14 Unique Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening


Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

Can you describe the shift of a spiritual awakening? The following article offers valuable information on symptoms of spiritual awakening and what it really means!

Have you experienced any symptoms of spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is โ€œyes!โ€

A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature.

As spirits, we are eternal in nature. However, when we are born into these bodies, many of us โ€œforgetโ€ our spiritual nature. We are often raised believing that we are disconnected from one another and that this life is our only existence.

When someone experiences a spiritual awakening, they become aware of their spiritual nature and begin to understand that they are indeed connected as eternal beings. As a result, they will often experience some specific symptoms of spiritual awakening.

Please note that not all people who experience a spiritual awakening will experience each of the following signs and symptoms, but they probably will experience at least a handful of them.  We each experience our spiritual awakening differently as we each have different sensitivities.

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14 Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening:

1. An Increased Interest In Metaphysical Subjects And The Paranormal

Often people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening will become very interested in metaphysical subjects and phenomena like crystals, tarot cards, reiki, psychics, and mediums. 

This interest can help the individual understand his or her spiritual awakening, as traditional subjects and education typically fail to address questions of a spiritual nature.

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2. Religious Interest

For some people, traditional religion provides a greater draw than metaphysics.  Again, as one becomes more spiritually awake, he or she often seeks to understand this new-found awareness, and religion may provide the answers to the questions the individual has.

Read Spirituality

3. Unusual Sensations In Your Crown

The crown of your head is where your crown chakra resides, and your crown chakra is what connects you to source energy. When your crown is buzzing or experiencing other sensations, it is an indication that you are well-connected and in a receptive state to the energy of the universe.

4. Ringing In The Ears

Some people who are experiencing spiritual awakenings experience a ringing in the ears which often happens when we are in the process of ascension. Just as a dog can hear higher-pitched sounds, ringing in the ears indicates that you too are becoming more sensitive to higher frequencies.

5. Vertigo

The process of ascension is one of transformation and change. As our energy ascends, sometimes you may feel off balance. Deep breathing and meditation can help ground you if you are experiencing vertigo.

Signs You’Re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

Read The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening โ€“ Which one did you experience?

6. Increased Chills Or Shivers Not Due To Illness

Chills and shivers are a sign that you are very connected to the “Source Energy”, as such you are โ€œbuzzingโ€ with energy. These are physical symptoms of spiritual awakening.

7. Taking Things Less Seriously

When an individual understands that they are infinite and eternal beings, they are able to take a grander perspective. Suddenly, the problems and issues that are happening in the present moment can be seen for what they really are: temporary, and largely insignificant.

8. Increased Empathy And Compassion

In a spiritual awakening, we become aware of our connection with all people. As a result, those who are experiencing spiritual awakening are more likely to interact with others through love and acceptance.

9. Receiving The 11:11 Call With Regularity

1111 is often regarded as the spiritually significant numerical sequence. Those who are experiencing a spiritual awakening often see 11:11 on a digital clock, on phone numbers, on license plates, on receipts, and in other places.

10. Regular Instances Of Synchronicity

Synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, become commonplace.

11. Accepting Death

If you become aware of your eternal nature, death starts to feel less scary and more acceptable. In a spiritual awakening, one may come to comfortably understand that death is simply a transitional state, rather than an absolute โ€œend.โ€

Read 12 Signs Youโ€™re Experiencing Spiritual Death (and rebirth)

12. An Interest In Activities That Foster A Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

An Interest In Activities That Foster A Mind-Body-Spirit Connection
What Are Your Spiritual Awakening Symptoms?

For example, yoga, meditation, or martial arts.

13. Receiving Messages, And Understanding What They Are

When we become connected to our spiritual nature, we become aware of messages sent to communicate with us or inspire us. For example, at a critical moment, you might see exactly the words you need to see written on a street sign or billboard. You might also see a cloud formation that is significant or meaningful to you, like a heart or an angel.

Receiving Messages, And Understanding What They Are
Signs And Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

14. Experiencing โ€œOnenessโ€

This rare symptom must be felt to be understood, but it is a moment of total clarity, whereby an individual feels wholly connected to everything in the universe. Deep meditation can help facilitate this knowing feeling.

Can You See The Spiritual Awakening Signs?

Have you experienced any of these unique symptoms of spiritual awakening?

Written By Andrea Schulman
Originally appeared on RAISE YOUR VIBRATION TODAY
Printed with the author's permission

Not everybody experiences symptoms of spiritual awakening, but if you do, then you are one of the lucky ones.

If you want to know more about the symptoms of spiritual awakening, then check out this video below:

Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

14 Unique Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening
14 Unique Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening
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14 Unique Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening
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14 Unique Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

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  1. Lindokuhle Mdaka Avatar
    Lindokuhle Mdaka

    I have experienced most of those symptoms but the thing is I end up in a mental institute after experiencing most of those symptoms and some of them trigger my insomnia. How can I keep on track ( meaning how can I continue to evolve spiritually without ending up in a mental asylum).

    1. Nathan Avatar

      Meditate and ask your highself for mental strength so to withstand the frequency,prepare you mind Lindo because the information can damage you mentally if not well prepared

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