How A Strong Woman Says Goodbye

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How a strong woman says goodbye tells everything you need to know about her mettle. Read the following article to find more on this topic.

A strong woman will say her goodbye differently as she is not just a woman. She wonโ€™t cry for a long time, she wonโ€™t blame your previous mistakes, and she wonโ€™t force you to stay either. She is familiar with separation as she is stronger because of it.

She will let you leave as she knows exactly that people are temporary and most of the time, life goes on with or without the one she has loved.

How A Strong Woman Says Goodbye

The following insights help a strong woman in saying goodbye to those who are not right for her anymore.

1. A Strong Woman Can Survive Alone

She will respect your decision to leave because she understands that you deserve to be happy and explore this whole world as long as you possibly can.ย A strong woman knows that she has to be survived alone and she will never rely on others just because her heart was broken.

A strong woman will always remember that attention and affection are the things that shouldnโ€™t be asked of other people because love should be simple and easy.

2. A Strong Woman Never Regrets Her Decision

She is the kind of woman who truly understands that the right people will always stay and if you decide to leave, she believes that she will meet countless new people along the way.ย She knows that every ending will always be followed by a new beginning and she is not afraid to start over. This kind of woman is tired of always being left behind and taken for granted, but she will never regret her decision to love you back then.

How a strong woman says goodbye reveals her inner strength.

3. A Strong Woman Never Loses Hope

She is fearless and she knows that she will be brave enough to open her heart again, even though she has been hurt for million times.

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This kind of woman will always keep her hopes alive as she believes that there are some people out there who wonโ€™t leave her side whatever happens.ย Your absence will teach her about her own worth and she will eventually realize that she will always be herself, with or without you.

Thus, rather than saying goodbye and mourning her loss of you, she will raise up once again and she will try her best to go through it one day at a time.

Your absence will be her fuel to pursue her unmet goals and dreams. She will not only survive, but she will also achieve her dreams. Despite the fact that she is broken beyond repair, she knows exactly that she will grow stronger than before as she always learns from pain and you gave her so many lessons.

Rather than saying goodbye and asking you to come back, a strong woman will learn how to forgive herself.

She will learn to love herself more than before as she realizes that self-love is the key to making her survive. She will try her best not to blame herself upon your decision to leave. She will try to convince herself that she had done her best to make you stay, yet youโ€™ve left her anyway.

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4. One thing for sure; when a strong woman says goodbye, she will never turn back.

So, when you come to your senses and realize that youโ€™ve made the wrong decision to leave her, it will be too late as she has already moved on. A strong woman will always keep moving forward as she will never live in her past. You are just a part of her past and she will keep it that way. She might give you a second chance, but she knows exactly that her trust towards you has been broken. Thus, she will forgive you, but she will never forget what you did.

When a strong woman says goodbye, that was the exact moment you will realize that she didnโ€™t lose anything; you lost her instead.

Written by Rayi Noormega
Originally appeared on Thought Catalog
Follow more of her work at or follow Rayi on Instagram

Frequently Asked questions

How do you say goodbye forever to someone you love?

You need to acknowledge their free will and wish them well if they want to part ways for good.

When a girl says goodbye what does it mean?

When a strong woman says goodbye, it means she has decided to move on.

How to say goodbye to a woman you just met?

If you donโ€™t wish to see someone anymore, the best option is to honestly convey the message to them without hurting their feelings.

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Strong Woman Says Goodbye
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