12 Old Fashioned Dating Rules We Should Make Cool Again


Old Fashioned Dating Rules To Make Popular Again

Remember the old fashioned dating habits? Let’s bring back those classic rules! Modern dating can be rough, so let’s revive the beauty of romance and make it less traumatic

And in this world of fast food and the likes, we now also have something called ‘speed datingโ€™. And that’s it, I’m out. I don’t want to meet a bunch of strangers and spend a couple of minutes with each other and suddenly decide who is good enough to cut. I want to experience the old fashioned dating traditions:  the time of the Gentleman and his Lady.

Old school dating in the golden โ€™70s would have been oh so romantic. At least it was real. In the world of Tinder and other matchmaking apps, authenticity doesn’t seem to be topping many lists of potential matches.

Also, dating meant more than just a quick meeting over coffee (definitely much more than Netflix and chill), it was a special occasion and the sincerity of the arrangements reflected it.

So, Here Are 12 Old Fashioned Dating Rules We Should Bring Back In Trend

1. Asking the girl out.

One of the old fashioned dating rules we should bring back is to stop dropping hints, or simply hang out together, it would be so much better if you straight ahead gather the courage to ask me out.

But nicely, make sure you don’t come off too strong and I get weary of you. But don’t worry too much, if you are sincere in your proposal, there will be no creeping out and it would be a welcome change for once to be asked out like that.

2. Putting efforts into dressing up.

Now, I am all up for comfort and feeling beautiful in our own skin. But is it so bad to expect a little bit of effort on the guy’s side in dressing up?

Don’t go all out and rent a suit, but do try to be presentable in one of your nicer outfits. I assure you that this effort on your part will not go unnoticed.

3. A token gift or flowers.

Now, this is something I have exclusively seen in old movies, but if your guy does this for you ladies, he definitely earned some respect today.

Carrying a flower or a small gift is such a sweet gesture, and as mentioned it is a gesture that is not weighed on the basis of money. It should just be heartfelt.

Related: 10 Unspoken Rules of Modern Day Dating that everyone should follow

4. Some old-fashioned dancing.

The clubs these days are just a little bit too loud for me and I don’t enjoy them all that much. They are mostly about inebriated dancing and the music makes a decent conversation and impossibility.

Ever thought of taking your girl to dancing, in the old meaning of the term. Find somewhere you two can slow dance. With a swirl and a whirl.

5. No phones.

This is perhaps the most sought after perk of old-time dating for me. I am so sick of two people going on a double date with their phones, where they never even look up long enough to see if the person is the same with whom they walked in.

6. A bit of chivalry.

A little bit of it sprinkled here and there wouldn’t be so bad either. Being chivalrous is one of those old-fashioned dating habits that seriously needs to make a comeback.

Like perhaps getting my coat for me, or taking out the chair for me, or holding the car door for me when we get in. I can go dutch on the money, but these gestures would be so appreciated.

7. Clarifying intentions straight ahead.

It is also appreciated when you know exactly what you are getting into.

You might be on the first date, or we might have been dating for a while, it would still be good to talk about where we are in the relationship and where it is headed.

Related: The 6 Month Curse of Dating

8. A night to remember.

A little bit of fancy dating too wouldn’t hurt once a while. Instead of always meeting up at Starbucks, a date at a proper, romantic (perhaps candlelit) restaurant would be so romantic.

Mixing things up a bit and having surprises in store is such a good way to show you care.

9. Dating, but not for sex for a change.

This is one of those old fashioned dating habits that has to come back! Thanks to Tinder and the can’t-wait attitude of our generation, dating has been such a hassle lately. No one expects to actually talk, and there is an even lesser chance of them being interested in knowing you better.

Taking things slowly, and properly analyzing the situation, whether the person is ready to make that move or not is so important. And it would make dating so much easier.

10. Saying the three words only if you believe they’re true.

I love you, as a phrase is perhaps the most overused term (without the actual feeling of sincerity) in the entirety of the English language. Or maybe the second after Sorry.

The point is people have become so accustomed to throwing it around like confetti that the real meaning has been lost. Instead, try using it only when you really mean it. And if you really feel like you are in love, then those three words will turn magical indeed.

11. Remembering small details which would make your date happy.

Little things go a long way in making your partner feel happy and special. Pay attention to their quirks, like what they like to order often, what drinks they prefer, what songs they like to sing along to.

And then surprising them with these, in the form of a surprise lunch, or picking out their choice of music for a road trip.

Related: Dating Today Is Like Giant Game Of Mind F*ck That I Refuse To Participate In

12. Being punctual.

And perhaps one of the rarest seen commodity today, punctuality. Being on time is so underappreciated but it does so much in making the experience a good one, as compared to a nightmare.

Never make your date wait, and for that even if you have to get ready 20 minutes before the time, well it is worth it all.

Share your thoughts on these old fashioned dating habits in the comments below!

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12 Old Fashioned Dating Habits We Should Definitely Bring Back In Trend
12 Old Fashioned Dating Rules We Should Bring Back In Trend
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12 Old Fashioned Dating Traditions We Should Bring Back In Trend
old fashioned dating
12 Old Fashioned Dating Rules We Should Make Cool Again

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