4 Tips To Start Your Day Effectively


4 Tips to start your day effectively

The way you start your day can affect your whole day. Discover 4 tips. 

You know, many of those reading this are those who tell their poor alarm to wake them up early in the morning and push the snooze button several times when that poor thing rings. Guess what, the first hours of your day would be frequently terrible. You will find yourself running against the time, always in a hurry. Why? Just because of the gap you have created between waking up and getting up.

You wouldnโ€™t have a proper breakfast and showering wasnโ€™t a pleasurable and relaxing moment as it should be. All this will be ruined by the gap that you have created. You know that you are late for your office, school, or anything that relates to starting your day, but you cannot do anything except to cut the short time that should have been given to each activity.

Believe me, ninety percent of the problem will be solved once you will conquer the gap between waking up and getting up. This will give you the necessary time to prepare your body and mindset for the day, you will have enough time to plan out your day effectively.

Now I shall share with you the formula to start your day effectively. 4 tips to start your day.

1. Sleep for at least 7 hours and Start Early.

If you want to sleep for a minimum of 7 hours and wake up early in the morning you will have to go to bed at a decent time. At initial stages, you might have to force yourself to get up but at the end of the day, you will be begging for your bed. This will soon be turned into a habit and you will be used to this routine in less than a week. Remember, You have to Conquer the Gap between Waking Up and Getting Up. Wake up with the first alarm, avoiding using the snooze button.

Read 7 Tips For Living A Happy Life

2. Take care of your body.

Breakfast: Now that you managed to conquer the gap between waking up and getting up, itโ€™s time to have some proper breakfast.
Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast โ€“ Thatโ€™s actually how the name originated, Breaking the fast. Researchers believe that breakfast may help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite and energy.

Exercise: If you are an intellectual and think that exercises wonโ€™t make any difference in your life, did you know that exercises have a fundamental role in learning? Physical exercises increase the number of neurons being born and surviving. So work your ass off and do at least 10-15 minutes of exercise. It can be 2-3 series of push-ups or abs. Anything and everything will work.

Drink Water: Drinking water every half an hour. As we saw before, water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins and gives your brain fuel. So, we have enough reasons to drink a lot of water during the day.

3. Take care of your mind.

Your mind is the think tank, it will guide you through a hundred decisions throughout the day, some more important and some less. So you need to prepare your mind for this should be a crucial step in your early hours of the day.

4. Plan your day.

Plan an effective day, not an efficient one. Efficient people are always busy. Try asking them what they have accomplished during their day, they donโ€™t have much to tell.

Make this a routine to put your plans on a paper, your priority list. Start with 5-6 points. If you hesitate with any of them, thinking about how it can be done or will you be able to achieve a particular task, cut it from the list. If you end up with just 1 priority you should probably review your goals.

Read 6 Challenges You Need To Face To Get Better At Life

Hope You Enjoyed reading this, it can inspire some of you to become more effective and achieve your goals.

Read more such Inspiring thoughtful articles on www.thousandthoughts.org

The way you start your day can affect your whole day Tips to start your day effectively
4 Tips to start your day effectively
4 Tips to start your day effectively
4 Tips to start your day effectively

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