The 4 Secrets of Radiant Aging


Secrets of Radiant Aging

Secrets of Radiant Aging

What typically makes aging a struggle?

When we try to control it, deny it, fight it, or rigidly define the process. Truth is, to our egos, the idea of change is scary. It makes us feel that weโ€™re not in control of our lives. 

Though growing older may present you with the poignant surrenders of loss or โ€œdis-ease,โ€ the practice of radiant aging is to try to surrender to all the changes, growth, and miracles that come.

The following are the four types of aging–physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual that I discuss in my book โ€œThe Power of Surrenderโ€.

4 Types of aging

1. Biological Aging

Aging is not a disease. It is an organic evolution that we can honor and augment once we learn to tap our vital energies and surrender fears. 

How you age is more in your control than you might think. Research has shown that poor health isnโ€™t a necessary consequence of aging. If you practice healthy behaviors, take advantage of preventive services, and engage with family and friends, you are more likely to remain fit and have fewer medical issues. Itโ€™s essential to surrender the notion that you are too old or too sick to create positive change in your body.

2. Emotional Aging

What is emotional aging? On the positive side, it is the wisdom and radiance you gain over time from being committed to compassion, love, and an open heart. On the negative side, emotional aging can manifest as rigidity, bitterness, and resentments that are all etched on your face and spirit. You feel a heaviness of being, a numbness, a closing off which comes from clinging to hurts and resentments, the tightness of not surrendering year after year. 

As I try to do, dedicate yourself to surrendering bad ideas about aging that keep you feeling old. For instance avoid thoughts such as, โ€œWho would want me now?โ€ โ€œIโ€™m too fat,โ€ โ€œIโ€™m all saggy and wrinkled,โ€ or โ€œThe best part of my life is over.โ€ Though I understand the tendency to put yourself under a microscope, obsessing about โ€œflaws,โ€ disappointments, and shame is akin to cursing yourself. Even worse, itโ€™s self-fulfilling.

Read Why You Canโ€™t Improve Your EQ But Can Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

3. Energetic Aging

Having abundant energy is a precious gift. Itโ€™s associated with youth, though Iโ€™ve had plenty of twenty and thirty-something patients who are chronically exhausted from pushing themselves too hard and vibrant seventy-something patients whoโ€™ve told me, โ€œIโ€™ve never felt better.โ€ Nevertheless, many older people often say, โ€œI donโ€™t have the energy I used to.โ€

To counteract the energy decline associated with age, you must realize that thereโ€™s a fire within us that most people donโ€™t know about. Itโ€™s called the Kundalini energy, the coiled serpent power at the base of your spine. If you want to function at your peak, age radiantly, and live longer, itโ€™s crucial to awakening this force. Then it can rise up your spine like an electric current to your crown, nourishing your cells and life force, an experience my patients have called โ€œexhilarating,โ€ โ€œinvigorating,โ€ even โ€œorgasmic.โ€

4. Spiritual Aging

When you view aging from a spiritual perspective everything changes. Spiritual aging allows you to see that there is more to your life experiences than the material world or ego. The soul has a life of its own which is free of the time-space continuum. 

Numerous studies have found a strong link between spirituality, longevity, and physical and emotional health.

Spirituality has many advantages, including greater optimism, less stress, and loneliness, more of a sense of belonging to a community. Believing in a higher power has been shown to impart strength during tough situations like grappling with serious illnesses and loss. When youโ€™re at peace and stress hormones arenโ€™t ravaging your system, youโ€™ll ageless and live longer. 

Never give up on hope or creativity or passion. Keep falling in love with the world. Once in a while, kiss the ground. Your life is an offering from spirit. Your body is the altar within which your soul grows. Something good has begun. Itโ€™s been coming for some time. Shining on you as you age. Shining on you, always.  

Read Reason for Being: Ikigai, The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Adapted from โ€œThe Power of Surrenderโ€ by Judith Orloff MD. More information at

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