9 Unusual Signs of Low Intelligence That Will Surprise You


Revealing Signs of Low Intelligence You Might Not Expect

We talk so much about people who are smart, intelligent, and highly intelligent, and don’t get me wrong, we should. They can actually inspire people. But what about the people showing signs of low IQ? It’s not always about grades and how many books we have read; sometimes it’s the little things they do that expose the signs of low intelligence.

While intelligence is considered to be a broad concept, including emotional, social, and practical intelligence, symptoms of low IQ can often be spotted in everyday behaviors and attitudes.

Today, we are going to dive into some surprising signs of low intelligence you might not expect, and also talk about how to deal with a low IQ person. So, are you ready to know the symptoms of low IQ and how a low IQ person thinks? Let’s go then!

Related: 16 Signs Of Low Emotional Intelligence

9 Major Signs of Low Intelligence

1. They are extremely insecure about themselves.

Insecurity and low IQ goes hand in hand, always remember that. A low IQ person, you will notice, is always looking for reassurance, but at the same time puts everyone else down. They do this, because they lack confidence and self-belief, and by humiliating others, they feel better about themselves.

They might avoid challenging situations because they’re afraid of failing. This insecurity can make them seek validation all the time or compare themselves to others, which isnโ€™t fun for anyone involved.

Instead of facing their insecurities and trying to improve and be a better person, they end up resorting to belittling others. This cycle of insecurity and defensiveness is one of the major signs of low intelligence.

signs of low intelligence
9 Unusual Signs Of Low Intelligence That Will Surprise You

2. They lack intellectual humility.

You know that one person who thinks they know everything and never admits when they’re wrong? Thatโ€™s someone lacking intellectual humility. People like this aren’t open to learning new things because they believe they already know it all.

This sort of an attitude can make them seem arrogant and close-minded, which is a big roadblock to growing smarter. They refuse to acknowledge their mistakes or learn from others, thinking their knowledge is superior.

This stubbornness not only stunts their intellectual growth but also makes it difficult for others to even speak with them.

3. They show signs of poor hygiene, dressing, and grooming.

When someone doesnโ€™t care about their hygiene or appearance, it might be more than just laziness. This is one of the subtle signs of low intelligence. Poor grooming and dressing habits can signal a lack of awareness about social norms and personal care.

They might not realize how important it is to make a good impression or simply don’t care enough to try. This can lead to awkward social situations and missed opportunities.

Moreover, when someone neglects their personal hygiene, it can be a sign of poor self discipline and a severe lack of understanding regarding how big an impact their appearance can have on their personal and professional lives.

4. They lack emotional intelligence.

Ever met someone who just doesnโ€™t get how others are feeling or can’t handle their own emotions? Thatโ€™s one of the signs of low emotional intelligence. These people might struggle to empathize, manage their emotions, or read social cues.

This can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and strained relationships, making it hard for them to connect with others. They may come across as insensitive or detached, unable to navigate social situations effectively.

This lack of emotional intelligence can significantly impact their personal and professional relationships, often leading them to feeling isolated and even get involved in fights and arguments.

Related: What Is Emotional Intelligence And Why Is It An Important Skill?

5. They lack critical thinking.

What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is all about analyzing information and making good decisions. But some people just donโ€™t have this skill. They might take things at face value without questioning or fail to see different perspectives.

This leads to them making poor decisions and they are unable to solve serious problems effectively, which isn’t really a good thing when it comes to handling life’s various challenges.

Instead of thinking things through, they tend to rely on their gut feelings or worse, follow the crowd, which can more often than not, lead to really bad outcomes.

signs of low intelligence
9 Unusual Signs Of Low Intelligence That Will Surprise You

6. They never look at the bigger picture.

A low IQ person will always ignore long term consequences and only focus on instant gratification. Because of this short-term thinking, they end up making impulsive decisions without considering what it might mean for them in the future.

This might result in financial issues, health problems, or broken relationships because they never think ahead. Additionally, they might even spend money impulsively and recklessly, neglect their health or make hasty decisions.

This inability to plan for the future and consider the long-term effects of their actions is one of the major symptoms of low IQ, as it shows a lack of foresight and strategic thinking.

7. They have a tendency of idolizing powerful people.

You will notice that one of the signs of low IQ is the habit of idolizing powerful people. Ever notice someone who blindly follows every word of a celebrity or authority figure? A low IQ person will often look up to powerful individuals without any critical evaluation.

They might believe everything a famous person says, which stops them from forming their own opinions and making informed decisions. This blind admiration can prevent them from thinking on their own and critically evaluate what they hear.

They tend to accept everything at face value, which can lead to misguided beliefs and actions. This tendency to idolize powerful people without critical thought is one of the major symptoms of low IQ and is also one of the signs of low emotional intelligence.

8. They get annoyed very fast.

One of the glaring signs of low intelligence is that it comes with a short fuse. People who get annoyed quickly might lack the patience and understanding needed to handle stress or navigate complex situations.

Their quick temper can lead to frequent arguments and damaged relationships, making it hard for them to keep friends. Instead of calmly dealing with problems, they might react impulsively, which can escalate conflicts and create unnecessary drama.

A low IQ person is incapable of managing their emotions and they find it very hard to stay calm under pressure. These are clear signs of low emotional intelligence and intellectual intelligence, impacting their personal and professional relationships.

9. They gossip behind others’ backs.

Enjoying gossip and talking behind others’ backs can be one of the signs of low IQ. People who gossip a lot often lack the emotional intelligence to understand the harm it causes. They might use gossip to feel superior or to fit in, but it ultimately damages trust and relationships.

Instead of focusing on their own growth and development, they waste time spreading rumors and negativity.

This tendency to gossip and talk behind others’ backs shows a lack of maturity and emotional intelligence, making it one of the clear signs of low intelligence.

Related: The Toxicity of Gossip: Why It Hurts Us More Than Anyone Else

How To Deal With A Low IQ Person?

1. Make sure you have clear, strong boundaries.

Establishing boundaries is extremely important when you dealing with a low IQ person. Make your limits clear and be consistent in enforcing them.

If they cross the line, calmly remind them of the boundaries you’ve set. This helps protect your mental well-being and prevents their toxic behavior from affecting you too deeply.

2. Always, always keep it simple.

Avoid getting into long-winded explanations or debates with them. State your point clearly and concisely, then move on.

Over-explaining does nothing but lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary drama. But, when you keep your communication clear and straightforward, it prevents them from twisting your words or creating confusion.

3. Stay calm and collected.

Maintaining your composure is very important when it comes to dealing with a low IQ person. Even if they try to provoke you, stay calm and maintain your composure.

Reacting emotionally tends to escalate the situation and gives them more power over you. Take deep breaths, count to ten if needed, and respond calmly to maintain your control over the situation.

signs of low intelligence
9 Unusual Signs Of Low Intelligence That Will Surprise You

4. Don’t take what they say personally.

How to deal with a low IQ person? Remember that their behavior reflects their issues, not yours. Donโ€™t let their negativity affect your self-esteem or sense of self-worth.

Remind yourself that their emotions and actions are not your responsibility. Having a perspective like this helps you remain resilient and unaffected by their problematic behavior.

5. Try to avoid them as much as you can.

Whenever possible, limit your communication with them. Low IQ people can drain your energy and negatively impact your mental health.

Protect yourself by spending less time with them and focusing on positive relationships. Surround yourself with supportive people who understand you and contribute positively in your life.


When you understand the signs of low intelligence and how to deal with a low IQ person, it helps you navigate your interactions with others more effectively.

Related: 11 Disguises of Low Self-Esteem

While everyone can show some of these traits occasionally, consistently displaying several of them might indicate a lack of intelligence. Remember, intelligence is not just about academics but also how we interact with the world and the people around us.

signs of low IQ
9 Unusual Signs Of Low Intelligence That Will Surprise You

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