8 Signs You Have A Strong Personality That Might Intimidate People


Strong Personality Might Intimidate People

Not everyone has the ability to handle a strong personality because at the end of the day it intimidates people, and they hate it. People with strong personalities are mostly misunderstood for a lot of things, because of how they are and the vibes they give off. Sad, but true.

Many people think that you are a dominating person. Or you are rude. Or you are snobbish. At the end of the day, these are just judgments, assumptions, and presumptions, and it is far from the truth. You might have a strong personality, but on the inside, you are a gooey cream roll. It’s just that people don’t care enough to delve a bit deeper and see that side of yours.

Here Are 8 Signs You Have A Strong Personality That Might Intimidate People

1. You never entertain excuses.

A person with a strong personality never accepts excuses, and they never let other people waste their valuable time with stupid things. If you want to get something done, you will go ahead and do it, instead of constantly whining about it. You firmly believe in creating your own destiny rather than waiting for everything to fall on your lap.

You should never have any doubts about yourself when you are not making excuses. You are an incredibly strong personality who believes in walking the walk, and not just talking the talk.

2. You are choosy about who gets to be a part of your life.

When you have a strong personality, you never depend on anyone for anything, nor do you let anyone tell you how to live your life. You appreciate your loved ones, but at the end of the day, you control your life, and how you will live it is up to you. People who understand that, respect that and never tries to control you are the ones who get to be a part of your life.

You don’t just let anyone come into your life; they have to be worth your standards, which are very high by the way, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Related: 7 Reasons Being Alone Helps Build A Stronger Personality

3. You don’t have time for small talk.

You absolutely hate small talk, and you purposely try to avoid it as much as you can. You do not want to waste time talking about people when you could be changing the world. Small talk is for people who never try to make their dreams come true and always focus on irrelevant things, which is completely unlike you.

You would rather talk about things that are important, and deep. You love deep conversations where you will get to know the other person on a more intimate level. Meaningful conversations are something you always look to have with people.

4. You hate ignorance and insensitivity.

Ignorance, idiocy, and insensitivity are things you deeply despise, and you choose to stay away from people who embody these traits. Your strong personality is not the result of being dominating, but because of years of gaining knowledge and intelligence. You are sensitive, thoughtful, and smart, and that is what sets you apart from everybody.

You are always trying to be better than the previous day, and are constantly working on yourself to be better. So, when you see people being judgemental, idiotic, and cruel, you do not engage with them in any way.

Related: 9 Signs You Have a Strong Personality but Are Actually Pretty Sensitive

5. You are a good listener.

Anyone with a strong personality ends up being an amazing listener, and never tries to monopolize conversations. You will always try to put your best foot forward and try to understand what the other person is going through without trying to lecture them or make it about yourself. Always trying to be there for people who need you says a lot about you as a person.

Not everyone can be a good listener, so give yourself a pat on the back for this!

6. You never go looking for attention.

With an iron spine and stellar personality, you never try to seek attention from people; you end up getting it because of the respect people have for you. Attention seeking behavior is something you never indulge in, and you would rather let your talents and work do the talking for you because you are secure about yourself.

You know what you are made of, you know what you bring to the table, and most importantly, you know who you are; being in the spotlight was never a concern for you. Ever.

7. You are lion-hearted.

When you have a strong personality, being brave and courageous is kind of a package deal. You never shy away from challenges, nor do you get intimidated that easily. The inherent confidence and faith you have in yourself, help you to deal with the most difficult situations in life. You are lion-hearted in the truest sense.

When people see this side of yours, they naturally feel intimidated because not a lot of people have your determination and nerves of steel.

Strong personality
Strong personality

8. You see insecurities as useful opportunities.

Insecurity for you is an opportunity to do better. For you, perfection is not everything, and you know that if you are not learning to evolve, then you are not living life in the truest sense; you are just going through the motions like a machine and simply existing. You believe that life is much more than just existing.

They say everyone is insecure and this is probably true, but not every person has the strength to take their insecurities and use them as opportunities to better themselves. But you do.

Most people think that it is annoying and tough being around strong personalities, but it is simply their insecurities and misconceptions. If by being strong and determined you need to let go of a few people, then so be it. Life is too short to be someone you are not.

8 Signs You Have A Strong Personality That Might Intimidate People
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  1. Wayne Avatar

    Am I allowed to criticize your article here? I have no problem at all with the writing, only the analysis. It does though seem more designed to motivate people than to um….. offer a kind objective navigation, …..that’d be used as a solution to a problem.

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