How To Make A Man Fall For You? 5 Phrases You Must Learn


Phrases Make Him Fall For You

Do you want to melt his heart this valentines week? Do you want to make him fall in love with you? Well, thereโ€™s a secret to making him want you and it is easier than you can imagine. It all depends on what exactly you say to him, when you say it, and how to say it to him. If you do this right, he will get instantly attracted to you. But, how to make a man fall for you?

As youโ€™ve probably heard your entire life, actions speak louder than words. And while thatโ€™s quite true, there are still certain phrases that will make him fall for you. But what are these whimsical words? Read this valentine special post to know.

Hey ladies, my name is Amy North, Iโ€™m a relationship coach from Vancouver, Canada. Today, I want to share with you 5 phrases that will hit a man so hard that he will be desperate for your love and affection.

Letโ€™s get started.

5 Phrases That’ll Make Him Fall In Love With You Instantly

1. โ€œCan you do me a favor?โ€

Itโ€™s no secret that guys like to feel manlyโ€” especially around their ladies. So, what better way to win him over than by commenting on his masculinity? Saying things like, โ€œYouโ€™re so strong,โ€ or, โ€œWhat big muscles you have,โ€ is without a doubt cheesy.

But donโ€™t worry, there are other ways to send the same message while keeping your calm, cool and collected attitude.

For instance, next time you need something opened, ask for his help or if you canโ€™t reach something, require his assistance. Letting him know that you need him and feel safe around him not only makes him feel good but when you make him feel like a man, it will keep him wanting to be around you.

And for the record, asking for help doesnโ€™t make you needy, weak, or a damsel in distress. So donโ€™t worry about that. Instead, asking for help shows him that you recognize his physical abilities and would appreciate his help.

Related: 5 Things He Needs To Feel Before He Can Fall In Love With You

2. โ€œI love your style.โ€

how to make a man fall for you
Make Him Fall In Love With You

As you may have heard from other relationship experts, commenting on someoneโ€™s looks isnโ€™t always the most compelling thing you can do. Why? Because that person didnโ€™t choose their looks. They inherited them from their parents. However, commenting on someoneโ€™s unique personal style is a whole other story.

Like women, men love it when women acknowledge and compliment the effort theyโ€™ve put into their appearance. Not only does it tell him that he was successful at looking good but it also tells him that you notice the little things.

Saying something like, โ€œI really love that jacket,โ€ or, โ€œYour pants are a great color,โ€ will boost his confidence and make him feel good around you. In other words, it will make him fall for you.

For more tips on how to win over a man, visit my website and watch the video presentation. Youโ€™ll also learn my secret tips for upping your game to make him crazy about you.

3. โ€œYouโ€™re really dedicated, hardworking, focusedโ€ฆโ€ etc.

You know how it feels when someone comments on the talent or skill you have? It feels good, right? Well, he thinks so too.

Find your manโ€™s talents and talk about them. That said, similar to the looks versus style issue, you donโ€™t want to comment on anything too obvious. If heโ€™s not full-time, then complimenting his writing ability isnโ€™t going to send him over the moon.

Instead, talk about the less obvious traits. Sticking with the writing example, you could comment on his ability to focus or his dedication to his work. Those kinds of phrases will trigger a greater response from him because heโ€™s not as used to hearing them.

Related: 10 Things All Men Love To Hear From Their Women

4. โ€œYouโ€™re so smart.โ€

Thereโ€™s no denying that guys like to feel strong and manly around women. And, a big part of feeling that way is knowing that you respect him and his opinions.

Letting a man know that you think heโ€™s wise, witty, bright, and brilliant will make him fall for you. An easy way to show him this is by making it known that you value his opinion.

To do so, bring your tough questions to him whether itโ€™s a matter of explaining worldly policies, geography lessons, or a music tutorial, let him show off his big, sexy brain. When he does, youโ€™ll catch him glowing. And better yet, when you are the one who makes him feel intelligent, heโ€™ll want you to be the one who stays close by.

5. โ€œI support you.โ€

how to make a man fall for you
Make Him Fall In Love With You

Again, this one can be dressed up, however, you see fit. But the point is to encourage your guy in whatever aspirations, dreams, goals, and ambitions he has. Your support can inspire him to be a better man.

When youโ€™re his biggest fan and he knows that youโ€™re in his corner, heโ€™ll fall for you. To do so, be the person he can share all his thoughts and dreams free of judgment. Even if you think his chances of becoming the next Jimi Hendrix are slim to none, cheer him on. Heโ€™ll love you for it.

I hope these phrases change your valentine’s day forever.

Did you know that there is a state of desire even more powerful than love?

Related: 7 Ways To Make Him Fall in Love Over Text Message

To learn a stupidly simple technique that will make any man obsess over you, head over to my website and watch the free presentation there now. If you have any other phrases that youโ€™d like to share then please post those in the comments below.

Until next time, take care and good luck! And have a happy valentine’s day!

Written By Amy North
Originally Appeared In Attract The One
make him fall in love
5 Phrases That’Ll Make Him Fall In Love With You Instantly
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How To Make A Man Fall For You? 5 Phrases You Must Learn
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How To Make A Man Fall For You? 5 Phrases You Must Learn
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How To Make A Man Fall For You? 5 Phrases You Must Learn

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