very end so you get the opportunity to create, cultivate, and enhance the attraction thatโ€™s currently going on between you.

1. Your self-respect is missing.

lose interest
Why Men Suddenly Lose Interest When Dating: 6 Reasons

The first thing that makes men lose interest is when they notice a woman that doesnโ€™t have self-respect.

This is something that men notice on a subtle level sometimes when you demonstrate that youโ€™re lacking boundaries when it comes to how you desire to be treated.

This is where itโ€™s important for you to really honor your womanโ€™s intuition.

If you really feel that somebody is not treating you right or they are lying to you, itโ€™s important to stand your ground and to really honor what you known to be true and not lie to yourself.

I have seen that when we believe that thereโ€™s not a lot of possibilities or a lack of potential suitors, we can lie to ourselves and say,

โ€œWell, this guy is perfect.โ€

โ€œThis guy is amazing.โ€

Even though you might notice that heโ€™s not necessarily treating you with the highest standards possible.

So when you realize that there is something that is trespassing a boundary, itโ€™s important to talk about it and set boundaries with love for yourself and for the person in front of you and really communicate.

Men love a woman who really respects and honors herself.

When you showcase that with love, itโ€™s a big turn-on for men. So it is important to honor your boundaries, know them and share them.

When a man sees that you are lacking self-respect, then that makes him lose interest.

Read: Why We Lose Interest in People Who Show Too Much Interest in Us

2. You project your insecurities on him.

The second thing that makes a man lose interest are projections.

If you donโ€™t take the time to really understand your feelings and emotions and understand where certain feelings and emotions come from, you might project insecurities on him from the very get-go. This creates a barrier where he cannot really feel you or sense you.

It doesnโ€™t feel safe for him to come in because youโ€™re not fully seeing him clearly.
This leads me to the third thing that makes men lose interest which is related.

3. You have unhealed patterns and past relationships.

This is when you have unhealed patterns or you have unhealed past relationships that you havenโ€™t really fully healed or made peace with.

Those projections can be so strong that when a man is coming at you with genuine intentionsโ€” all you have are walls and fears.

You cannot see him clearly because you havenโ€™t really healed or processed those past experiences.

This makes him lose interest because itโ€™s a losing battle for him.

Youโ€™re not really seeing him.

Youโ€™re seeing a bunch of other people who you didnโ€™t like where things didnโ€™t really work out.

It doesnโ€™t feel good, right?

4. You have a tendency to blame.

The fourth thing that makes a man lose interest is when a man notices that you have a tendency to blame.

This is not just about men, itโ€™s something that we notice in general on both sides when someone wants to blame another human being for how they feel.

If you have a tendency to tell men, โ€œyou are making me feel this wayโ€ without processing your feelings first and realizing that he did something and now you are feeling a certain way.

Instead, you could empathize and think to yourself:

โ€œIโ€™m wondering if those were his intentions.โ€

โ€œDoes this come from past experience?โ€

โ€œHow can I take ownership for how Iโ€™m feeling and then communicate it to him in a more loving way rather than blaming and pointing fingers?โ€

Once again, blaming him is a losing battle for men.

So if he notices you blaming others for your feelings, then itโ€™s going to make him lose interest.

5. You donโ€™t respect him.

Then the fifth thing that causes men to lose interest is when you have a lack of respect for him as a person and as a man.

If a man notices you have a constant habit of making his beliefs wrong or he feels that heโ€™s being falsely accused by you and youโ€™re not showing respect towards himโ€” it wonโ€™t feel like a partnership or the right opening to create a relationship.

Itโ€™s really important here to look at the way in which we communicate with a man.

Coming from a place of curiosity rather than accusation or defensiveness really makes a big difference. That mindset can actually invite positive communication with a man rather than having him pull away, shut down, and lose interest in you.

6. You lack self-love.

Then the last thing that makes a man lose interest is the lack of self-love for yourself.

Self-love is key. If a man senses that you lack love for yourself and you arenโ€™t willing to do something about that, itโ€™s not his responsibility to create the space for you to love yourself.

You need to source love from within and work on that and have a willingness to really love and appreciate yourself.

Self-love could look like a better body image, learning how to celebrate yourself, feeling good about yourself, removing all perfectionism, or working on it.

You need to have that willingness to love yourself and let that show.

The opportunity for you to show love to yourself first and work on loving yourself more every single day means that you wonโ€™t blame, project, or use all these insecurities to attack him or create separation and drama inside of the potential relationship that is forming.

Itโ€™s important for us to be emotionally responsible and really look at whatโ€™s going on on the inside because when both sides do this, then you create the space for true intimacy.

Read: 6 Things To Do If Heโ€™s Losing Interest In You

Before you go, I want to share some words to tell a man that will make him want to give you the relationship youโ€™ve always dreamed ofโ€ฆ

These words form something called a โ€œLove Frameโ€ that makes him feel like itโ€™s his mission in life to treat you like a queen.

Written by Nicole Elissa
Originally appeared in AttractTheOne.com
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Why Men Suddenly Lose Interest When Dating: 6 Reasons

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