How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts


How Deal With Sadness Zodiac Sign

Do you find it hard to express your overwhelming emotions? Knowing how zodiacs deal with sadness will make you see that you’re not the only one!

Everyone has their own way of dealing with sadness, and everyone’s way of coping is different from the others. If you are going through a tough time in your life, where everything seems bleak, then the key to dealing with sadness might lie in your zodiac sign.

To have a clear insight into how you deal with sadness, take a look at how zodiacs express sadness and gloomy thoughts according to astrology.

Read on to know more about the dos and don’ts regarding managing and expressing your melancholic emotions according to your zodiac sign.

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts

Here’s how how you deal with sadness based on your zodiac sign.

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Impulsive, blind with rage, and getting worked up is their normal habit. They become oppositional, but with less enthusiasm.

Make sure that you steer clear of an Aries when they are angry because they see red when they lose it. Aries always manifests their sadness with anger. Most of the time when Aries is upset, it is probably because they are hurt or sad.

As an Aries, the best way to deal with your anger is to let it channel through something, especially physical activities. Be it kickboxing, working out, adventure sports, etc., these can help you let all that anger out of your system.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

When Taurus feels sad, they isolate themselves and indulge in binge eating, and also become extremely lethargic.

They have a sense of โ€œme against the world,โ€ run short on patience, and lose their temper at the drop of a hat. When they are sad, they will prefer to be by themselves, and nothing anybody says or does can change that.

The best way to deal with your sadness, Taurus is to make the most of your alone time by doing things that make your heart happy.

Maybe reading a book, a trip to the museum, or going to the theatre alone, all these things will help you deal with your sadness without putting you in a lump.

Related: 10 Reasons Why Taurus Women Make The Best Love Partners

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Since a Gemini is used to making people laugh and smile all the time, they find it hard to deal with sadness themselves.

Moreover, they become quieter than they usually are. When a Gemini is sad, you will see them overthink, become silent, and seem to be โ€œelsewhere.โ€ Theyโ€™re fairly intolerable to sadness and dissociate from their feelings.

As a Gemini, your mind is always racing, so the best way to deal with your sadness is to reflect on it and write everything down. This will help you process your feelings and face them. Instead of running away from those feelings, it is important to confront them.

Related: Gemini: The Sign Of The Curious Soul

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

You will clearly know when Cancer is sad. They become emotional, needy, and clingy, and you will find them crying for the majority of the time.

Cancers are petrified of being left alone, and that is why they will always look for emotional and mental support from their close family and friends.

If you’re a Cancerian, you have powerful emotions, and that is why you experience everything more deeply than others.

The best way to deal with your sadness is to pour it into something and make something out of it. You might want to start a new hobby and invest your emotions, time, and energy into that.

Related: 4 Myths And Facts About The Cancer Zodiac Sign (as written by one)

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Leos display their stress by becoming excessively wound up like theyโ€™re on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

Theyโ€™re short-tempered and needy and are prone to turning themselves into a martyr. Leos become quite theatrical when they are sad, and build a narrative where they tend to portray themselves as the hero.

If you know Leo, then you will know that they are some of the most courageous people out there, and their ability to face their sadness head-on is truly admirable.

If you’re a Leo, you should find someone with whom you can talk about your problems, as this will help you the most.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

When a Virgo is sad, they have heightened compulsions, become unresponsive in conversations, and become blunt and oppositional.

Due to their obsessive and compulsive personality, they find it tough to deal with sadness. They start overthinking and over-analyzing every minor thing.

The best way you can deal with your sadness, Virgo, is to stop your over-introspection for a moment and see your sadness for what it is. Your practical nature will always help you to deal with your sadness and come out of it as a stronger person.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

When Libra is sad, they have feelings of instability and moodiness, with a reduced urge to socialize. They often feel hopeless, but try to stay happy and composed.

They stop doing the things that used to make them happy and lose all interest in them. Libra feels utterly hopeless when they are sad or depressed.

By nature, Libra, you’re an optimistic and hopeful person, and once you get that push and encouragement, you will be able to move on from your sadness easily.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Scorpios become hostile, isolated, and have violent mood swings. They exhibit intense melancholy with paranoia, and their own thoughts become scary to them.

Additionally, they can also manipulate people to get what they want and feel better, even though this ends up making them feel worse.

As a Scorpio, you’re an empathetic person, and it is best for you to fall back on your empathy to feel better.

One of the best things you can do is to spend time with animals and get in touch with your emotional side. You can also spend time with your loved ones. This will help you heal from whatever is hurting you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Sagittarius becomes more serious and tense, less tolerant, and is plagued with feelings of worry when thinking about the future. This makes them end up feeling lost and worse.

As a Sag, your ambitious nature can help you deal with sadness, but only after you have faced your feelings and actively worked on them. You can involve yourselves in things like yoga, meditation, journaling, traveling, etc.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

When Capricorns feel sad, they become unmotivated, hopeless, and start to overthink. They seem hyper-vigilant, forcing themselves to โ€œgo through the motions,โ€ but nothing really impresses them.

They lose inspiration and start to give in to their sadness and the slump that comes with it. Sometimes, they use substances to escape.

No matter how difficult it feels, Cap, you should try to move on from your sadness by diving into what makes you happy and passionate.

Another thing that might help you is reconnecting with your childhood. This reconnection will help you feel that childlike happiness again.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Aquarius hate sadness, and that is why they become uneasy and silent. They isolate themselves and detach, even though they attempt to appear happy.

They retreat inside themselves and feel nothing short of numb. On the surface, it might seem like they are fine, but on the inside, they are breaking down.

Contrary to what people think about you, Aquarius, you’re a very emotional person; it’s just that you need to get in touch with that emotional side of yours more often. You need to stop yourself from shutting off your emotions and you will be fine.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20):

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

Sadness leads Pisces to indulge in obsessive thinking and remember every bad event thatโ€™s happened to them.

They become anxious and isolated, and tend to โ€œfeel everything.โ€ This makes them inconsolable and guilty. Pisces constantly think that everything is their fault, including their sadness.

As a Pisces, the best way to deal with your sadness is by putting an end to your overthinking. You should distract yourself with something (or someone ) beautiful, that makes you happy.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

We hope you enjoyed our article on how each zodiac sign deals with sadness. Now that you know the 12 star signs deal with sadness, you can work on the way you process your emotions.

Don’t forget to share with us how you deal with sadness based on astrology in the comments down below!

Related: What Is Spirituality?

If you want to know more about how zodiacs deal with sadness, then check this video out below:

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness

How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Deal With Sadness Zodiac Sign pin
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts
How Deal With Sadness Zodiac pin
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts
How Deal With Sadness Zodiac Sign detailed pin
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness
How Zodiacs Deal With Sadness: Astrology Reveals How You Manage Your Gloomy Thoughts

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