Your Most Powerful Chakra Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Most Powerful Chakra based on your Zodiac Sign 1

Chakra is an energy center located in both physical and nonphysical bodies. This energy center acts like a node linking all bodies with physical and psychic functions. Each chakra is drenched with occult powers known for millennia. These focal points are affected by spirits, the energy of the earth, and of course the stars.

This is why each zodiac sign has one powerful chakra. Through this powerful chakra, each zodiac sign expresses both its advantages and sensitivities.ย 

Just like powerful chakras, do you want to know more about the most powerful zodiac sign? Check out this article here. The 4 Most Powerful Zodiac Sign and Their Secret Strengths

The Powerful Chakra of Each Zodiac Sign

The associations of Chakras with traditional alchemy dates centuries ago when the magic of the far East blended with the occult sciences of the West. Wise alchemists were put in charge to create these links for healing and empowerment.

Each of the 7 Chakra, correlates to one Planet, the traditional Governor of each Zodiac Sign.

Alchemical ladder

1. Aries: Sacral Chakra


The Powerful Chakra of Aries is the Sacral Chakra where Kundalini dwells. This is the Chakra located in the area of the Genitals pulsing a vibrant martian color. When activated, this chakra radiates confidence and magnetism.ย 

When blocked it creates guilt, shame and lack of self-confidence. Thatโ€™s when Aries gets mad. The true power of Aries comes from believing in himself/herself. When this faith is lost anger and frustration is activated.

Crystal and Metals associated with Sacral Chakra:

Iron the metal of Mars is associated with Sacral Chakra. Iron is used in Water of Mars โ€“ the ancient Witches recipe to banish enemies and fatigue. Bloodstone is also used to activate the Sacral Chakra in energy healing sessions. Ruby also activated Sacral Chakra.

Read Whatโ€™s your Power Chakra according to Your Zodiac Sign?

2. Taurus: Heart Chakra


Heart Chakra is where heartbeats in the centre of the chest. The Chinese associated a very important acupuncture point of the (CV) Conception Vessel Meridian which is used to heal heart problems and emotional imbalances. When activated everything is possible. We attract affection, healing energies and we are one with the World and Higher forces. Love is the key to all. Maybe this is why Taurus is so magnificent.

When blocked, emotional pain devastates us. Sorrow closes the Gate of Love and brings collapse to the energy of Taurus. Grief is like a parasite feasting on your vital energy. Time to say goodbye to sorrow.

Crystal and Metals associated with Heart Chakra:

Copper is associated with Venus, the planet (and Goddess) of Love and Beauty. Copper is used in many charms in order to channel the forces of Love in spells and rituals. Pink Quartz is also used to unblock heart problems and open ourselves to healing energies of Venus. Emerald also activated Heart Chakra.

Read How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Childrenโ€™s Show

3. Gemini: Throat Chakra


Governed by Mercury, Gemini has a sensitive and powerful โ€“ at the same time โ€“ spot. The throat is their powerful chakra which is associated with communication of any kind and self-expression. When activated we are creative and able to cope with difficult situations using our inspiration. Maybe this is why Gemini is so clever.

Lies and lack of self-acceptance blocks the Throat Chakra. When blocked is like we disable our capability to express ourselves leading to self-pity. Not being able to express ourselves is lack of freedom.

Crystal and Metals associated with Throat Chakra:

Mercury (the metal) is traditionally linked with Mercury (the God and the Planet). Remember that Mercury is highly toxic. Turquoise can help us achieve greater balance, accept ourselves and heal our emotional wounds. Hence give us strength for self-expression. Sapphire also activated throat chakra.

4. Cancer: The Chakra of the Third Eye


Located between our brows, the 3rd eye is, in fact, a focal point of psychic and subtle energies. Itโ€™s the gate from which psychic powers enter or project. When activated we receive ideas and information from other planes of existence. Maybe this is why Cancer is so enchanting.

Illusion blocks the third eye. Illusion seems to be caused by our intuition but in fact, itโ€™s an extension of our egotism. When blocked we feel lost, like nothing makes sense.

Crystal and Metals associated with Chakra of the Third Eye:

Silver is associated with the Moon and the Lunar entities and deities. Wearing silver jewelry activates the third eye chakra. This powerful chakra is also activated by sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Read The Real Truth about the Chakras

5. Leo: Crown Chakra


Leoโ€™s powerful chakra could not be but the most important one, the Crown chakra which is linked with the Sun. It is located on the top of our head and used in Raja (royal) Yoga in order to connect with the Divine Powers. When activated spiritual enlightenment shines through us. Maybe this is why Leo radiates grace.

When blocked we lose connection with the divine and all the matters are matter. This is how a Leo can become self-centered.

Crystal and Metals associated with Crown Chakra:

Gold, the Metal of Kings is associated with the Crown Chakra. The desired goal of the alchemists and the oldest form of currency. Diamond is also associated with the Crown chakra as it is believed to be the purest of all crystals. Clear quartz is also believed to be linked with this powerful chakra as it helps us banish negativity and connect with the Gods.

6. Virgo: Throat Chakra


Governed by Mercury, Virgo has a sensitive and powerful โ€“ at the same time โ€“ spot. The throat is their powerful chakra which is associated with communication of any kind and self-expression. When activated we are creative and able to cope with difficult situations using our inspiration. Maybe this is why Virgo is so bright.

Lies and lack of self-acceptance blocks the Throat Chakra. When blocked is like we disable our capability to express ourselves leading to self-pity. Not being able to express ourselves is lack of freedom.

Crystal and Metals associated with Throat Chakra:

Mercury (the metal) is traditionally linked with Mercury (the God and the Planet). Remember that Mercury is highly toxic. Turquoise can help us achieve greater balance, accept ourselves and heal our emotional wounds. Hence give us strength for self-expression. Sapphire also activated throat chakra.

7. Libra: Heart Chakra


Heart Chakra is where heartbeats in the centre of the chest. The Chinese associated a very important acupuncture point of the (CV) Conception Vessel Meridian which is used to heal heart problems and emotional imbalances. When activated everything is possible. We attract affection, healing energies and we are one with the World and Higher forces. Love is the key to all. Maybe this is why Libra is so enchanting.

When blocked, emotional pain devastates us. Sorrow closes the Gate of Love and brings collapse to the energy of Libra. Grief is like a parasite feasting on your vital energy. Time to say goodbye to sorrow.

Crystal and Metals associated with Heart Chakra:

Copper is associated with Venus, the planet (and Goddess) of Love and Beauty. Copper is used in many charms in order to channel the forces of Love in spells and rituals. Pink Quartz is also used to unblock heart problems and open ourselves to healing energies of Venus. Emerald also activated Heart Chakra.

Read What is your strongest Chakra? โ€“ Mind Game

8. Scorpio: Sacral Chakra


The Powerful Chakra of Scorpio is the Sacral Chakra where Kundalini dwells. This is the Chakra located in the area of the Genitals pulsing a vibrant martian color. When activated, this chakra radiates confidence and magnetism. Maybe this is why Scorpio is so attractive.

When blocked it creates guilt, shame and lack of self-confidence. Thatโ€™s when Scorpio gets mad. The true power of Scorpio comes from believing in himself/herself. When this faith is lost anger and frustration is activated.

Crystal and Metals associated with Sacral Chakra:

Iron the metal of Mars is associated with Sacral Chakra. Iron is used in Water of Mars โ€“ the ancient Witches recipe to banish enemies and fatigue. Bloodstone is also used to activate the Sacral Chakra in energy healing sessions. Ruby also activated Sacral Chakra.

9. Sagittarius: Solar Plexus Chakra


Sagittarius power chakra is the Solar Plexus which in fact is associated with Jupiter the planet of opportunities and expansion. It is located right under the Xiphoid process above the navel. This is an extremely powerful chakra for all occultists as there is the Gate of Astral Energy. When activated enthusiasm and opportunities appear. Maybe this is why Sagittarius are so good at receiving arcane wisdom.

Shame blocks the Solar Plexus. When blocked laziness is manifested and loss of willingness to move forward and create. This is a very important point for our health too.

Crystal and Metals associated with Solar Plexus Chakra:

Tin is the metal of Jupiter, the โ€œSun of the Night Skyโ€. Jasper and Tigerโ€™s eye is associated with this chakra and can help in unblocking its energy. Ruby can also be used.

10. Capricorn: Root Chakra


The Powerful chakra of Capricorn is the Root Chakra. Where is located is a subject of debate. Some believe that is located a couple of inches between your feet. Others believe that it is located at the base of our spine. No matter where is located when activated we feel creative, safe and that we can do anything in this world as we are a part of it. Maybe this is why Capricorn has such a good control of what they want.

Fear blocks the Root Chakra. When blocked we have a feeling of sickness and insecurity. We feel isolated, alone and weak.

Crystal and Metals associated with Root Chakra:

Lead is associated with Root Chakra. Obsidian is also linked with this powerful chakra which helps us ground and connects with the forces of Earth. Emerald is also associated with the health and powers of the Root Chakra.

11. Aquarius: Root Chakra


The Powerful chakra of Aquarius is the Root Chakra. Where is located is a subject of debate. Some believe that is located a couple of inches between your feet. Others believe that it is located at the base of our spine. No matter where is located when activated we feel creative, safe and that we can do anything in this world as we are a part of it. Maybe this is why Aquarius is so unusually creative.

Fear blocks the Root Chakra. When blocked we have a feeling of sickness and insecurity. We feel isolated, alone and weak.

Crystal and Metals associated with Root Chakra:

Lead is associated with Root Chakra. Obsidian is also linked with this powerful chakra which helps us ground and connects with the forces of Earth. Emerald is also associated with the health and powers of the Root Chakra.

Read What Are Chakras? A Quick and Easy Guide

12. Pisces: Solar Plexus Chakra


Pisces power chakra is the Solar Plexus which in fact is associated with Jupiter the planet of opportunities and expansion. It is located right under the Xiphoid process above the navel. This is an extremely powerful chakra for all occultists as there is the Gate of Astral Energy. When activated enthusiasm and opportunities appear. Maybe this is why Pisces are so capable of Magic.

Shame blocks the Solar Plexus. When blocked laziness is manifested and loss of willingness to move forward and create. This is a very important point for our health too.

Crystal and Metals associated with Solar Plexus Chakra:

Tin is the metal of Jupiter, the โ€œSun of the Night Skyโ€. Jasper and Tigerโ€™s eye is associated with this chakra and can help in unblocking its energy. Ruby can also be used.

Source: Magical Recipes Online
Republished with permission

Your Most Powerful Chakra based on your Zodiac Sign

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 Most Powerful Chakra based on your Zodiac Sign Pin

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