The Two Islands: This Personality Test Will Reveal Your Priorities In Life


The Two Islands

Below is the story of two islands. Read the whole story, and try to answer as quickly and spontaneously as you can. Your answers in this interesting personality test will reveal a lot of things about your character and personality, which maybe you also had no idea of. Also, no cheating!

Read the story below and answer as spontaneously as possible.

There are two neighboring islands. On one island, lives only two men, a civilized man, and an uncivilized savage. The other island is inhabited by many people, and among them lives a girl who is madly in love and in a relationship with the civilized man.

The girl wants to go over to the other island to meet him, so she asks the only boatman on her island how much it would cost him to take her there. The boatman replies that he is not interested in money, and all she has to do is stay naked in the boat. The girl is disgusted and heartbroken hearing this. Due to this difficult predicament she is in, she goes to the island’s wise man and asks for his advice.

The wise man listens to her story attentively, and after she is finished, simply tells her one thing – “Do what your heart tells you, my child”. The girl listens to her heart, and tells the boatman she will do what he wants, as long as takes her to the other island. He agrees and they set sail.

However, when they reach the other island, the uncivilized savage goes crazy seeing her naked body, catches hold of her, and rapes her. While this is going on, the civilized man comes upon the scene, and witnesses everything. He completely loses his temper and tells the girl that she is not good enough for him anymore, he never wants to see her ever again, and ultimately asks her to leave.

Now assess the five main characters of the story (civilized man, uncivilized savage, girl, wise man, and boatman), from a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the best person with the best character, and 5 being the worst person with the worst character.

Now once you are done, read the interpretations of your choices below.

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Interpretations Of Your Answers

Each character of the story and your choices represent your life priorities.

1. Girl – your desire and need for a happy and emotional relationship.

2. Wise Man – signifies how much you depend on rationality and logic.

3. Boatman – your thirst for earning money.

4. Civilized man – how much you care about other people’s opinions.

5. Uncivilized savage – how vital sex is for you.

How did you the rank the characters, and what did you get? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You !
The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You!
The Two Islands: An Unusual Personality Test That Will Surprise You !
Two Islands: Personality Test
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The Two Islands: This Personality Test Will Reveal Your Priorities In Life

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  1. Kate Hill Avatar
    Kate Hill

    1. Wise man. Advice was good but too vague for girl to follow accurately
    2. Savage. Just doing what came naturally. No evil in him
    3. Girl. Dozy cow was so besotted she wasn’t thinking straight. Should have stolen boat from sleezy boatman and took herself across.
    4. Boat man. Lecherous barsteward. Hope he got a hole in his boat
    5. Civilised man. Traitorous, twofaced, hypocritical rat bastard deserves hanging.

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